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Family, friends and fans of Badfinger response to "Without You: The Tragic Story Of Badfinger"

(Excerpts of letters and emails sent to the author from 1998 through year 2022)

John Ham (brother of Pete Ham)

This is a long overdue reply - an inexcusable omission for which we profoundly apologize. I suppose that it really stems from an inability to accept the fact that someone can even be remotely interested in the activities of an ordinary family in Wales.

To us, Pete was just Pete! When he came home to visit, he simply joined in whatever we were doing at the time - from helping as a builders "labourer" when we were extending out house, to the workbench at our music store, where he would revert to helping with guitar or amp repairs as he had done before becoming a "pro" musician. In short - not exactly 'starstruck', but completely down-to-earth, and rarely mentioning the ongoing Iveys/Badfinger/Collins/Apple saga unless we pressured him into it.

When the tragedy of his death occurred I think that as a family, we were so utterly shocked and incensed by what the "pop" music business had done to "our" Pete, that the anger towards such monsters as Stan Polley and co. never ever diminished. I believe, in fact, that my parents had still not recovered from the dreadful shock when they died some years later. And neither my mother nor my father was the same person after Pete died.

Subsequently, thorough the years, as a family, we were subjected to what we came to consider as a continual invasion of our privacy by the media, and from an assortment of people, some well-meaning and genuine and others (more numerous) who were blatantly obviously "on-the-make."

All of this, coupled with the unbelievably bad and parasitic behavior of many of Pete's so-called friends - the remaining members of Badfinger and the pathetic Collins, culminating in that ridiculous scene at the Awards Ceremony in Beverly Hills. The ironic side of the event was that virtually everyone who mattered in the "business" knew the truth! So, as you can probably gather from my scribblings so far, as a family, we are not, and never have been too enamored with the music business after our personal experiences of it.

One salutary event which sticks in my memory - and which in retrospect should have served as a warning of things to come - was a Badfinger gig at the Top Rank in Swansea (1974) - when none of the other members of the band were speaking to Pete and were completely ignoring him. I can remember telling him what I thought of them, and urging him to leave Badfinger. I wish he had listened to me.

There have obviously been many exceptions to all the rather negative things mentioned above and we have been contacted by many genuine, lovely people who have obviously been profoundly affected by Peter and his music. It is interesting that this common factor keeps emerging in letters and 'phone' calls from all over the world: "I hope you don't mind me calling. but I feel that I must tell you how much Peter and his music have affected my life."

Also, we have met some real friends of Pete, like Tim Boyle (of whom Pete thought very highly!) and Bev, of course, who has been a friend for years, and Barrie Evans, who goes back to well before the Iveys days - and we always found the people at Apple absolutely honorable and all very helpful (people like Neil Aspinall, Derek Taylor, and Mal Evans).

And of course, Dan Matovina - we are honored by your friendship and we really do appreciate the fact you have consistently refrained from "pushing" yourself on to the family in the course of researching your book. I appreciate also that it must have been occasionally extremely hard work interviewing us - but maybe this goes some way towards explaining our feelings.

 I must off rather belated congratulations on the book, which is an absolute marathon of detailed research and took immense dedication to produce. I think it could only have been accomplished by someone with a great affinity and affection for the music.

 Thank you again for your friendship.

Anne Herriot (mother of Pete Ham's daughter, Petera)

Hi Dan, Regarding your book and all of the work that you are doing on Pete and Petera's behalf, please realise that it is appreciated. It is especially nice to know that there are people like you in the world to balance the likes of Polley and the others who caused all of these problems (and are still causing them in this music business)... please keep your book out there so people know what really happened with Pete.

Marianne Evans (widow of Tom Evans)

There are a lot of people who comment on BADFINGER history. They don't know what they are talking about. Dan's book is the TRUTH on Badfinger !!!!!

Nicky Bell (Badfinger roadie 1969 to 1973)

Thanks Danny for the book. I had a wonderful time reliving those early 70's. They were really magical days. Congratulations on such a thoroughly researched book. Everything from my end was accurate. The coverage of the later years was really an eye-opener and an education for me. I am recommending your book to every young musician I know for insight and guidance in the music biz. All the best!

Bob Jackson (Badfinger member 1974 to 1975)

Having been a band member over many years, this history is very important to me. The situations we were involved in were very complex at times, so I'm very pleased that you managed to capture the Badfinger story as accurately as you did. Just wanted to say that, in my opinion, you did a great job with the book. Everything I related to you was faithfully reproduced, without error. Many thanks.

Dave Evans (brother of Tom Evans)

Many many congratulations on your book. I think your hard work and effort has been well rewarded in the final product. I gave the whole thing my eagle eye and found it flawless. I am in my second reading, hopefully with a more level head as I initially found the adventure very emotional. There were two occasions when I was so totally absorbed - these occasions were when the group was on a downer, for whatever reason I can't remember, then suddenly there would be good news and everybody would be lifted - I was actually there punching the air - for a second I was transported - brilliant!

 The other extreme, of course, was difficult to handle, the sadness, desperation, corruption, anger, and the years that have gone by didn't help. It all came thundering back. They were so vulnerable and I recall at the time thinking... being confused by their attitude, why aren't they cashing in on all these hits they're having, I mean in the sense of churning out more singles more quickly. Tommy's response was always that they were in it for the art, not the money, the songs will come out of the inspiration sort of thing. This, of course, was in an era when such philosophy was "right on." - and I still believe they meant it - trouble was, nobody else did.

Anyway Dan, I could go on for pages about the whys and wherefores and it would be futile. I think your work says it all.

Many thanks Dan

Tag Hall (Badfinger roadie 1971 to 1975)

The book was written with true passion for the subject and only sent to publishing after painstaking and sometimes difficult research. It only upsets some people because it is as near to the truth as anyone could get.

Ian Ferguson (Badfinger roadie 1968 to 1974)

You did a fantastic job, Dan. That must have been a lot of research. A couple of things really pissed off Joey and Kathie, but that's okay. It's no major problem. One of the ones was when they were picking the singles and Kathie wanted Joey's songs to be the single. In the book it said I didn't think it was one of the strongest songs for a single, which is true, but, you know, I'm going, 'No. Any minute now Kathie's going to call me.' You know what its like. You know how touchy some people can be...

It's sad. It couldn't have ended much harder. I mean Joey just, watching all these videos, Joey's just so happy in every one, you know, Why couldn't it have stayed that way...

I mean lots of times, lots of times I wanted to call Pete and say, 'You know, hey Pete.' You know. There's absolutely no bad feelings. Shit happens. I think we both handled it all wrong ... I didn't wish any ill will on anybody. Hope he's happy now...

I appreciate the book and the videos. I hope you make a big pot of money. Thanks again.

Beverley Tucker (Pete Ham's girlfriend 1966 to 1971)

Thank you so much for writing your wonderful book. You represented faithfully what I told you and that's all that I can ask...

(2) You went into things in absolute detail and I think you wrote the best book you could've written for somebody that wasn't there. I know that you went to an enormous amount of trouble to make sure you only put things in there that more than one person told you. People's remembrances, how you managed to get all those together and write that book – I think you did amazing job. The people that know you know that you wrote that book with the very best of intentions.

Some people have guilt and they'll turn that into hatred and they'll turn that toward anyone that has upset the apple cart. They prefer everyone think it was all sweetnes and light, but life isn't all sweetness and light, yes we all had all sorts of fantastic, lovely times, but naturally there were the down times...

Barrie Evans (Badfinger roadie & close friend of Pete Ham's since childhood)

Dan, great job with your book. It must have been a mammoth task to collate all that information. Reading and re-reading your book gave me more insight into stuff I wasn't aware of. You have to be proud, very well done. I thought it was a very well-balanced book and that's really how it should be. You reported given the evidence that you had. I didn't sit there and go, "This guy got this wrong and that wrong." I thought it was very well-balanced.

Ron Griffiths (Iveys Member 1964-1969)

I am so sorry it has taken me all this time to respond to the bad news you posted out on the internet, i.e. loss of all your files as a result of which you missed my inspired response to the book, which I can not replicate as I did not save it. Better late than never I am sending you this. I found it a compelling and, for myself, an accurate read. Nothing can ever take away the wonderful times I had, we shared more laughs by far, than tears.

During my limited input on the Pete Ham tapes at Bob's studio hearing Pete breathing in my ears via the head-phones was a very moving experience. It only remains for me to thank you for telling the whole truth from the beginning (unlike other parties) and turning your labour of love into a "work of heart".

Dixie (Pete Ham's girlfriend 1971-72)

Hello Dan, so nice to hear from you. Yes, I did get the revised book and it was really thoughtful of you to have one sent to me.

It was a privilege to contribute to your book and shed light on who Peter was as a man… It was a life time ago and there are as many sad memories as there are good ones. It still breaks my heart that Peter became so desperate over the years. I have often wondered whether I could have somehow helped him, had I known what he was going through. Nothing in life is ever so insurmountable that a life be sacrificed - especially leaving a family behind. It is tragic that such a wonderful man felt so hopeless, and his little girl had to grow up without her fantastic Dad in her life. They would have had such fun together.

Did you hear about the Badfinger convention, recently held in Britain? What an interesting concept, Gaynor said it was quite a nice gathering. She emailed me photos of some old friends and, of course, Petera. Peter would have been so proud, I can so see them locked in a big father/daughter hug. The loss is very sad for them both. I would have loved to go to the convention, but the timing just wasn't right. Maybe next time..... but it was nice to hear that such an elaborate tribute was being paid, even after all these years…

I feel thrilled to know there are still so many who appreciate the wonderful music that Badfinger created ...... their music continues to bring happiness to people around the world. Peter would be thrilled to know how his art has endured time.....who can say, maybe he does know.

You're a great guy Dan, I will always consider you a special friend.

Take care

Al Wodtke (bandmate of Tom Evans, Bob Jackson, Joey Molland, 1982-1984)

You put your heart and soul in that book. It's strong and it's truthful. I've turned so many people on to the book and borrowed books out, I'm down to my last book. I mean anybody who reads it is just wowed by it. I share it with my students who are early 20-year old people who weren't there. They have no idea and are just amazed by the book.

You know why the Mollands crucify you? Because it was such a good book. You didn't say the things they wanted it to say, but it was such a good and powerful book that they had to react. If it was a rag or something that had no substance they wouldn't have looked at it twice. They wouldn't have commented on it. But it's because it's so good that they are so angered by it.

I'll tell you the other thing that really bothers them, but probably just as importantly is they didn't profit by it, so it's gotta be bad. They're so simplistic in nature that really money rules the decision. This is where Joey Molland and Pete Ham are different. Pete Ham didn't do that. He was an artist. He was a romantic artist that wanted to share his feelings with the world. Joey Molland, on the other hand, wants to get up there and have all the accolades and the money that goes along with it. This is the two distinct personalities that we have.

I mean here's an honest, straightforward, person whose speaking with deep emotion and sincerity. You have this kind and gentle soul that just wanted to play his guitar and was consumed by all these bad things. I kind of had this vision of what he was like. It's like my vision of him was like this black and white newspaper which is one dimensional, and, you know, page after page of the various emotions and things… Here's what the book did to me. It made it like a 3D thing. Now it had texture, dimension and scope. You know, it really did color in the pictures for me.

You know, what I would say to those with all their disputes. I would say, "Here's one thing that you should really, really consider before blurting out your response and, either, if you knew Pete, or knew what he represented, or even a small bit of his personality, what would he do now? And I tell you, the thing that would break his heart is the disputes. That isn't what he was about. I mean, here's this giving man who, it was obvious from Day One, that he was the man who was going to write the hit songs, and he was thoughtful enough to share in everything he did, with everyone involved. He didn't have to do that, but he did. And look what happened afterwards. I mean, I would tell those people, 'What would Pete do? He'd be ashamed of you. He would absolutely be ashamed of you.'

I feel so strongly about the book and how good the book is. It's not even just for Badfnger fans, you know, its for anybody who, anybody whose had those range of emotions. The elation, the dreams, the disappointment, the tragedy, you know. Honestly, it should be a movie. I's a great book, Dan. Absolutely, a great book.

Danny Aharoni (Badfinger road manager U.S. tours 4 & 5)

I write this letter while still tossed about by conflicting emotions after just closing the cover of your wonderful book. So many memories, so much heartache, so sad, so foreseeable, but so much worse than what anyone could have feared.

When I first read the subtitle, I wondered if perhaps you were overstating the case. After all, the arts are full of has-beens and never-wases and other sad stories and not all of them took their own lives or otherwise failed to adjust to life back in the real world. Mike and Joey exemplify the more typical after-life: the one getting on with his career, old-fashioned maybe in his restraint, and the other, the opportunist, making a living out of his one moment in the sun, glossing over some uncomfortable details that would diminish his present opportunities, even when confronted on the dais with the accusing face of the heirs. I wonder what Joey saw in their eyes at that moment. I wonder if he looked.

I was struck by how so many others close to Pete reacted initially with the same words that I did: "Why did he take himself out?" With so much to gain, so much to offer. The songs that I never heard before are so revealing of Pete's torment. I replayed my records and heard the qualities that you so vividly described in his and Tommy's music. I was moved.

I was skeptical at first, but now I see because you showed to me there truly was classic tragedy in the story of Badfinger. What a cruel twist of fate. There was no one who could have been worse for them than Stan Polley. None of his artists figured out his game in time to salvage their fruits. Most of them did not in time to salvage their careers. Some turned to Jeff Franklin of ATI, who was as shrewd as they come, and who seemed to be mesmerized by Polley's brilliant business schemes, often trying to explain to me the 30 percent investment for each artist into a central fund that would return great profits. Jeff Franklin defended Polley for many years afterwards. Stan Polley was not a music business manager who was crooked. He was a crook who made music his place of business. Badfinger didn't have a chance. They were like lambs trapped in a canyon by a wolf. He would take his time for a lengthy meal. This predator had no natural enemies.

You clearly feel a great devotion to the artistry of Badfinger, you maintain throughout this book the historian's necessary discipline. Your successful balancing of these two imperatives is why the book achieves something beyond a well written narration of a sad story with a simple moral lesson or warning to other musicians. Maybe it is because I know the people - but not their story after 1974 - so well, but I believe your book transcends even that laudable achievement and provides something far more elusive and perhaps more important.

Your development of the people and their relationships enabled me as the reader to recognize how truly sad these four lads were doomed from the moment Bill Collins first expressed jealousy. I certainly do not lay all or even most of the blame at his feet. His limitations blended with a dozen others to uniquely disable Badfinger when confronted with mere mistakes, let alone pure evil. The fact that Badfinger and Bill Collins could have given in to a three-week album production demand and that years after Stan Poses warning - as of late 1975 - Bill Collins could still be hoping that "Stan will sort this all out", tells me firmly and unequivocally that this band was doomed. And to have the great talent brought to light, yet be doomed nonetheless, is indeed tragic.

I congratulate you on your achievement and I wish you great success.

Viv Jones (friend of The Iveys)

… first of all I would like to say how much I enjoyed your book. Congratulations! Bev [Tucker] tells me it is selling well and long may it do so. The more people that can read about them and learn from what happened to them the better. As one of the first people to have met Badfinger (The Iveys) when they came to London and knowing exactly what went on in those days you can imagine I feel very strongly about the facts being told. I will never forget the hours spent together laughing, joking, dreaming of their success and the strong friendship that we all had. That strong friendship is proven today by the fact that Bev, Ron and myself are still so close. There is an invisible thread that keeps us all together and that is the reason why we have the desire for the truth behind Pete and Tom's untimely deaths to be told. It is comforting for us to know that you, someone who never even knew the boys personally, have that same desire. As you know I have worked tirelessly these last 3 years to put the facts across to people this side of the Atlantic - in fact I think I was a 'pain in the arse' to many people, ASCAP particularly!! What kept me going was the memories of Pete and Tom and how I wish they were still with us.

It was of course wonderful to hear that VH-1 had decided to do an hour long documentary. It keeps the story in front of the public and who knows what might come from it - I still believe a feature film would be the best vehicle to really get the emotion of it all across and of course allow their music to be heard. Fingers crossed! It was a long, tiring day last Sunday when we were all being interviewed but it was great to meet up with Bob, Ron, Bev, Tag, David (Tom's brother) and his wife Jan. The surprise was that Stephen turned up as well. It was like the 'Badfinger family' getting together again. I have said to Bev in the past that throughout this whole sad business we have met some very good people and it has supported us knowing that people who never knew the band care about what has happened. The whole thing was such a waste of two talented people and it must be a lesson to others. After we had done our interviews we were all saying, "Oh, I wish I had said this and I wish I had said that". There are obviously things that were not said but it is very difficult when you are being asked specific questions to go off and talk about other things. I can't wait to see the whole programme put together as of course it is all down to the editing as to how the end product comes across. They are certainly interviewing a cross section of people and should really have enough to make a really balanced programme.

Bev did tell me about Bill's offer to let you see the diaries. They should certainly be well worth reading. He was always meticulous in writing everything down. I understand his health is not too good at the moment, maybe he is thinking that they should be published before it is too late. I see that Mariah Carey has just released a 'Best Of' Album which obviously includes 'Without You' - more money trickling into Joey, Mike and Bill's pockets. It just doesn't seem fair does it? While other Badfinger songs may fade in time, Without You will never stop making money as it will be re-discovered as the decades go on. Oh, if only Pete and Tom were here to see what a classic it has become. They only ever knew that Harry Nilsson had that enormous hit, they would have been stunned to know of the many other artists that recorded it.

You did an excellent job on the revised edition. Indeed, it is not a book solely about Badfinger. I have often been asked by people what is was like working for The Beatles management company in the 60's. I am aware that I was in a privileged position to be employed by Peter Brown of NEMS at that time. Girls would have 'killed' to be there!! Indeed, young people today are so interested in the 60's that they just want to know what it was like growing up in London then. Obviously, The Iveys/Badfinger were a part of my growing up, so I could never miss them out, but they would just be part of the jigsaw. I have the greatest respect for you for writing your book, especially with all the negative vibes you had to put up with while doing it…

I was so sorry to miss the Swansea reunion for Pete. Ron gave me a copy of the brochure and I was so happy to be able to contribute. It would have been lovely to see Dai and Gaynor again. I think Pete would have been overwhelmed to think that all his friends had cared so much. I had to go away on business with my job and just could not get out of it - and I did ask, many times!! That's what makes it so sad, all the love that is out there for Pete and Tom and still after all these years we are still connected by it, no matter how far away from each other we may be, there is that invisible thread that connects us all. Here's to a happy and healthy 2001

Keith James (editor of Badfinger File fan club U.K.)

Just to reiterate, Without You was absolutely superb, one of my favorite reads of all time! I didn't put it down for about a month and I'm still "dipping in" now! You did a magnificent job - couldn't be topped!

The fact you finally have a book out speaks volumes for your resiliency. And "Without You" has birthed a friendship between us, which I hope will stay. On behalf of all 'Finger fanatics and friends, on behalf of Pete, on behalf of Tommy.... Thank you so much!

(2) … Thoroughly enjoyed the reprint, especially the two appendix, which make for avid reading! The CD was brilliant listening, if a little harrowing at times. Its the best mix of "Manager" I have ever heard and "She Came Out of the Cold" sounds fantastic, as does "Blind Owl" - why didn't they use it as a torch song … You managed to add the additional bits within slowing down the pace of the book, which is laudable. It's still a great, compelling read. I've thoroughly enjoyed it and am dipping in left right and centre even while we speak ! The bits about the Court case and associated events (from a first hand account) make superb reading.

Roy Anderson (drummer for Pete Ham's first bands - The Panthers, Wild Ones, The Black Velvets)

It's been my experience that as you go through life just once in while you meet someone who touches your very soul. Peter Ham was one of those people and reading about him brought back so many memories. Some of which I'm kicking myself for not remembering at the time I initially 'wrote up' something for you. For example, we met two girls who we went out with for a while. The girl Peter was involved with was attractive but, unfortunatly, had both legs in 'leg irons' as she had suffered some illness and needed these to help support her legs. So she was only able to walk very slowly and awkwardly. It was quite upsetting to witness. It's a terrible thing to say Dan, but taking into account our age and immaturity a lot of people were embarrased by her deformity. But not Peter. He went out with her on many occasions…

My main reason for writing you is that I have now read you book and although I ma in a slightly biased position, I have never read anything so moving. I was quite amazed at the situations they found themselves in and the people that they met and were involved with. I have to give you credit for the way it was narrated and the enormous amount of research you must have put in. Congratulations on a splendid work, Dan.

Rose Atkin (widow of Swansea journalist, Con Atkin)

Reading the book was a pleasure - it is so well written and to us, more than the story of Badfinger - it is the history of rock music in Swansea. Con would have been so proud of you and so thrilled that he could have helped in some small way. We will treasure it always. I'm so glad he was able to read part of it before he died. You will never know how you helped being over here during Con's last sad days.

Thank you once again Dan.

Howard Massey (co-author of Geoff Emerick's book "Here There and Everywhere")

...  I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed Geoff [Emerick]'s book. I've read your Badfinger book through a couple of times, and I have a lot of admiration for the way you researched and presented your information -- it's a thoroughly fascinating, and quite horrifying, story. I know that Geoff has always held you in high regard as well -- I remember him pulling your book from his bookshelf during one of my early visits to his home as he proudly showed me your inscription to him.

Best of luck in all of your future ventures, and kudos to you for keeping the Badfinger name alive through all these years ...

Dai Jenkins (Iveys member)

Many thanks for sending me your book. Yes, it did answer a lot of questions for me. I used to think that poor old Pete was quite a deep sort of guy, but Tommy put him in the shade. What a mixed up guy.

Since reading your book I have concluded that the biggest mistake the group made was replacing the two outgoing Welsh guys with two Liverpool guys. It's a pity they did not go back to Wales to recruit.

I'm not much of a book worm, but your book made compulsive reading. It is a sad account of events and I do feel sorry for them. I'm glad in some ways I bailed out. I've been happily married for 25 years with two fine sons and a perfect partner. Anyway Dan, thanks again.

June Clark (former girlfriend of Joey Molland)

Please excuse my boldness for addressing you so personally, but having yesterday just finished your book "Without You" I feel as though I have come to know you. I must highly commend you for tackling such a complex and sensitive subject as the history of Badfinger. you succeeded well in producing a highly informative and historically valuable record of the life of that band.

So tragic, so sad, and also so diabolically angering - I actually had to leave the book alone for days at a time, as it upset me so. It disturbed my sleep, left me depressed and frustrated for the sad mess they all got themselves into. It touched me so closely because I knew them all and so many of their friends. At one time I was part of their lives on Park Avenue. I was Joey Molland's girlfriend over a period of approximately six years. As sixties relationships were, also given our youth, for we were teenagers when we met. I was sixteen and he was eighteen. We both had other relationships, but they were never spoken of. We always wanted to see each other when the time was right. That mostly meant when he was in London and not playing or recording. Joey was so very shy and nervous in those early days. He hated me going to his gigs and always wanted me to stand in the back of the hall, so he couldn't see me. He said it distracted him. Joey used to get along well with Tom. He thought Mike was a pretty funny guy, but he didn't like Pete Ham very much.

It was when Joey came back from Badfinger's first tour of America that our relationship ended. He sent Brian Slater, his best friend, over to tell me he had met a girl in America and he wanted to marry her! I was furious - the little worm couldn't even tell me himself. Both Brian and I agreed, that was typical and nasty.

I saw him again before I left to live in America in 1972, I ran into him at a clothing store and he told me I had to leave right away because Kathie was with him and he couldn't be seen with me. That upset me, too.

I then saw him again, after twenty-six years, in January of 1998. I saw an ad in the Village Voice to say "Joey Molland's Badfinger" was playing at Flipside, a new club in Manhattan. So I went with my boyfriend. Had no plans to talk to him, just wanted to see what he was doing. Well, Kathie wasn't here and he hugged and kissed me as never before - certainly not in public. I was delighted, as I always had a soft spot for him. I knew him for so long, you just can't wipe those feelings away completely. My, how he has changed. Confident, chatty, warm. He was a different Joey to the young man I knew.

Enough of Joey. I wanted simply to tell you how much I admire you for writing the book and that I "enjoyed" it immensely. I lived with every page. Again, thank you for writing such a wonderful, unbiased book, for if Mike or Joey ever publish one, it will be a very different story.

John Einarson (Author)

I recently completed your excellent biography of Badfinger and found it thorough, engaging and difficult to put down. Haven't seen it in the shops in Canada yet, but a friend in Wales sent me a copy (he's from Swansea and wrote me a detailed tour of the various local spots mentioned in the early chapters). By way of introduction, my name is John Einarson, and I am a rock music history writer. I've done features for Goldmine, Record Collector, Mojo, Rock Express as well as authoring books on Neil Young, John Kay & Steppenwolf, the Guess Who, Buffalo Springfield and have a new book entitled Desperadoes: The Origins Of Country Rock due out this fall.

Through a mutual acquaintance from Liverpool days I contacted Joey Molland several years ago about the idea of a Badfinger book. He was interested in telling HIS version of their story (as was Kathie) and put me onto his manager, someone who used to be a honcho at Apple (the name escapes me right now). This particular fellow was most unappealing however I thought I'd test the waters through my agent at the time with several publishers. I was, at the time, unaware you were pursuing a book (though Joey did tell me later about your project and his refusal to cooperate). Although several of the majors (Hyperion, S&S, Viking etc.) thought it an intriguing story, they felt that the Badfinger name had insufficient name recognition to warrant a book. So I passed on it. I'm very pleased you proceeded with your book and presented such a thorough documenting of the story.

After the idea fell through, Mojo's Jim Irvin contacted me about interviewing Joey and Mike for a Badfinger piece to coincide with the release of the Apple Best Of CD. This would have been around 1995. I did a couple of lengthy sessions via phone with Joey, Kathie (no surprise) and a shorter one with Mike. I found Joey very charming and forthright in our conversations though I see he had his particular position to defend. I wrote the piece but Mojo ran it by their lawyers and deemed to too potentially litigious to run. They paid me anyway but retained it for future use. Joey had named names - Polley, Collins, Silver etc. - and figures and was rather matter of fact, though certainly not to the extent you managed to in your book. When Mojo ran a Badfinger feature to coincide with your book's release earlier this year they borrowed liberally from my original piece. I guess they figured it was safer now.

Frankly, after reading your book I'm very glad I didn't pursue the project as you have done a wonderful job and I may have ended up leaning on the Molland's rather skewed version of history a bit too much. As well, I'm also aware after reading your book just how potentially litigious their story remains. I'm curious, have you had any legal action threatened by, say, Polley or the Mollands? I know that most people don't like to see their dirty linen aired in public. In a couple of my books I've laid out some pretty nasty and bitter scenarios and have incurred some wrath from those on the black side of these particular events. It seems like a recurring theme in bands: when there's money involved things can get (and remain) ugly. The members of the Guess Who, for example, are still suing each other. A Canadian production company is trying to make a movie of my Guess Who book but is coming to realize the legal entanglements among the members. John Kay and his former Steppenwolf mates went through years of legal battles. Several members of the Springfield have taken legal action against the others over the years as well. I was approached to consider doing a Moby Grape biography recently but there are still some heavy legal issues outstanding that scared me off. Anyway, just thought I'd pass on my congratulations and I hope your book does well for you.

(2) … Have you heard any rumors of how the Mollands have responded to the book? I would be curious to see how they address it on their internet site. I haven't checked it out. I did pick up their video retrospective last year in the States and although I enjoyed seeing the various clips of the group performing, was disappointed with the story line, interviews, production quality and the way it sort of ended abruptly.

I remember Joey's manager's name at the time we talked, it was Pete Bennett who apparently was involved with Apple in the USA. He sounded like a thug to me. When I first broached the book idea to Joey he was keen and didn't say anything about your project which obviously was already well in progress. But when we spoke again at the time of the Mojo article, he told me about you and your book. He wasn't very flattering about you, I must say, but obviously that was tempered by his concern about how he would be portrayed and he had much to hide. He said things like how you were deceiving Pete and Tommy's families and using them. Sour grapes and paranoia, I guess. I recall thinking it odd that Kathie wanted to talk with me during the second interview session. In my previous research I've met other strong-willed wives, John Kay's wife Jutta for example, who have often been the driving force behind their men, though Kathie seems the extreme.

A friend in Knoxville saw Joey's Badfinger last year and said they were terrible. Bottom of an oldies bill. Joey's voice was apparently just shot. By the way, since both Tommy and Joey launched Badfinger groups in the latter years, who actually owns the copyright on the name? That kind of circumstance was behind heavy litigation and much strife with the Guess Who, Steppenwolf, the Buffalo Springfield and the Byrds among many others. Dennis LaCorriere of Dr. Hook fame has been in contact with me several times to compare notes from my research in this area with the above artists as he is currently battling another ex member who is going out under the Dr. Hook name.

Peter Jarvis (Beverley Tucker's brother-in-law)

I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed the book. (It was a Christmas present from Bev). Having read it, I can understand some of the frustration and sadness that Beverley [Tucker)], Denice [Peter's wife] and other friends of the band still experience when faced with the injustice and misrepresentation of people they regarded as friends (almost family). Reading the book made me wish I had been able to meet Pete. Day after Day was the first single I ever bought. Strange that at the time I had no idea I would be lucky enough to have Bev as my sister. I was delighted to hear from Bev that Ron and Mike will be playing together at a charity gig. Ron [Griffiths] is a nice bloke and it would be great to see him get the recognition he deserves. Having seen the work and careful research you put into the book it deserves to be a success. ( I remember retiring to bed at approx 1.00 a.m. leaving you, Bev and Den still talking, with scraps of paper, photographs and draft lyrics scattered around the floor), 'Without You' is a valued documentary record of the Badfinger story. Let's hope it leads to an even wider appreciation of Peter and Tommy's compositions.

Andy Davis (editor of Record Collector magazine)

I've been looking through you book naturally for inspiration and details for the liner notes [The Very Best Of Badfinger]. I know we've spoken before about the book and, of course, I've been involved in its gestation for coming on ten years now remember that epochal moment in Clapham when you arrived back from Swansea, rang my doorbell, and said that you've heard something amazing… But I've never really had the chance to say how great I think the book really is. I've always been impressed by your diligence and attention to detail. I always assumed that the book would be great, of course; and knew as much. But I've never actually had the opportunity to sit down and read it cover-to-cover. I still haven't: life moves so fast at Record Collector, what with the monthly deadlines and the constant pressure to produce 'the goods'… I've started to get into the book. If you don't do it already, consider your book to be the most complete analysis of a rock band, in one original volume, ever. (Lewisohn may have published the Chronicle, but his work offers little insight into the Beatles on a human level.) You left no stone unturned. I checked the index for the songs on the new Best Of, and every single one is mentioned. That's amazing, Dan! Even when there wasn't much to say about a particular title (because Pete and Tommy are dead and no one else remembers) you made an effort to mention it. Your book is brilliant. I think Pete and Tom would have been proud of it. Your efforts will go a long way to ensure that Badfinger will always remain special…

Robert Jenkins (friend of Pete Ham)

I was so excited to come across your book in the library here in Swansea. It brought back so many memories I had tucked away. The pain I felt from Pete Ham's death was so intense and I could share it with so few. I first knew Pete from going to Jack George's shop in the early Sixties. Even then, Pete was like an older brother to me. You could not forget Pete if you met him. He was just a terrific guy. I always wanted to play in a band, but was too shy to get onstage. He gave me advice even then, but I could never break through the barrier of my insecurity...

When The Iveys went to London and were signed to Apple Records, I was so proud. I followed Badfinger as best one could. I couldn't believe the Straight Up album wasn't taken more seriously in the U.K. I met up with Pete a few times, and he was always great. The last time is what struck me. He was back in Swansea, not too long before he died, and I ran into him in Neath. He told me things were not going so well and he looked weary. He said Badfinger had changed personnel and explained about some problems he'd had with Joey Molland and his wife. Why I remembered this particularly was because of the funeral service and the gathering at the Ham's home, I was so struck by the sickening attitudes of Joey Molland and his wife, Kathie. And then to read it in your book about that brought it all back. I had totally put that away. They were extraordinarily callous in their remarks and Pete's family was visibly shaken by it. Pete's mother was so devastated. And I know she died shortly after this. Probably from a broken heart. I didn't dare say much to John in the later years. It wasall too sad. It really crushed me, Dan....

You brought back my tears with this book, Dan. But I needed to let them go. I wanted to know the truth and I am so grateful you wrote it. God bless you, Dan. It's an amazing accomplishment.

Gloria Froh

I just finished your book for the second time. Adam (Allen) [guitarist of Tom Evans Badfinger tour in 1982] was right, you sure captured the personalities, your books description of Tom was so much like the way Adam always describes him. Nice to see someone tell it like it was, would have liked to hear more about the good times though, the book made me cry, both times.

John Young

You book is compelling and heartbreaking. These musicians who gave their souls and--quoting one of their songs--had the industry "Take It All". Many stories and half-truths have circulated for years about Badfinger, but you brought this unbelievable story into focus. I was impressed with all the first-hand accounts with surviving band members, family, friends, management, roadies and girlfriends. Your exhaustive research on the band makes this pretty much the final word on what really happened to these four talented men that many hailed as successors to the Beatles throne. Anyone with even a passing interest in the band will find themselves immersed in your reverent telling of their story. I would recommend this to anybody.

Chris Bryens

The book is everything I expected... thoroughly researched and extremely impartial. I could tell it was a labour of love for you. Well done, man. I would also like to thank you for personalizing the book.. .it was quite a thrill!!... I've been a fan of the band since the summer of 1975. Our family had recently moved to a new town as I was about to start high school. It was rough. I was kinda lonely and I completely lost myself in music, discovering that music was not just "hits" but whole albums. My neighbour sold me albums for $2 a pop... and one of my first was STRAIGHT UP and I just adored the record.(and still do) I've been chasing down your book since 2000 so it was great to not only finally get a copy but from the author. Awesome. Around the same time as I was discovering the magic of Badfinger, I also started to play the drums...and still do to this day. As a quick side note, I was playing a bar in Toronto the night you sent me this reply. I also sing in the band (talk about multi-tasking!!) and one of the songs I insisted the band learn so I could sing it is NO MATTER WHAT. That song always gets a great response and I've been doing it steady for 4 years.

I just adored the book and could not put the damn thing down until completed. It's such a sad tale. I don't remember reading any quotes from Blair (Dennis)...I would have been interested in hearing what he remembers about Pete. The reason I said you were impartial was because I really learned to dislike Joey... but any obvious feelings by you toward him in the book were never shown and anything written by you was always very fair. Ah, the summer of '75...a turbulent year for me but I was completely blown away by STRAIGHT UP. From the first chord of TAKE IT ALL to the last chord of IT'S OVER...actually, I played That album so much that I wore it out and had to purchase another...still have it... near pristine on Apple label. Anyhoo, I'm bagged and heading to beddy-by.

Halsey Priest

Read your book that you sent me on Badfinger. It was very tragic and also an eye opener on the importance of paying attention to who you get to be your manager and also who you get to promote you and handle your money. It would seem to be very important to check around and see who are the trustworthy people and who are the crooks. What happened to Badfinger is a good guide to future rock bands and individual artists on what not to do. It is very important to be involved in your business dealings along with whomever is your manager and anyone else whomever is involved in your business interactions.

Their manager seemed to be trying to be a teenager and act their age [I mean the bands age] and have a good time instead of acting his age and looking after the bands best interests. He was also to trusting. Pete seemed to be a very nice guy. I believe he was his own worst enemy. He took things to seriously and worried about other people too much, trying to make everything and everybody feel better. Pete also was to trusting and didn't keep involved enough in the financial part of the bands business dealings. I believe if he had been less trusting and more involved in the business, none of this would have gotten so bad. You cannot change people from the way that they are. Pete was the way he was, trying to see the best in all people. That is a very admirable trait to have but in this day and age. I'm not so sure it applies to everyone that one meets in today's world.

Tom, on the other hand, seemed to generally really miss his friend Pete. Imagine finding your best friend hanging from the neck dead and having to get him down. That would be an image that would haunt a lot of people for the rest of their lives. In Tom's case, I think he didn't seem to take things to serious and liked to party a lot. In those days were talking about four young guys who just wanted to play rock and roll for a living. In the end, it seemed that Tom just couldn't go on living without his good friend Pete. If someone makes up their mind, whatever is going on in their head at the time that their life has no meaning or purpose and that there is no light at the end of that lonely and dark tunnel, whether it may be conscious or fueled with alcohol and or drugs there is not much one can do to stop another one from taking his or her life. It is very tragic what happened to Pete and Tom.

Your book was the most enjoyable book that I have ever read. I can tell from the way you have gathered your information and the hard work and long hours that you have put into this project that it was a labour of love for you. Congratulations on capturing the life and tragic times of one of the most misunderstood and underrated bands of our times, Badfinger

Your avid fan, Halsey

George A. Barry

I just finished your book today. I want to thank you. I have no professional association to Badfinger in any way, but always had a special place in my heart for the band's music. I appreciate your hard work in documenting the complexities of what happened.

I have been in a few bands, and now, like you, work a lot with recording, producing and the like. So I really understand how situations can arise. I can relate to being in those band meetings, placing the trust, feeling so betrayed, and the feeling of elation when you complete a song you can be proud of.

It’s a side few people ever know about. The bizness is all about hype, hyperbole and a certain megalomania. It dwarfs the dialogue about songcraft and skill. Your book helps people to see through it. To see the struggles, the human drama… Its different for every band, but there are common things (The bossy girlfriend, the artistic differences, commerce versus art, etc. etc.)

I can’t tell you what a great service you did writing the book. Not just for Badfinger fans, but all people who wonder what really goes on and what can happen etc.

A very heartfelt Thank you,

And I would guess that Pete Ham and Tom Evans would be pleased that you got their story out. Maybe I presume too much, but I think great artists have a reverence for truth and I think you have served it well.

Andrew Paul Shepherd

Just thought that I would drop you a note to tell you that I enjoyed your book. I've only recently become a fan of Badfinger's music and I find the tragedy of the band's story compelling. I admire your objectivity and the thoroughness with which you treated the subject matter.

From the descriptions of Pete Ham's character and just from the sound of his voice on the accompanying phone call recordings, I really think I would liked to have known him. He really seemed like a nice guy, and there is always a shortage of such people in the world. In any case, good job on the research. A good read.

Joseph Cenname

Just thought that I would drop you a note to tell you that I enjoyed your book. I've only recently become a fan of Badfinger's music and I find the tragedy of the band's story compelling. I admire your objectivity and the thoroughness with which you treated the subject matter.

From the descriptions of Pete Ham's character and just from the sound of his voice on the accompanying phone call recordings, I really think I would liked to have known him. He really seemed like a nice guy, and there is always a shortage of such people in the world. In any case, good job on the research. A good read.

Being a baby boomer and living thru the tumultuous years of the 60s and 70s I can understand why certain events go unnoticed during those heady times. It's hard to put into words though how the tragic deaths of Pete and Tom can be so obscured from the public like these were. Each person's life has it's owns twists and turns which no one except for God can take note of and list in His book of life. Each has his/hers own road to travel and whomever happens to be hitching a ride along the way will be a memory, regardless that it may be short or long, a memory none the less. It can have an everlasting affect that can be a joyous experience or tremendous tragedy. It must be understood that people can have a tremendous impact on other peoples lives, enough so that the mind has to re-learn and adjust to what he/she has witnessed and decide if this revelation will take one down the right path to that always un-reachable goal of peace of mind and eternal happiness.

Having read 'Without You' I wish I could go back in time and change the course of events which took place that led to Pete's and Tom's undoing. I wish I could be the person that made the difference that would have prevented all those that were close, families and friends, to feel such great pain and heartache having to try to recover from not being able to see Pete and Tom live normal lives. I wish I could have been the person to stay by them in times of trouble. I know each and everyone one of us has the ability to make a difference to those we meet everyday, be it the building maintenance man, the girl behind the drug store counter or a nephew. But it's easy to say this once you know what the outcome will be. Would I have felt the same way as those close to Pete and Tom during there times of trouble? And would I have reacted any differently before their deaths?

All I can say is we're only human. And the fallacies that come with it, greed; selfishness; lust; egotism, etc. are our undoing. Dan, your book exposed all of these traits of humankind and more. It will forever remind me that we are all human and do indeed make mistakes that we may or may not regret. It's the mistakes that affect others deeply, that we should all have a conscience for and find a way to repent. True stories, tragic or joyful, have a way of reaching one's inner soul and have a strong enough influence to make a difference and change one's thought process. Your book fits into this category and would recommend it to anyone willing to see what happens when people's lives are affected by others.

Mark Cassellini

I was very impressed with the book. The amount of extensive research that went into it is obvious. I finished reading it in two days and have since gone back and re-read portions of it. A definitive overview of the band's history was long overdue.

As I mentioned to you in our brief phone conversation last fall, I did meet all the band members with the exception of Pete Ham. I talked to Tommy Evans on three occasions in the fall and winter of 1982 when he was on tour with Mike, Bob Jackson, Reed Kailing, and Donnie Dacus.

The first Badfinger gig I saw was in November of 1982 at a club called Boston Magees in Wallingford, Connecticut. The place was packed and the band got an ecstatic reaction from the crowd. I remember the encores were "Back In The USSR" and "Money". I had the songbooks for both Magic Christian Music and Straight Up and passed them backstage. Everyone signed their name (including the American replacement members).

I saw two other gigs that winter in Rome and Rochester, New York. My friends and I were calling ourselves "Fingerheads" and Tom and Bob picked up on this. Mike was a little on the curt side but answered all of my questions (such as why Pete Ham sang "It Had To Be" on No Dice - "I preferred his voice"). He kept pretty close to the road manager and apart from Tom and Bob Jackson.

Tom was quiet and soft-spoken and, though a fair amount of drinking was going on, he certainly never revealed any negative aspects of his personality. He scrawled a ribald message on the cover of my Iveys Maybe Tomorrow album, signed an Apple cassette of Straight Up, and revisited the songbooks, blackening the teeth and an eye on a full-page photo of himself and writing "Wish He Was Here" on Pete Ham's picture.

At one of the New York gigs I asked him whether he thought Joey would rejoin the band. He said he didn't think so, but mentioned that Joey had "visited them" the night before (this must have been the episode where Reed's and Donnie's guitars were doused with beer). I had heard this anecdote from someone else. The way I heard it is that Reed said "Those are vintage guitars!" with Joey responding "Well, if they're vintage, then they've already had a lot of beer spilled on them."

Bob Jackson could not have been nicer. I recognized his name from a Trouser Press article so I knew that he had joined the original band for the final tour and had played on the unreleased Warner Brothers album. After reading the book I can't believe the kind of stress the band was under at that time. While some of the shows on the tour may have had lapses in professionalism, the three I saw were great. I remember an audience member standing next to me at the Connecticut show saying that he had never seen anything like it before. He was clearly referring to the combination of the vocals which were in great shape, the musicianship, and the songs. The crowd honestly could not get enough of the band.

I've seen Joey several times over the years, both with and without Mike. He has always been happy to talk with the fans after shows. At one point I told him that Jellyfish had recorded a live version of "No Matter What" as a track on a CD single. Joey had been aware that the band did a cover live but was unaware that it had been recorded and released. He rubbed his hands together and said "That means money."

Once again I have to congratulate you on the book. It's great to finally have something like this out there. The Pete Ham CD is great... best of luck with future projects. 

Dennis Redmond

Hi from Australia I recently received a letter from you regarding the limited edition lithograph and was blown away by the excellent lifelike drawing of Pete Ham. As I have just got back onto the net, first, let me give you some background of how I became a Badfinger fan and I take you back to 1971 when I was 15 years old.

That year as far as I can remember two songs stuck in my mind and I needed to buy the records as soon as I heard them. One was "No Matter What" and the other was "I Hear You Knocking" by another Welsh singer Dave Edmunds. Well, I bought the album of No Dice and was blown away by the harmonies of this band and songs such as Midnight Caller and We're For The Dark introduced me to the rock ballad. After that album I bought the rest and except for such songs as Day After Day could not understand why the band got no airplay (only limited airplay over here for Baby Blue) People that heard these albums while at my place always asked who was that band after hearing the album Straight Up. After I purchased the Warners album around late 1974 that was all I heard from and about the band until 1980 and I saw a film clip of Joey and Tom singing a song from Airwaves "Love Is Gonna Come At Last." Well I went out and bought the record and couldn't understand why Pete didn't feature on the album until I learned of his tragic death about 6 months after so as you can see I never knew of such records like Head First and Say No More and when I got onto the net in 1996 my world changed for the better when I found all this new music and I just had to update all my albums to CD'S which I have done all except for Ass and including the lost classic which I got from Germany "Wish You Were Here" which I must say showed me what a loss Pete and Tom were to rock music.

After that I kept in touch with all websites on Badfinger but something was missing until your book which I got from you early 1998. It filled in all the missing gaps and also filled me with emotion and anger at how this wonderful talented band got taken for a ride and I placed myself the night Pete took his life and wished I could have been there to save this wonderful musician and gifted songwriter I am not a book reader but I couldn't put it down and this book gave me a tremendous lift even in the tragic events of the book when my own life was also in crisis. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me an insight into this amazing band which changed my passion into a hunger for their wonderful songs.

I would have hoped Mike and Joey would have learned from Paul McCartney and John Lennon's feud which in the end they reconciled shortly before John's tragic death. Badfinger were Pete Tom Mike and Joey at their best. That is how I will remember them and I cannot wait until Head First and other material to be released. Please keep me informed once again thank you for a superb book.

(2) … I have spoken to you a few times before regarding your book, which I thought was fantastic! Thanks once again for your concerted efforts in getting this wonderful music out to a very grateful fan base and I look forward to when you can say "that is all folks" when all of Badfinger's music is finally released and we all know Badfinger music is TIMELESS … I guess I always will be interested in anything Badfinger as their music touched my soul as a teenager and still today brings me a lot of pleasure and I still have friends who ask who is playing that song when they hear songs such as Midnight Caller, Timeless, etc.

Sergey Shmelev

I am the writer editor/publisher of a Russian Beatles fanzine, Beatlesbeat. It is the one and only Beatles publication in Russia. And of course, I am a huge Badfinger fan! From the moment I learned about your book it was my dream to get it. I have a wonderful friend in England who (knowing how much I love Badfinger) ordered a book for me. And when it arrived I was virtually shocked! It was stunning! Beautiful design, lots of information, nice pictures and precious, unbelievable CD. I had never dreamed to hear something like this!

Being a music fan, I've read quite a few books on rock music. I have many books about The Beatles, some books about Led Zeppelin, Blues, The Rolling Stones, etc. so I think I am able to work an opinion.

I think your book is excellent - in fact, the best book on rock music I've ever read. You are precious in details, you managed to discover facts so obscure I can only open my eyes wider in amazement! I learned more about Paul McCartney and George Harrison from your book than from half a dozen "definitive biographies" Your style is well-balanced, if not pure entertainment, nor scientific research. Your story about writing the song "Without You" and the two heart-stopping demos of the song - it's one of the most impressive pieces of rock history ever brought forth....

(2) …For me, a new year started with a nice surprise. I received a fantastic parcel from you, containing the additional book and your message for Russian fans. Thank you very much! It's possibly the best Christmas present I ever got in all my life!

Thank you also for your message - it's exactly what I wanted for Russian Beatlefans. I'll translate it to Russian and put into "Beatlesbeat" N. 19, it will be an issue dedicated to the Beatles as a group and Badfinger. Your words are the perfect introduction of the band.

I have already read your book twice. It's not only the best book on rock music I ever read, it also has strong dramatic lines as a novel and even some philosophical charge. It's obvious, your book will make a great film (but be prepared Apple won't let anyone use Badfinger tracks! Who can handle Badfinger's music? I can think of Cheap Trick or members of Jellyfish - in my humble opinion, they'd make a good soundtrack.

I'm amazed to learn there are so many Badfinger CD's in the making! In particular, I'm absolutely excited at the prospect of a second volume of Pete Ham demos. I have some friends in England and I hope they'll be able to get "Golders Green" for me when it's released. I'm also looking forward to hear "Airwaves" and what about "Say No More"? It's a shame these albums are not issued on CD yet!

In my opinion, putting together the story behind one of the greatest songs ever, "Without You", and beautiful demos of the song on the accompanying CD is an unparalleled feat in the history of rock music. Simply there's no analogies!

But my favorite Badfinger demo is "No Matter What" The demo and the finished version of "No Matter What" is very much like the demo and the finished version of "While My Guitar Gently Weeps": the stunning, fragile beauty of the demo and the perfection of the finished version.

After re-reading your book I became even more devoted to Badfinger. I'll do everything possible to turn the readers of my fanzines on to Badfinger! Dan, do you know anyone in America who could help me to swap Badfinger bootleg CD's for anything Russian? I'm dying to hear more of Badfinger's unreleased material.

Thanks again for your excellent book and the fantastic efforts you undertake to spread the word on Badfinger.

Rick Skol

I received your book a few days ago, and I can't put it down. I find it spellbinding... great writing! I'm trying to "enjoy the ride, here," (as you put it), but it is tragic. It's tough reading as a musician, you well know. I had known about the suicides of Pete and Tommy, and had heard stories about management and corruption, but the book really helps resolve the questions I have had in my head for a long time…

I can't understand how people like Stan Polley can live with themselves, although I know from personal experience that they still exist and thrive. It's sad. Also, one would think that a first signing by a label like Apple, (whose intentions were to help artists like Badfinger), would have supported the band more after Straight Up. But, there was Polley again, negotiating with WB while Badfinger was still under contract to Apple. Obviously, there were bad feelings all around

(2) I finished your book a couple of days ago... fantastic! It was obviously a labour of love. The reader really senses your emotional ties in it. So many bio's are flat, perhaps factual, but boring. Yours is quite the opposite. I also can't believe the depth of information, from performances, (including most of the Iveys') to the Badfinger recordings, and so much more. Truly remarkable! Thank you. I also realise that you've been instrumental in the recovery and production of Ham's posthumous cds and Head First, so as a fan of Badfinger, and a musician, I'd like to thank you for that, too.

Julie Speer

I just logged on to this site and read all the wonderful comments on your book (including my husbands) I was only around 10 years old during Badfinger's heyday, but I do remember hearing their music. I didn't know their "history" until a few years ago. I had asked my husband (a musician and know-it-all on music) who the group was that did "No Matter What". When he told me who it was, I thought that they would be an interesting group to listen to. Sadly, I find myself looking for older music now, a sign of old age I'm told. Anyway, I love their music. When my husband read your book, he told me just about everything as he was reading it. However, a few days ago, it was laying on the coffee table. I picked it up and couldn't put it down. I went through every emotion reading it. I mostly wanted to hit somebody. I felt so bad for Pete and Tom's children. I thought that Toms son, Stephen, had the saddest look on his face at the ASCAP awards. I wanted to do something. Of course I didn't know what, but all I could think was that it takes a very good book to bring out such emotions in me and you definitely did it with this book. Badfinger is a wonderful "discovery" for me and I only hope that Pete Ham's and Tom Evans' families will or do realize that there are many people in the world that appreciate their talents and hope that they will have the recognition they so rightly deserve. Thank you so much for such a wonderful book.

Liz Schulte

You did a masterful job in researching and writing the book. You’ve also done tremendous work in keeping their musical legacy alive. Its such a tragic story and seems so unfair that even today, there seem to be so many barriers, legal and otherwise, to getting their music heard.

I agree with what you’ve done – focusing on keeping Pete Ham’s music alive for future generations is probably the best tribute for him. Awards, etc. are great, but he would probably want to keep entertaining and reaching out to people through his songs. And they are wonderful, wonderful songs. Your book allowed Pete’s friends and family to show what a kind and caring person wrote them.

Learning more about Pete make his songs all the more poignant, but they also made me grieve for his loss all the more. I developed a crush on him when I first saw him in the Concert for Bangladesh movie and I wish there had been a way to know him better before he was gone.

Please let me know what I can do to help keep his music going and bring him and the others the credit they deserve for their work. I’m willing to do all I can. I’ll definitely sign up for the next Badfinger reunion!

Thomas Plonski

Thank you for making your book "Without You: The Tragic Story Of Badfinger" available on and especially for writing such an informative and enlightening text regarding this talented group of musicians that, unfortunately, due to circumstances at the hands of Stan Polley, never received the financial or historical/cultural rewards they should have received in the annals of Rock History.

I am a longtime fan of The Beatles and have only recently discovered the story and music that was Badfinger( and especially the genius that was reflected by Pete Ham and Tommy Evans reminiscent of the relationshi[ of John Lennon and Paul McCartney). I was also saddened to learn of the passing of Mike Gibbins in 2005. (His drumming style very close to that of Ringo Starr - extremely solid and underrrated).The brilliance of Straight Up and the tragedy that befell Wish You Were Here (possibly the greatest album that never received its due and public recognition that it really deserves).

Reading your work and account, your passion for the subject is reflected in your words and is a true testament to the memory and talent of the gifted individuals. I'm sure Pete and Tommy would be touched and very happy and satisfied to be remembered and honored by your words. Thank you and best wishes.

Mark Lawburgh

Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed "Without You". I had purchased it off last week,and I could not put it down. I've always been a fan of this band, (I have to admit because of their initial ties to the Beatles and Apple), and I always wondered why they never got bigger than they did. Now I know. After reading the book I was able to locate and purchase the '97 dvd by Gary Katz off from ebay (I can't believe what they're going for!). Best thing about it are the vid's from their tv appearances (the midnight special clip was awesome, those guys could play), and the interviews with Mike Gibbins. Have you ever considered doing your own documentary? Just a thought, I think if anyone is qualified to tell their story in that format, you are. The VH1 segment of "Behind the Music" was good, but did not get in depth enough. I don't know if you've ever considered it, but I hope you do. I don't think I would trust Joey's(and Kathie's) take on the band's story, too revisionist.

I'm a 1st generation Beatles fan, and like a lot of other kids at the time, the first time I heard "Come and get it", I thought it was the Beatles. I continued to buy their singles and albums, even though at the time I really did'nt know much about the band's history. About the most information you could find on them was either in publications like Rolling Stone, or similar rock fanzines of that time, though Rich DiLello did give some early history of them in his book, which was great. He seemed to really be a fan of the band. Even when Pete, and then Tommy died, their was very little information out there until your book came out, the VH1 "Behind the Music" segment, and Gary Katz's dvd. The closest I ever came to seeing any of the members was several years ago. Joey came to the town where I live (Muskegon,Mich), and played (solo) as Joey Molland of Badfinger at a local summer festival (very small). I did'nt even know he was here until I read the review in the local paper. It seems no one knew who he was, (it was a much younger crowd), and most of them did not know who Badfinger was. Apparently, it was an all accoustic set, he played their hits plus some of his own stuff. Really sad when you think about it. Anyway, the bottom line is, it was their music that got me hooked, and made me a lifelong fan of this band.Again I want to say thanks for your effort and hard work. It has made a difference, and it has had an impact on original fans like myself, and future generations of new fans. I've got 2 daughters and a niece who are huge Beatle fans because of me. Now, they are becoming huge Badfinger fans as well.

These guys all deserved so much more than what they got, thanks for helping to get them (especially Pete and Tommy), the recognition they so richly deserved, and for helping to keep their legacy alive.I know that as a fan. I appreciate all the effort and hard work you put into the book. Its a great story and you've told it well. Thanks again, Dan.

Richard McCarthy

Hope you don't mind that I address you by your first name. I want to apologize for my lack in an early response to let you know that I thought "Without You- The Tragic Story of Badfinger" was one of the best books I ever read. It was entertaining yet also sad to see how great musicians get taken advantage of. Of course much the same happened with black musicians in the 50s. In any case I often recommend this book to friends who might be interested. I had gotten a Japanese version of the Pete Ham CD from you awhile ago and enjoy the extras along with the CD that came with the book.

Willie Hines

Dan; I just want to thank you for your book; my good friend and drummer James Rehn received the new version (autographed as well) and immediately parlayed it into my hot little hands, as I has heard so much about it from all of my power pop allies (and they are numerous). Like all good tomes, Without You made me go out and acquire any and/or all of the proper catalogue that I already didn't have, including the Pete Ham demos and the WB stuff. I feel as if I lived with the lads for the week it took me to devour the book. I also feel an urge to pop a cap in Stan Polleys' ass, thank you. Seriously though, you have shed some serious light on one of rock/pop musics' greatest offerings and loss, and you are to be congratulated for it. Also, the demos included with the book, as well as the supplementary cd you sent James, are priceless. Every time I hear Pete sing "How Lucky We Are", it's all I can do not to cry. Thanks again..

Steve Cox

I ordered the book from you over a week ago, and just finished it the other night. You did a magnificent job giving me an inside look at one of my most favorite bands. It was also a very gut-wrenching story. I knew what happened, I did not know all the horrible events leading up to Pete and Tom's suicides. I ordered the Badfinger documentary over a year ago. I must say that it seemed lacking after reading this book.

What I learned from your book:

Pete comes across as the gentle, warm human being cast into a sea of sharks - just as I'd always suspected. Listening to his music gave me that impression. I saw Tom as the tortured artist type, but your book gave me many insights on him, especially the guilt he felt over Pete. The situation with him, Joey, and Mike after Pete's death was a pitiful mess. I could not believe some of the stuff I was reading. Your treatment of Mike Gibbins was good, too. No surprises there, based on all the other info I've read and heard. He seems to want to forget the whole mess. Joey and Kathie Molland. Seems to me things might not have went so bad if Kathie had never darkened his doorstep.

Thank you so much for writing this book. It was needed. It's the best book of it's kind I've ever read.

Steve Phelps

I recently finished reading your "Without You; The Tragic Story of Badfinger" book and was very depressed with the story, but also very satisfied with the excellent reading!  The bonus 19 track c.d. was also very enthralling!  I'm almost ashamed to say it,but, I was almost unaware of Badfinger's existance! (I had vaguely remembered hearing older fellows speak reverently of them, in the past.) That is until the early nineties came, and I finally seen those two remasters of the"Straight Up" and "No Dice" c.d.'s in my local shopping center. I felt compelled to buy them both, and was soon blown away by song's like "Take It All", I Don't Mind", "Believe Me," "Day After Day" (which was about the only one I had ever heard before!) and etc... And of course the monster's "Baby Blue" and "No Matter What"! I was stunned when I heard those two!

In my day's of youth, I was strictly, and sadly, interested mainly in Kiss,Aerosmith and Boston and that's about it. But, in my defense, I had to basically listen to whatever my older brother's said we were going to listen to. That was just that way it was, and I had to like it. Until, I discovered The Beatles, on the very day Lennon was murdered! (That was all they were playing on the T.V. and the radio stations!) I immediately went out to the local record store,with my sister, and bought both the Capitol "red" complilation, and the "blue" compilation, on cassette tapes and turned everyone in my family, and all the other kids in my neighborhood, on to the Beatles! I couldn't get enough of them. I was a second generation Beatle's fan, to the hilt! I guess maybe that planted the Badfinger seed in my mind. But Badfinger stuff was much harder to come by! Especially, in my rural area. (London Kentucky!) You're lucky if you even find Beatles' stuff around here!

I really feel sorry for all the young people these days! All this rap bullshit, and all this popular "musuck" they're being force fed! But, you know what the real shame of it is? Two members of Badfinger died at their own hands, in two seperate decades, and you heard virtually nothing, on the radio or television or news media! A disgrace! And even now, in the year 2006, Badfinger is still nearly impossible to find anywhere!? Why? What has happened? Sure you can go on ebay, and get ripped off, or price gouged by inflated shipping charges! But you still can't find any Badfinger video footage whatsoever, to my knowledge! I've looked on ebay many times. I have even bought alot of Badfinger c.d.'s off of ebay, but I have been seldomly satisfied with any of the prices that I've had to pay for them. I bought your "Without You" book off of ebay, only after I had tried several times to special order it at my local bookstore. I think I ended up paying about forty bucks for it. The book was well worth it though, I've enjoyed it immensely! It's such a shame that two God-gifted, and genuinely nice people like Pete and Tom,had to go out like they did! I feel like if they had simply shunned "Asshole" Polley and listened to Poses, and thrown Bill Collins and Joey"pussy whip" Molland's asses out of the fold, everything would have turned out fine! I thought the Bob Jackson recollections were very good, and quite entertaining! (I thought his "John Cass" story was very frightening and his story about the roadie who couldn't drive just killed me! Ha!) And the stuff from Reed Kailing was also excellent.

Thank you again for writing this book! I appreciate all your hard work and research!

P.S.  I think the Mollands' both need their asses kicked!  Also, Mr. Polley and Mr. Collins should both be strung up and shot,if they're not dead already! Just my opinion, sorry!  

Tony Fanucchi

Hi, I just got through reading Without You... I'd been meaning to buy it, but Santa brought me it instead. I found it to be fascinating and haunting at the same time. I was in high school when I first heard Badfinger. Come And Get It was a bit too poppy for me, cause I like guitars. I flipped when I heard Baby Blue and No Matter What. I eventually got into little garage bands as a drummer, and then as time progressed made it to North Hollywood in late 78, had a heroin addict Beverly Hills rich kid manager and a con advisor, much like a few of the characters in your book. I started writing lyrics, and in the meantime have written for Eric Martin, Mr. Big, Triumph. I've never been bigtime, although I've had gold album success... but I've seen enough and been directly involved on the business side of the music scene to know of all that can go wrong. I've had songs rejected of major releases right before press, I've had labels fire complete staffing... so when an album was released, no one in new power cared... and the album would die a quick death... disputes over royalties, publishing, administration.... I've seen a lot of what can happen. It was oftentimes painful reading it for these reasons, but the book is brilliant. Congratulations on capturing what can and does go wrong in the music business. Of course, to me the ultimate loss is the deaths of Pete and Tom. Anyway, thank you for a great read and much continued success!

Rick Montgomery

I wrote and spoke to you on several occasions prior to your hard drive crash of May 1998 and I thought I would summarize some of my feelings about your wonderful book, Pete Ham CD and efforts to bring honor to the Ham and Evans families. First, I have read many books about the music business and no other had such depth and emotional feel as yours. Being 40 years old, Badfinger was my band!!! Your book brought back the ups and downs of my adolescent years. The highs of anticipation of unveiling "No Dice", "Straight Up", "Ass", and especially "Wish You Were Here" and the devastation of reading about Pete Ham's death. The innocence of my youth was lost. It always seemed as though the band (especially Pete) was always writing from their heart. This was a rare quality even back then and especially now. Life should not have turned out as it did for Pete, Tommy, Joey and Mike.

The hardcover book and CD which arrived on 12/31/98 helped not only fill in all the missing pieces, but was such a good read it brought back many of the good times of youth. I am very grateful that you stuck with it through all the hard times over the past 6 years or so to bring forth the truth unbiased story that needed to be told. My heart still is full of sadness of what happened at the awards dinner (Collins and Joey) and the misfortune that Tommy's son experienced then and recently. My thoughts and prayers are with the survivors and their daily struggles to deal with what happened to their loved ones and what continue to occur today. I can only hope the upcoming release of "Head First" and "Golders Green" are pulled off with not too much bad blood. I hope VH1 does a good job in presenting their story so that others can be touched by their music as I have. I am happy your book and other projects are going well. Thanks for always taking time to respond to letters and calls. Much continued success.

(2) … It has been a long time since I sent you a note, but I had to say something about the work you did on "Golders Green". I purchased the domestic version yesterday and just loved it! I especially enjoyed the song "Dawn" and thought "Richard" was very funny. It seems like I can't stop listening to it. I like it better than "7 Park Avenue"! I hope sales of the album as well as your other projects are going well. I am about to re-read your wonderful book again in anticipation of the release of the VH-1 special (whenever that will occur). In any case I know what you have been doing for the Ham and Evans estates has not made you rich, but you sure have helped all of us long suffering Badfinger/Ham & Evans fans a great service. Again thank you for endless pursuit to keep Pete and Tommy's and Badfinger's work alive and fresh.

(3) … I am counting down the hours until the VH-1 Badfinger special is on Sunday, November 5th. Thank you for the countless hours you spent in getting this much deserved tribute off the ground. I am also very pleased the "Head First" with your demos are being released on November 6th on the Snapper label. The odds were not in your favor to get out of the Forbidden mess. I also noticed that Mike's long delayed album is also being released on Snapper. How were you able to accomplish all of this? It takes great dedication and love of the Badfinger name and lives of both the living and the dead in order to carry on against great odds. I am sure both Pete and Tommy are very pleased with your efforts. What is next on you agenda? Will there be more demos on the horizon? I only hope you are happy with all that has come about recently. Thanks again for being the voice and action of Badfinger fans all over the world.

George Kreiger

Thanks for all the info you sent regarding web-sites and compact disc releases. I am excited to hear that a second Pete Ham demo disc is coming out. Now if only someone would release the Say No More LP on CD and perhaps Airwaves. It really is great that you put together such an exhaustive text on Badfinger. Again, we all would like to believe our heroes are all superhuman and are disappointed to learn that they are all too human. Perhaps the biggest disappointment was to learn that Badfinger were not all the best of friends with Joey's wife acting as "the wicked witch". Certainly one wishes that Stan Polley would also have been held more accountable for what he did to a brilliant group and more specifically an incredible talent in Pete Ham.

Randy Wilkins

Just wanted to let you know how much I love your book. it was very kind of you to autograph it for me as well. I know you must have put an incredible amount of energy into writing it. The CD of tunes and interviews are a fantastic addition. It's both gratifying and sad to finally get the true story about the band I loved as a kid. I didn't have a proper record player for years when I was young and only had a cheap little 45 player I inherited from a cousin. It was one of those you could start and it would just keep playing until you turned it off. It's no exaggeration to say I'd play 'Baby Blue' about 40 times in a row. I was thrilled when they finally released Straight Up on CD.

John Snow

I have read without you at least 6 times since I've gotten it... I am a Pete Ham fan... and Pete has made a big impact on my life... I remember hearing Baby Blue for the first time in 1978... just as airwaves was coming out.... then I discovered that he was the guy who killed himself.... here was a brilliant talent laid to waste... then I started buying all the albums... and of course found every Pete ham song to be more than I could hope for.... but Pete has influenced me musically {I'm a musician/songwriter... currently having a song recorded by Frankie Laine}... his guitar playing {like the little leads behind choruses} was truly a great little trademark of his I admired.... unfortunately... we'll never know what Pete and Tommy could have been.... its so sad and tragic..... I do have one question bothering me tho... Pete complained about his lung..... did they ever find anything at the autopsy???..... but thanks soooo much for a great book... and keep those Pete and Tommy projects rolling ... I know I'll be the first one on line at the record store waiting for it...... P.S. I've spoken to Joey about playing with Badfinger {well not Joey... Kathie} [I've been told that my music has a Pete Ham quality to it} and she was kind of rude... and of course thinks Joey can still do it with him singing " No Matter What." and his bass player mark Healey screeching "We're For The Dark"... I think he needed some one to do Tommy and Pete's roll... but... I think I would decline.... I think I gig more than he does ... and make a more lucrative living at it too... Well, thanks for the book. I'll be reading it again … and again… Dan thanks again for bringing some great Pete and Tommy back to the fans… We do appreciate it… and unfortunately… someday it will run out… but, I'll try and be grateful for what you brought to us… Thanks.

Marcus Cashen

I received your book and was delighted with it, particularly that superb, beautiful priceless CD. I have since given away four copies of your book to boost sales and to get more people to know the Badfinger story. I gave the books under the excuses of Birthdays, late Xmas gifts, etc!! One small quibble on such a quality item/labour of love - a sturdier laminated slipcover would have been better - cost being not that important to those dedicated enough to want the special edition - also I was sorry that the shot used to promote the book in Beatlefan was not included. Aside from that, the book was a gripping atmospheric extremely well documented tribute to Badfinger that does the band and their fans enormous credit. I always wanted to get more deeply involved in promoting the band, their music, and finding out more about their lives, ideas, - them as people. Lack of finance, contacts, and experience, and (a little laziness!) held me back. I am thrilled with all your sterling work for the band - its unbelievable what you have achieved so far. The Pete CD/The Book/CD and now a documentary on the cards! I was saddened to read how Joey got bigheaded and put himself and his talent (comparatively limited compared to Pete) ahead of Pete's genius and supreme gift. However, Joey also very kindly sent me a very humorous autograph in 1991. That's more than any of The Beatles ever did (take the money and run!!)

I am thrilled with the Pete Memorial idea - I always wanted to pay tribute in a more valid way than a poem to this wonderfully gifted musician.

Tamra Chase

I finally was lucky to get a copy of your book, which opens up a door for me to get to know what kind of a person Peter Ham was! I cry just thinking about the pain he must have felt. I was eight years old when he died, but I still can enjoy his music! I know in my household I will keep Pete Ham and Badfinger alive!

I just wanted to thank you for making it possible for "us" fans of Pete Ham to be able to hear his (hidden music) as I call it! I love every song on Park Avenue, but there's one on the bonus tracks that touched me so deeply - (and that is "The Heart That Can't Be Understood) tears come to my eyes when I hear Pete's sweet voice and the tone in which he sings this song). I know you put so much time, care, and love into producing these lost tapes (I'm so glad) because who knows what state they would have been in longer down the road? I've only heard that any tape deteriorates when it plays or if it sits locked away. (am I right?) Well, I just wanted to thank you! I'm looking forward to hearing more of his demos. You are an awesome man - thank you again!

(2) … Your second edition is the best! I love the new photos, especially of Pete! The CD is the greatest. I love it. I finally got to hear Pete's speaking voice. He's so happy! I love hearing Pete's demos and the other demos, too. The phone calls by Tom are very sad. I could feel his pain and devastation in his voice on the recordings and it made me cry. It made me want to reach through the phone and give him a hug. I love to hear the Iveys work. I can't wait to hear more. This is great!

Roger Van Oosten

I had enjoyed the band from the very early days. I'm sort of incurable pop fan, you know, Third Eye Blind, and all these bands that are attempting to recreate that sound that these guys did so well a long time ago. I had purchased Wish You Were Here in 1975 and I thought it was great. I thought "This is it, they're going to be my dream band. They're coming back."

I remember when I found out Pete Ham had died. I read this interview with Paul McCartney where he mentioned Pete was dead and I was blown away. I went and played everything I had and cried my eyes out because they had been such a big part of my life - my first concert, one my first favorite bands… The only worse day in my musical memory is December 8, 1980.

I had spoken to Kathie Molland before that Katz documentary in the late 90s, because I was renewing my interest in the band around the time they were reissuing all these Badfinger albums. She had told me they were doing some sort of documentary about the band. But she pissed me off because she was like "Oh, that's what's so exciting about the band is that there were TWO suicides…" like it was a marketing tool. That really turned me off. I'm thinking "Well, it might not have been so good for them." I thought she was odd.

You've put such a large amount of work into resurrecting this band for a lot of us hardcore fans. I work as a writer myself and I appreciated the distance you were able to give to the subject. You were able to present everybody in what I thought was a pretty fair light - good-and-bad. Everybody will have their different take on the situation.

I think you wrote a remarkable book. One of the best kind of those kinds of books I've ever read. I really enjoyed it. I thought it was a marvelous piece of work and very inspiring because one always heard the songs, and they're obviously good, but you didn't really know what had happened.

I had no idea that Pete Ham's songs, which I consider really great, had such a personal meaning to him. When Kurt Cobain had killed himself, I turned to my wife and said, "Hey, anyone could see that coming. The guy hated his life." But you heard Pete Ham's songs and you don't pick that up. But I read your book and revisited them and I realized, "Hey, they really did show a deep sensitivity." They were actually more deep than I had given them credit for. When I read what "Midnight Caller" was about, now, when I hear it, it resonates on a deeper level. And then those comments by Pete on "Baby Blue," where he said he was never going to put someone's name he knew in a song again because he had to sing "Baby Blue" every night, and he's thinking "It may be your favorite pop song, but it's my freakin' life!" And those poignant moments in the book where he's writing notes to himself. I really could feel his pain. You did a fantastic job. And his demos CD's are just fantastic.

Again, thank you so much. I'll be looking forward to your next project.

Mic Jennings

Thank you Dan. Your book has deeply affected me. What a sad story. I too, am not much of a book reader, but I read your book in three days! My children were asking what happened to daddy. I could not put it down.

(2) … I've just gotten "Online", and the first thing I wanted to do was bee-line for your website & resoundingly applaud all your heartfelt & loving efforts with the Book, CD's, VH-1, etc… Like many of the letters and e-mails I've read on the web re: Badfinger, I have experienced the same sort of things. I became aware of Badfinger in '69 with Come and Get It, (I was 10 years old), and only knew of them via what was released by Apple on 45 rpm, (LP's !! Too much $$$). At the time, The Beatles ruled supreme over my soul and disloyalty was unthinkable !! However, Badfinger harmonically resonated in the same way that I heard Beatle music. By 1971, I had picked up the Bass Gtr., and started that long and often lonely road to becoming a musician. Remarkably, it seemed , I had an opportunity to see them at the Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford, CT. near my home. Day After Day was all over the radio, I bought tickets pronto. The day of the show was rapidly approaching when suddenly, it was announced that the gig was canceled !! The first of many times left in the dark wondering… In 1974, my hopes were raised again and dashed when Badfinger was scheduled to appear in Bridgeport, CT. at the Sheraton Hotel. Canceled. Then the short blip in Rolling Stone about Pete, and then… nothing, Zip , Nada for years. Confused? Sad? Frustrated?

In 1977, my new best friend - a fellow musician - had all the Badfinger LP's, and he turned me on to what has become my only best friend at times - their music. I still remember walking into the record stores and looking under B for Badfinger. Nothing. Suddenly, Airwaves appeared !!! Then Say No More !!! Then… nothing… .In the summer of 1983 Badfinger was coming to town !! I had to go, they had to play this time… Joey has to be there, maybe Mike Gibbins too… Hey, why wasn't he on any of the albums???

I got to the club early - surely it would be packed - with much anticipation, the place is empty. I walk over to the bar to order a drink, I look to my right and leaning against the bar watching the TV is Tom Evans !!!! He looked as if he'd stepped right out of the gatefold of No Dice!! I introduced myself and fumbled through some small talk, he seemed preoccupied, but friendly enough, all the same. I offered to buy him a drink, he refused." Nah, Joey or Mike wont be here". " Well, Some old stuff, some new stuff ". Hey, Tom. Good luck man." Thanks ". About 15 people showed up, they soldiered on and played like the place was packed though!!! As for me: It broke my heart. A couple of months later the news about Tommy got round, I was crushed. What happened to this band???? So many questions.

A few years go by, Badfinger Hits Vol.2 is released with bonus tracks. "Keep Believing" blows me away, nothing short of genius, and worth the price of the whole CD. A treasure which is bittersweet to realize once again that Pete is gone. He had a soul. Meanwhile, bootleg videos and tapes surface now and again. Sad, Sad, Sad…

Suddenly, like those days rifling through record bins, 7 Park Avenue is staring up at me, I am transfixed. I rush to the counter, throw the money down and high tail it back home. It is the Christmas of my youth (I am forty now) , and I am not disappointed, like when I was a boy and the prized Hofner Bass was not under the tree. Every detail is of the highest integrity and care, and cries out … LOVE… and the music… breathtaking… I can't thank you and Pete's family enough for this.

I must apologize for my ramblings, but I really needed to share my thoughts. Your book was/is a blessing that helps to resolve all the nagging questions I've had for so many years. I look forward to anything forthcoming. Thank you Dan. Your book has deeply affected me. What a sad story. I too, am not much of a book reader, but I read your book in three days! My children were asking what happened to daddy. I could not put it down.

Margie Barton

Just want to thank you, I am enjoying the book and all of the insight so much. It's amazing what those 'agents' were able to do to the artists at that time. I am about 3/4 through the book, and am amazed at what transpired in those days. Bought the book originally because I heard it had a lot of Lou Christie in it, which I'm thrilled that it does, but it has so much more of our history, so much Beatles, etc. It has so much insight into those days that we were not aware of, we always assumed that all the artists became millionaires instantly. Had no idea what they had to deal with. Thanks again, for a truly great product, can't wait to finish it, so sorry to know that it ends so tragically. But you are doing a great service, to let people know what was done to those 'kids' back then.

Mike Barton

Thank you Dan for a fine and moving book. I would have missed it if not for hearing No Matter What on The Mountain (our local sometimes interesting, mostly dreadfully boring FM station). That clued me in to 7 Park Avenue which clued me in to your book. I just really appreciate the time you must have taken to put together a nuanced view into the life and times of this group.

Steve Olson

I enjoyed the book (if those are the right words) and was rather disgusted by the behavior of some of the principals involved. In my various web travels, I noticed the Mollands have obtained the services of a biographer for a book on "their own story of Badfinger" and are getting involved in the upcoming VH1 "Behind The Music" special on Badfinger. I can only assume the goals here are for some publicity, damage control, and to milk a proud name dry.

To me, Badfinger died with Pete Ham and Tom Evans.

Mark Sokolowski

I just finished "Without You" yesterday, and I must say I was more than a little impressed. As a former (real) journalist, I can see that you spent an enormous amount of time researching it. I got the softcover version of the book as a Christmas gift. The husband of a friend of mine is agonizing over the final stages of a Neil Young biography, so I have some idea what you must have gone through to get this done…

Without You is a sterling achievement. It seems to me that you wrote it for guys like me (Anglophile American Rock fan), but is really something that has appeal far beyond me and my type. Your presentation had me engaged, from beginning to end. I certainly hope someone picks up an option to use your book for a film. Not only do you and the band deserve this type of recognition, it would make a most engaging film. Your extremely liberal use of photos was an excellent choice. The pictures really enhanced the text. At times I felt like I was reading a family history.

If I ever see Stan Polley, I will be sure to rip a molar out of his mouth.

The decline of Tom Evans struck me in particular. I still ache a little thinking about it. Tom was a great voice and excellent songwriter. He is missed. I was sickened at the bickering over the use of the band name and the ASCAP award fiasco. It was the first I'd heard of it and it really saddened me...

I have been a Badfinger fan since the first time I heard "Baby Blue" played on WLS-AM in Chicago. I was able to buy every album before learning they no longer existed and that Pete Ham had taken his life. I was privileged to meet Tom and Mike and Bob at The Charlie Club in Joliet, IL on one of their tours. I pretended to be a reporter to interview them after their gig. I later saw them at the Thirsty Whale bar in River Grove, IL, this time without Mike but with Tony Kaye.

Tom was ever the gentleman and feigned recollection of me and even invited me to party with the band afterwards, an offer, I know regret, I didn't accept. I was stunned to hear that Tom had also taken his life.

(2) … Without You is a classic book. Anything I can do to help spread the word, I would do. Please keep me posted on your next project, and for God's sake, keep up the excellent work. I just bought 7 Park Avenue last weekend, as a matter of fact. Of course, the notes were excellent, but I was really struck at how much care and thought was put into the whole project. Pete definitely deserves that, right down to the careful, clear and thoughtful use of overdubs. Even the people used to do those dubs makes perfect sense. I hope Tom's project comes off equally well.... 

Peter Long

Thanks Dan, I thought I may have left it a bit late to order 7 Park Avenue. It's OK, I can wait on the CD, I just got particularly fired up after reading your book. I've only just read the section on Pete Hams sad demise and I must say it's really affected me quite deeply. I'm a musician/songwriter myself and have an affinity with Pete as a person, I think I know the sort of character he was (well maybe) so I find the book has hit home on a particular level. Anyway, I should say congratulations on a well written and strikingly unbiased account of a band I've had an appreciation of for many years. May Pete and Tom rock on in another plane.

Gail Sams

I wanted to write to tell you how much I enjoyed your book, Without You: The Tragic Story Of Badfinger! I saw it on the shelf at the gift shop in the Rock'n'Roll Hall Of Fame. I was so surprised to see a book on Badfinger and even more surprised when I saw the author. This book had so many details about what happened. I had always wondered what the real story was (you can never find much info on Badfinger). It must of been incredibly interesting doing the research when writing this book. Your book made it easy to understand the feelings and hardships of Tom and Pete especially. I found myself crying while reading parts of the book. It really is such a tragedy. I still listen to Badfinger music quite often. Wouldn't Badfinger be a good Behind The Music for VH-1?... Anyway, I am so glad you wrote the book. It answered many questions I had for years. I only wish everybody could know the Badfinger story. Many people that I've talked with who have some interest in the band - have no idea of the tragedy that has occurred. Thank you for writing this book. I just treasure it.

Marco von der Nahmer

It's been a while since I last contacted you. In the meantime, I've received your beautiful Badfinger book. You have done a lot of work to compile all the information and put it out this way. I really enjoyed it, although the death of both Pete and Tom always makes me sad, it has enough funny moments, too. From my point of view, Pete and Tom are the heart of Badfinger and real artists/musicians. It's funny how time goes on while these guys never grow old. But that's always the case with people who leave too soon. It's strange to realize that we are already older than they ever got.

I drift away, back to the book. For instance, the time between Pete and Tom's passing was highly interesting. I hardly knew anything about that period! Also, their touring history was a treat. The silence from the Beatles about their relationship with the band still makes me wonder. Really, these are only a few of the highlights I mention and I can imagine that the story is fit for a movie. Well, I think you got a of great reviews in the press anyway, and that must be flattering, too. I hope that the book will attract some new fans. Thanks again for investing so much effort in a group of musicians that all other rock writers have overlooked!

Emma Fee

I am writing to thank you for the hardback edition of your wonderful book "Without You: The Tragic Story Of Badfinger," I was extremely impressed by it. I have read many rock biographies (Beatles, Rolling Stones, etc.) but none have been as informative or well-written as this book. It told me all I wanted to know - and a lot more! It's impossible to find fault with - the presentation is excellent and the amount of research which must have gone into writing this, must have been tremendous! It's really nice to see a band such as Badfinger, being paid such a tribute - I feel it couldn't have been done better. The enormous list of credits and the chapter about Wales and its people is very respectful. The sensitivity with which the book is written is amazing and rather than emphasizing Pete and Tom's deaths all the time (as magazine articles do), the group's music was celebrated, too.

The bonus CD was a real joy, too - it presents even more evidence in favour of the fact that Pete. He and Tom Evans were the writers of "Without You."

 The other thing that impressed me so much, was the insight your book gave into the music industry. I have just recently joined a band and I write material for us to use - after reading your book I think twice about who I play this material to - I was horrified at how Badfinger were treated. I knew very little about the group prior to reading your book and I was surprised at how many other musicians they were associated with, and how popular they really were.

I was born in 1978, so unfortunately, I was never around to know of the band when they were at their peak in the early 70s. I've only recently completed my collection of their albums and its been hard work trying to find anything. Every record shop owner I came across spoke nothing but highly of the band and they all owned at least one cherished Badfinger LP in their own collections - and they were not willing to part with them!

I think anyone, whether they're a Badfinger fan or not, could pick up this book and find it interesting, because it is so well-written.

At last, it seems Badfinger have got some justice in the sense that Stan Polley has been exposed (amongst others, who conned the group and wrecked lives just to fill their wallets.) I knew the group had troubles - but I never really knew why and to what extent. It's a real shame because it seems these guys didn't write songs simply for the money - they did it because they were real musicians - it was second nature to them - and that's what it makes their story worse.

It's also ironic they're remembered for "Come And Get It" by McCartney - and their most famous song "Without You" as recorded by Nilsson. I've had plenty of arguments with people over the years whereby people insist the original "Without You" was written by Harry Nilsson - I even heard a DJ say it on the local radio station. I think your book might help to clear things up.

Finally, I'd like to say thank you once again for the book, and your dedication and hard work is very much appreciated and does not go unnoticed.

It's been well worth the wait.

John McGrath

Re: Your masterpiece, Without You

I do not exaggerate when I refer to your book as a masterpiece. My wife knows that your book was exceptional for I could not put it down. I read it in about one week (my usual time is months, due to lack of interest). I was born in Townhill, Swansea in 1947 and although I saw the Iveys many times I didn't know Pete. My sister tells me she sat next to John Ham at school but Pete and I must have gone to different ones. I played drums in a couple of local bands, we were never up to Iveys standard, before moving away in 1969 to follow a teaching career. During the holiday I went to visit Park Avenue, just to be there really, as your book persuaded me to dig out my old Badfinger vinyl and listen to it for the first time in years. I have also bought the Park Ave.CD and find it fascinating... 

I always liked the Badfinger singles, but never listened to LP's until the CD revolution. I had obtained six CD's so I was getting into Badfinger. Then your book has got me well and truly hooked. Your book gave me inspiration to write a song (my first ever) about Iveys/Badfinger.

Heidi Fleming

I love the book! I could hardly put the book down once I started reading. Your book was written with such compassion & understanding… I'm hoping to go someday & see all the sites. I can't wait to see the new Badfinger project's!! . I hope someday someone will release concert footage of them in the 70's with Pete… That would be super cool! … This has to be one of the most tragic stories in rock'n'roll. It makes me sick how they got ripped off and treated. I really feel sorry for Pete, Tom, and their families. My sister also died of suicide, so this story really hits home for me. I love the CD that came with the book. "I Won't Forget You" is especially beautiful. That was really nice of Tom to send you a tape of him singing "Lost Inside Your Love." That is so great to listen to! ... I'm glad you wrote the book, now everyone will know what really happened!

Jason Johnson

Let me say without hyperbole that your Badfinger bio is absolutely the best rock biography I've read. One thing I've learned about biographies in general is that interesting lives do not always make interesting reading. That is not the case here's a fascinating story, thoroughly researched, and written with such keen insight into the personalities and recordings. Unlike other biographies, every significant event seems to have gotten sufficient attention - and it goes a long way in pointing out just how deficient the recent Badfinger documentary was. It is both a fans book as well as a damn fine piece of professional journalism. It's a real page-turner. It's excellent.

(2) … Upon re-reading this work, I am again struck at the amazing depth of research that went into this, as well as the engaging narrative. I've said it before, but this is an incredible book. Also, you had updates as late as June, yet still had the book out by July, which is "warp-speed" in the publishing biz, so kudos to your company for that. 

Susan Robison

The Badfinger book was so worth the wait! It is so informative and well written, and I love seeing all those photos! The CD is such a bonus - hearing previously unreleased music from them is such a treat.

I didn't want the book to end, so I tried to pace myself and read it slowly. I felt like I was reading about some long lost friends. It was so interesting reading about everything that went on, from their early years, diverse personalities, and unfortunate business dealings. I always felt a certain connection to Pete Ham and his music and after reading your book, I can understand why. He seemed like such a genuine human being. What a loss! There has definitely been no one like him since on the music scene.

I often think if he were still around, surely he'd be a living legend in the ranks of Dylan or McCartney. Badfinger's music has been so overlooked by the mainstream. I feel fortunate that I recognized their talents at such a young age: I was 14 when I saw them perform at Buffalo's Memorial Auditorium on August 6, 1972. I was in the 6th row and directly in front of Pete. He sang "We're For The Dark' and its been a favorite song ever since. I've seen Badfinger 8 times since that, but all after 1975, so I only saw Pete once...

Once again, thank you for the excellent book. 

(2) … Yesterday I came home and found my copy of your wonderful book. Made my day!!!! I just had to write and tell you how thrilled I am with it and all the new changes. (I already have the hard copy version too.) I can't tell you how much I love hearing ANYTHING "new" from Pete. That CD is incredible! I'm so glad it's totally different from the one that came with the first edition because it's all songs I've never heard (or different versions) I don't think there's a voice I love hearing more than Pete's. From the first time I heard him sing on the radio "No Matter What", I've been under his spell. I've never really heard him speak much so listening to his interviews was appreciated, too. I love the simplicity of "Take It All".

Your book is so thorough -- you must have spent years researching. I was amazed at their tour itinerary. They toured more than I ever thought. Makes me sad that I could only see them once (Aug. 6, 1972-Buffalo) If only I'd have been older!!!! Thanks Dan for getting their music out there. I just ordered another copy of the Japanese import of "7 Park Avenue" too and of course have "Golders Green" both copies and his lithograph. I am so grateful to you for getting Pete's music to the public. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't stop until every single Pete Ham demo is released, every song, every interview. He was talented beyond belief.

(3) … After watching the VH-1 show, I was again reminded of how much you've done to bring Badfinger out of the past. Dan, thank you soooo much for all you've done! Their music has brought me so much joy and comfort over the years (especially Pete's.) The two demo CDs you brought out are just treasures. I'm hoping you don't stop till every last Ham composition is available to the public. Pete has a new fan in my two year old son, Julian. He actually knows most of the words to "No Matter What" and I play it for him every night to help him get to sleep plus numerous times during the day. He calls it "Ooh Girl"! The boy's got good taste!

Frances Fee

I don't know how to start this letter, there is such a lot that I have to say. First of all, I hope that you are well. Thank you for keeping us informed (about the book) every step of the way. The delays were very justifiable, we did not mind at all, we knew that things had to be "just so," as it was your dedication that this book was to be a fitting tribute to Badfinger. I must say the book "Without You" is a truly brilliant book/package in every way!

Last summer I was in New York for three weeks and when I rang my daughter Emma, she said you had sent a card to explain a delay in the book's release. We were disheartened, we knew the book would be worth the wait, but on reading it, it certainly surpasses all expectations!

I do realise that no-one else could have written it as well as you have. You have made very thorough accounts of events, recorded family and friends memories of Badfinger, etc. so well and with a very caring attitude.

I was totally engrossed in your book, it just carried me into another place and time as with a "fly on the wall" account, your wording created vision and much atmosphere. This I also found when listening to 7 Park Avenue, it retains the quality of sound live, of the moment. When hearing this album you just have to close your eyes and it is as if Pete Ham is there in the room playing live. You did a wonderful job on this album, I love it.

You have done a wonderful job on the book also. I don't think a dedicated English fan could have done near as well as you. I say that because I am truly impressed. You are an American writing about Wales, England, and the British pop scene and so much more, this I would imagine to be quite difficult as you were not here at the time! Yet, you are "spot on"!

You have made an accurate enough account of how it was - all I can say is "well-done." I could go on and on, but I won't. My daughter, Emma, and I, now know no-one else could have written this book but you.

Above all you have been so loyal to Badfinger and we feel very loyal and caring towards their families and friends. The book is candid and expressive. Emma could not put it down. She read it before me and in less time than I took (I teach and assist with primary school children) so after school was my reading time. One Sundays, I read the final section of the book. I remember I was really thirsty but I could not quite put the book down! Emma was not aware that I was reading the book, she was playing Badfinger (as usual). Her tape, which she had compiled from various albums was playing. I found it uncanny how many times I read a song title only to hear it play on Emma's tape!

There were only two occasions when I had to put the book down. That was when you had written about Pete Ham and Tom Evans deaths. I could hear their songs and voices on Emma's tape as I was reading and I just cried, I could not see the print. Your words created so much emotion in telling a very tragic story, it was so sad. You have done it so well, you have done them proud, as we would say. Badfinger suffered such tragedy, your book is a truly fitting tribute. It matters that someone has written about them in this way, "thank you."

The CD accompanying the book was also "just right." You have taken great steps for this to be a caring and fitting tribute for Badfinger, you have accomplished just that!

It has value to Badfinger fans and people who have not heard of them, it could be useful to anyone who is in entering the music business.

May you do well with any work you may do in the future. I wish you many successes.

Take care and thank you again. 

Mansel Jones

I have just finished reading your book Without You: The Tragic Story Of Badfinger, and I have to say that it is the most impressive piece of music journalism that I have ever come across. Although the name Badfinger has been known for years, and some of the music has been vaguely familiar, it is not until recently that I have gotten into the band. Needless to say, after hearing their music, nothing sounds quite the same… Thanks again for your wonderful book. The story needed telling and I think you did it full justice. I hope many people will both read your book and become hooked on Badfinger's remarkable music.

Thomas Trzaskos

Without You is a fantastically put together book. I was going to write my own, but I see no reason now. Joey nor Kathie could do nothing superior to your own book, forget even attempting it with a ghost writer... I used to listen to everything, but now I mainly put on Pete Ham/Badfinger, and The Beatles, when I'm not reading or working. Just A Chance is simply amazing! It's really sad that the world hates talent, thinks talent is, in itself, more than enough for the gifted. Coppertone Blues is just so good sounding... every song exposes a piece of me...

Pete Ham of Badfinger, the greatest guitarist and songwriter ever! The Beatles started it, but Badfinger took up the mantel… In the music world, as in my own, that of literature, greatness is not tolerated, unless the great are safely dead. Pete's been ashes too long! it's time to crown him, and the rest in Badfinger! Eric Clapton is God? I've never heard anything that comes close to Ham… solos are liquid, intelligent, different always, like he's talking to you.

Keith Shamel

Thank you so much for Without You - It was well worth the wait! (Thanks also for the cards explaining the delays). I wanted to delay sending you my appreciation until I had delved into the book, which is - as I knew it would be - fascinating!

Badfinger has been a favorite of mine since first hearing No Matter What in 1970 ( I am a musician - and I have played that song in just about every band I've been with - and its always recognized). The care you have put into your book really shows throughout - a labor of love. 

(2) … Thank you so much for the new Badfinger book - the extra photos, tour and recording info is great plus the new CD with all the interviews is really a treasure! All of your hard work and dedication has truly played off and should be appreciated by all who admire this wonderful group.

Ryan Bredehoeft

I am a huge Badfinger fan. I was pleasantly surprised to find such an in-depth book on these terrific musicians. Thank you for such a terrific book.

Larry Leidecker

I have just received your book Without You and immediately have to say thank you! Its a real gem. You've done a kindness in what otherwise is one of the greatest tragedies in music - and besides that provided insight into what has been a void. I've wondered for twenty years what the hell went on there. So now I am twice grateful.

I'm a musician who was 12 years old when the Beatles hit America, insatiably taking in whatever they offered... it was always new, it was always quality. And then Badfinger picked it up chronologically, making me and the band I'm in, "lifelong studies." Though we play original music we never fail to lose ourselves in "Name Of The Game" whenever we practice. Playing their music is an incredible experience, as well as listening.

I saw Badfinger live in 1974 at Thiel College in Greenville PA. Given the proximity to Cleveland, it may have been the night before the Agora concert. They were preceded by 10CC which were extremely tight and professional - but when Badfinger began, I sensed the raw talent and presence, like being hit by a brick! They started with "Baby Blue" and the audience just went electric. People flooded the stage, girls on the shoulders waving their arms, the whole place was moving! After the second song Tommy began reading from a piece of paper saying "We've got a letter from management that says you've all got to sit down like dead people or they'll turn the lights off on you.... so I meself says, "Fuck You!" The audience roared!

After that point I noticed Pete seemed quite frustrated at times. Joey had a smile on his face and seemed to be playing the "Its OK lads" role, while Pete on several occasions knocked his amp off its stand by deliberately backing into it hard. Each time the roadie came back and set it back up while they were playing. I remember wondering if he was reacting to the note or instrument problems. The concert was excellent. It was all-around uplifting and inspiring and I'll never forget it...

In the end, Stan Polley will not escape the seeds he's sown. And I'm convinced Pete and Tom (and for that matter Joey and Mike) never knew the level of connection their music had with so many people. It still does. 

(2) … I recently got my Badfinger book back from our drummer and began re-reading sections last night. As expected, I saw new things which must have been missed the first time and so intend to read the book again. It's a great contribution to an area of musical history which was flagrantly overlooked back when it happened… and I'm grateful it was written.

Mark Hughes

Thought I would just right away thank you for your effort you have put into writing and production of Without You The Tragic Story Of Badfinger. I received it a couple of days ago and have just finished it this evening. The entire story of Badfinger is so sad, and unfortunately, it doesn't say alot for sections of the human race who will prey off trusting and talented people for their own benefit. It is also sad these people just don't seem to get their just dessert's. I suppose like is not like a Hollywood script...

I remember seeing the BBC Watchdog program about the injustice of one of Pete Ham's and Tom Evans' finest compositions being misrepresented as a joint composition between all the members of the band (and even their manager!) I was thoroughly sickened by the actions of Joey Molland and was greatly saddened there was no word or tribute made of Peter or Tom. Even worse, the whole thing was brought about by an absolutely terrible version of "Without You" sung by Mariah 'why sing one note when you can throw in a dozen' Carey.

It is also unfortunate that, until your book, there seemed to be a great deal of rewriting Badfinger history by the Mollands. What is also unfortunate is that the music business is still, and probably always will be, infiltrated by characters that have no real interest in the music, just the figures on a balance sheet.

The book was essential reading for this Badfinger fan. It did move me greatly, which is what true 'art" is all about. I hope your fine efforts do not go unrewarded and that you achieve substantial sales of this comprehensive work. All I can say is it was well worth the wait. 

Larry Geiger

I just finished reading your book Without You: The Tragic Story Of Badfinger. Thank you very, very much for writing and putting out this book. I have been a Badfinger fan for many years and had always felt their tragic story deserved to be told.

My brother and I, who happen to be musicians, consider Badfinger to be the 2nd greatest rock'n'roll band of all time, after The Beatles. But they had a sound second to none. I have found most people I know do not hold Badfinger in such regard. I'm hoping that now because of your book, more interest and more Badfinger recordings, will be generated, and that in turn, will help elevate their standing in the music world to where it belongs.

I was saddened to read about what kind of people Joey and his wife turned out to be, but it was great to find out that Pete really was the beautiful person that his songs hinted he was. And I gained respect for Tommy. Also, Mike really sounds like a cool guy.

Thanks again for your great service to Badfinger. 

Greg Yarbro

Badfinger is a magnificent group and once people read the book and listen to the music that fact is undeniable... Thanks for writing the best book yet in rock and roll. I am on my 4th reading of it and it is still fascinating. Great job, now maybe you should do the screenplay. Its bound to get a lot of attention. A big movie could definitely put the band over the top… The bonus CD is fantastic and makes a couple of my bootleg CD's expendable. The sound on "I Won't Forget You " is incredible Also, thanks for the shamefully solicited things you wrote in the book for me. My brother is especially jealous. He also wonders if you have another copy of the CD for sale? Thanks again very much.

Steve White

Finally read through the book, after having it for about a year. Well it opened my midwestern eyes a lot. I thought I knew some of the Badfinger story, needless to say, I knew nothing. My main sadness comes for the Evans family. I never knew a lot about Tommy's life & struggles with it. I'm glad we don't all go to that measure because of our problems, its really no solution to anything. Having been born & raised around Mpls. MN. I sure wish I would have known about Tommy & Bob Jackson being in the city for quite some time. It seems like he was a great song writer & musician with such talent. The guys could have lived with me, if times were that tough on them, I know the apartments that were mentioned those Cedar Avenue ones, not the best in the city. If you ever see a shot of the Metrodome in Mpls, those apartments are about 2 blocks from it, & easy to pick out.

I've seen Joey's band here in Mpls. when he plays, & know he can be very moody on different occasions, it has happened to me more than once. But then again he can be the greatest guy to be around also. I don't where that attitude swing comes from. Kathie is a strong willed women, its easy to see by talking to her, but being we're both from the same state, I guess we're just maybe kinda the same. Pigheaded I suppose. She grew up in the city, & I'm from a farm, where we lived kinda laid back.

Marianne seems like a very pleasant honest women, & I can relate to her sincerity. I read she had items stolen from her home, & now Stephen has had items of his fathers stolen. What else can happen?

Anyhow, I liked the book a lot, & hope someday Joey, Mike, Rod, & Bob Jackson can play together again, or should I say for the first time. There has been a lot of water pass under the bridge, & probably some of them have been burned also, & that's tough, but we're all going to die, so lets have SOME fun while we're here, & maybe bury the hatchet, rather than using it on each other guys. A frozen Minnesotian, who likes to be positive & think of what can be, instead of what should have been. 

Scott Wendler

I just finished "Without You" and I found it fascinating, almost in a morbid way. I became increasingly tense as I poured over the pages approaching that fateful day in April 1975. I knew what was coming, but I almost felt the ending would somehow change; that Pete Ham would again stake a claim as one of the greatest songwriters of all time. I would stack Without You, Crimson Ship, Maybe Tomorrow and certainly No Matter What as strong exhibits in their defense. Thanks for bringing the story of Badfinger, (not Paul McCartney's back-up band or those "Beatle impersonators"), but a group of talented musicians and songwriters led by Pete Ham, an immensely talented musician and songwriter whose life passed in the wink of an eye, but who will remain forever in our minds and our hearts.

PS. Stan Polley has a special level of hell awaiting him, I hope for the sake of others who will follow in Pete's footsteps that they may learn something from this tragic story and avoid the leeches that seem to turn up whenever there is money to be had.

Tony Spivey

Dan, I was up until 3:00 a.m. finishing the book and listening to the CD (second edition). I got the book for Christmas, as my wife knows what a Badfinger fan I am. Even though I knew the tragic story, seeing all the details, hearing the anguish in Pete and Tom's voice on the phone calls… it was an emotional experience for me. Thank you very much for keeping the music alive. I've been a fan since the first time I heard "Baby Blue." Let's see, I was 12, I think. I was such a little Beatles fanatic that when I was 4 my parents gave me my own phonograph. I have pictures of me playing records, reading Beatles magazines. Obviously, at the age of 12, all I caught was the similar sound. As I got older, the sheer beauty of the songwriting continually amazed me. Being somewhat of a guitar player myself, I've always challenged other players to listen to what Pete could do… he's so underrated!… I know I'm rambling, so I'll keep it short! I've got 7 Park Avenue, I'm going to get Golders Green this weekend, and am anxiously awaiting volume three. Thank you so much for the hard work getting these works of art out to the fans. I can feel through your work this has been a labor of love. Keep it up, my friend, it's very, very much appreciated!
(2) … I hate to bother you, but I have a question. Is Stan Polley still on this earth, or has he rightly assumed his position down below? I don't remember that being in the book… I've loaned it to a buddy of mine in exchange for borrowing his documentary. But I didn't let him have the CD, so he'll have to buy a copy! I know he will, but this gives him some incentive… I had emailed you earlier after I finished the book, before I got my hands on Golders Green. Wow. I have played that CD so many times. "Dawn" was worth the price of admission! Unbelievable stuff, this Pete Ham could do. Thanks again for the hard work, the CD sounds great. If you have a chance to drop me a line on the Polley question, great… but if not I understand… I can't see your name without thinking of how great the book is! I'm starting my third reading since I got it for Christmas… Thanks again for your efforts!

John Ashdown

Hi Dan Just re-read (without you) for about the 4th time, still just as good…

John Gallagher

I finally got around to getting my revised copy of "Without You" and I wanted to commend you on a wonderful job. The CD is amazing. Pete, especially, surprised me on track 1… I've never heard him sing quite like that. Very impressive. "Take Good Care of My Baby" sounds like The Iveys meet The Bee Gees, etc. Any way the CD is really a treasure… "Without You" especially. "Over You" its, in my opinion, one of the best that Tom has ever recorded since "Beautiful and Blue," "Maybe Tomorrow." It just shows just how very talented Tom really was. You probably get sick of this kind of stuff, but I'd like to thank you for all your efforts in keeping Pete and Tom's memory alive. Keep up the good work Dan.

Chris Fonveille Jr.

Hi Dan, I finished your book in about two days. I couldn't put it down! I thoroughly enjoyed it, learned much, and was saddened by the Badfinger story. Stan Polley has much to atone for. I've always kept up with Badfinger and knew much of the story, but you put it all into perspective in your great book.

Thank you and congratulations!

William Powys

Hi there, The story of Badfinger is tragic, yet fascinating. The Book is brilliant. I cant wait to get the new version… Badfinger were, I think, one of the best groups around and it is tragic what happened to them. When I was a music student last year we studied The Badfinger Story, and I provided material for this. Lets hope a tragedy like this never happens again … such a super group and such a very sad story. I have very much enjoyed listening to Pete's demos on the two CD's released and hope that Tommy will have a CD of his released soon. Having worked on various projects involving soundtracks of musicals I know the sort of work that goes into such a project! Its great to know how many people Pete's music still touches!

I discovered Badfinger when I overheard a number of people going on about how Mariah's cover of "Without You" was terrible compared with "The Original" As I liked the song I went out and Bought "No Dice" and after that went out with a credit card and bought practically everything I could lay my hands on by them. I agreed with the overheard conversationalists, Badfinger's version was super (Ironically though they were referring to the Harry Nilsson version and didn't know who Badfinger were! Had I struck up a conversation with them and bought a Nilsson album instead, I may still be in ignorance!!!! Having listened to Head First I am very sad that the group did not record more with Bob Jackson. He had/has so many great songs, and Badfinger's music gained a lot from his presence in my opinion! Hopefully he will put out his own CD soon or the Fortunes will record some of his music!

This brings me to the main point of my email - as you worked on the Pete demo CD's - I know he used Revox, but which particular models? The tape machine on the inside cover of Golders Green looks like it was a 36 model Revox (possibly a G 36?) But Pete worked with the Sound On Sound facility, which I don't think was available on this model. The Japanese docu film sees Joey playing to what looks like a Revox A77 Mk 3 but my copy picture quality is so poor that I cant be sure. I am currently restoring on of those machines, so it would be nice to think it was the same model (made between 1967 - 1977)… I would guess that the original one was a Revox G36, the last of the valve Revox, and that they went on to A77s when they got their own, these are still super machines when compared to the horrible little cassette 4 tracks available today!

I am considering putting together my own CD and would like to cover one of Pete's songs (Dawn amongst others - there's so many great tunes) I would press no more than 50 copies, how would I go about getting permission?) I don't think I will be able to do as good a Pete cover as Allan Clarke did of Baby Blue, That is my favourite Badfinger cover, pity it wasn't on the tribute CD… I met Bob Jackson when he came to Hastings and had a chat with him, he seemed a really nice genuine bloke, when he covered "Without You" you could really see that Pete and Tommy meant something to him, certainly in the Welsh TV docu from the late 80's he seemed to be the one that found it the most difficult to talk about them…

Anne Wallis

Hi Dan. Just a short note to let you know that the revised edition arrived here at the weekend. The CD is Brilliant and it is particularly good to hear how Pete sounded when he talked… I've started reading the book but I don't have a lot of time except in bed at night and I find I can only read a few pages each night, but I am getting there. There seems to be a lot more information this time which is great… Although it is a very sad tale, Badfinger are so lovely to look at that it was all worthwhile. I try very hard not to get too depressed about them… I'm just sorry that the group didn't reap the benefits.…

Antonio Caroselli

I really enjoyed the 2nd edition of your great book. A vast improvement from the 1st edition which was SUPERB !!!

Arthur Carr

Dear Dan, I am writing to thank you for the wonderful work that you did in the "Without You" book. It must have been tremendously draining to write about a great deal of the material, when you consider the tragic ends of Pete and Tommy, and the horrible management situation. How did you hold up psychologically while you were writing? Your prose isn't tortured, but the subject matter certainly is. Congratulations on striking this most difficult balance.

I have loved the work of Badfinger since I first heard the McCartney single so very long ago. As a trained musician myself (Oberlin Conservatory), I was always impressed by the group's playing ability, and especially by Pete's writing. I couldn't believe it when he died, and twenty-five years later, I still feel the loss every time I listen to the band's work. I am sure that your research has turned up a great deal of information about how well many people connected with Pete's writing and musicianship. I consider "We're For the Dark" and "Midnight Caller" two of the best songs of the rock/pop era. And those weren't even hits!… the music that they produced was just so damn good. It is criminal that the whole catalog is not available in the US, and that very legitimate material has still never seen the light of day. Given the trash that passes for "music" that is being spewed forth from the record industry lately, it is my belief that remasters of obscure Badfinger material would be a rousing commercial success (even if Joey Molland had to be given a piece of the action!).

Your book personalized many of the emotions that the public felt about the band that we could only intuit from the music. I am impressed with your passion and ability. Very, very nice job!

Robert M. MacKinnon

Dan, hello my friend, When I'm on break, I head to my "WITHOUT YOU" THE TRAGIC STORY OF BADFINGER book. This book is totally the absolute best biography ever written. Thanks… looking forward to the results of all the hard work you put into bringing Badfinger to worldwide attention. God most surely has great rewards for you. Have a great day.You deserve it, Dan. I think God saved Badfinger for these times. Good comes from bad. Badfinger told the truth. Now you are opening some great doors for the world to see that truth.

It's very very sad that Pete Ham & Tom Evans had died due to the results of a business that was designed to help them & to give our world their excellent music. Not the entire music business, but the evil bloody shark that cared less for the boys than he did for his bottomless pit of a pocket. The music business should think more of the artists that are making them money in the first place. The artists work very very hard to give us their works, their hearts, their albums & songs, and an incredible amount of their time in this life. John Lennon said "Instant Karma's Gonna Get Ya" Well, I love BADFINGER and support them in life & death (PETE & TOM I KNOW YOU HEAR ME) Well, we as fans can enjoy BADFINGER'S music and that is at least a plus. BADFINGER to me and probably million's of fans is a great historic yet tragic cornerstone & landmark from where the world was headed from their perspective's. ya know - thank god that we even got a BADFINGER to enjoy. So lets dedicate a thank you to them every time we hear the music, and then hopefully (PETE & TOM) will have had some satisfaction from what BADFINGER offered to our ears & tearful eyes.

Yeah this book is the best book ever on any band I have ever read. and I collect hundreds of them. I purchased the first edition hardcover of your book and it's 1 of 1000 in existence. Cool. I'm very fortunate to have WITHOUT YOU-THE TRAGIC STORY OF BADFINGER. Thank you for writing it!. Thank you too for giving us the real story.

Brenda (Hornberg) Watkins

Hi! Sorry it's taken me so long to get in touch with you, but now that my husband and I have a new computer and have gotten online, well, here I am. First of all, hats off to you for the incredible job you did on your book. (I was surprised to find my name in the credits!) I confess it took me a while to pick up a copy, because I knew I would find parts of it hard to read. (I still mourn Pete.) But once I opened the first page, there was no putting it down. I haven't seen your revised edition; it sounds impressive… I just want to say a big thank you for getting Pete's demo's out there. You're doing a wonderful job with them, and I look forward to the next CD's… Keep up the good work! Still knocking down the old grey wall

Peggy Burneka

Dear Dan: It occurred to me (and I hope I don't embarrass you by saying this) that the reason you identify so strongly with Pete is that you share many of his traits. You are not out for glory for yourself, you try to treat everyone fairly (even though it can be very difficult at times) and you take time to talk to us "regular" folk. No BS, just genuine… a rarity these days. Thanks for all you have done and continue to do for us Badfinger fans!

Chris Harnedy

Dear Dan; I never ever got a chance to thank you for the book I ordered from you a couple of years back, but better late than never. I thoroughly enjoyed it, feeling it is one of the best rock music biographies written. You did a great job with it and I felt you were fair in portraying all the members in the band, warts and all. Even Pete Ham, despite his kind nature, had his faults in his naiveté in trusting people and holding on to his stubborn belief… world of selfish, self-absorbed, entertainment artists, Pete Ham was an exception. I would have loved to meet him because of his kind nature. Now, how many artists whom we admire for their talent can we admire for their kind and generous nature. Not too many, I think. Many entertainers could do well to take a page from Pete Ham's book.

John D'Alessandro

Dear Mr. Matovina: Thanks for your amazing success in making this music [both Badfinger and Peter Ham] available to the public. I don't know how often fans of the music tell you "thank you", but I'm sure it's not enough…

David E. Scherzer

I read your book: "Without You" several years ago and loved (and hated) every page. (I hated the fact that no matter how much I wished, the story still played out the same.) Thanks for helping to keep the music alive… Thanks for your book, liner notes, and your time… I love that it is the best rock n' roll book EVER! I hate what happened. Every time I've gone through it I am left looking at my Badfinger CD's/records w/a pang of guilt. I love the music, hate what went on behind the scenes. I have a couple of mates that are in the music industry, and have begged them to read your book. It is both a warning, and a prophecy to any one that wishes to play music and "EARN a living @ it. Thanks for the CD! The music/interviews only add to the tension. They more than words convey the tragic end to their tale. It's so sad that to men died for the industry's sickness, yet no one bothered to notice until now. Your work continues their legacy, thank you.

Paul Douglas

I'm writing to thank you for the hardcover copy of "Without You…" that I received this morning. I had already bought a softcover copy. but I also wantd a hardcover version for my collection (mainly for the marvelous 10-track CD, but also the extra photographs)… Thanks for devoting so much of your time to such a worthy cause as Badfinger, (surely one of the most underrated bands of the last thirty years!).

Dave Holmes

Mr. Matovina, What a nice job you did writing the Without You (Badfinger) book… Are Joey and (especially) Kathie that evil? I, too, have known (and have been a part of) situations where a loud-mouthed woman totally dominated the band. What leaves a bad taste in my mouth, tho, is the picture of Joey taking credit for writing "Without You"… I guess that's easy to do when the two principal writers are Dead… they're not around to defend themselves… the phone calls on that CD seem to back up, the turmoil that both Evans and Ham felt at the Badfinger situation, especially when Evans says that Ham killed himself, largely because of Kathie.

Now that I have read your book, I have studied Badfinger's music… and Pete Ham does come through as an exceptionally talented songwriter… Joey Molland, well I am not sure what he brought to Badfinger… he wrote some okay songs, and appeared to get better, the longer he was in Badfinger… but Pete Ham's melodic talents are really special; no wonder Warner Brothers wasn't interested in a "Badfinger without Pete Ham"…

But a pattern evolves: Kathie's meddling helped break up Badfinger; Kathie's meddling helped break up Natural Gas… In my opinion, if you listen to the Magic Christian album (which was pre-Joey), Badfinger/Iveys comes across as a far more sympathetic/warm musical unit… Joey did supply that hard-edge (I think "Constitution" is a great song), but it is easy to see that there was a huge personality conflict between Ham and Molland. I can identify with Ham, for I have much the same mentality; I hate conflict, I try to make the best of a bad situation, and I can get extremely depressed when things are out of control.

You wrote that Ham's contributions were rejected more and more, as Joey tried to assume control of the group… could this be the reason there are only two Ham songs on the "Ass" album? "Apple of my Eye" just has to be pure "Pete"; what a sweet farewell song… and if you combine it with Pete's "list" (that you refer to in the book, the part where Pete asked, (paraphrasing here) "why did we sign with Warner Brothers so soon"… Pete's sentimentalism comes to the fore; he didn't want to leave a place where he was comfortable…

And especially when I read, that after KATHIE STOLE TAPES OF BADFINGER'S PERFORMANCE, Joey then took those tapes, redubbed them and re-sequenced them so that his songs come first? I guess I must ask, was Joey really that much of a bastard? To think of what he and his wife did to Badfinger, and especially Pete, makes me ill!

I am a musician too. So I understand, at least to a part, of how Pete felt in all of this… Thanks for writing such a revealing book. I am still re-reading it; there is so much information in there, that I keep finding new things with each re-reading… All I know is, when I play a Badfinger record, it really comes to life when a Pete Ham song comes on. I am glad you wrote about "Blodwyn"; it helped me to understand the song's concept, and how quaint Pete was… Also… from my reading, it seems that Tom was quite a complex character… he could be difficult, but it seems he was really sensitive, too. To have been haunted by Pete's death after all that time… I feel really sorry for him too. That last song on the "Without You" CD, "over you" (or whatever its called) is extremely powerful, plus Tom had an otherworldly voice. I am so glad you wrote this book; it helps me understand Badfinger much better.

I think the quintessential Pete/Tom song just has to be, "Walk Out In The Rain"… Pete sings it so gently, his personality comes shining thru, and the way Tom joins in on counter-vocals, shows he really cared for Pete, Pete's music, and what Pete was trying to do. Had Badfinger not hired Joey, who knows, the group might have gone in a whole different direction. By the way, I think the "Wish You Were Here" album is super. Could've really boosted the group… I do not profess to be the most intellectually-gifted reader ever, so if there are angles in your book that I am missing, please tell me. And may Stan Polley rot in hell.

Liz Chassereau

I recently had a flash of nostalgia; "Whatever happened to Badfinger? They were so great!" That was an innocent thought that lead me to buy "The Very Best of Badfinger" CD. The liner notes ending with a reference to the "tragedies" piqued my interest, which led to your book. I was actually only 11 when I saw the "Magic Christian" movie and heard the fantastic songs of Badfinger. I never really thought about them again. Now I am an adult and a student in Paralegal studies about to graduate college. I have set aside my studies to read this book of yours in 2 days, because I am so astounded at the legal aspects of this heart-wrenching book. I cannot sleep! I feel haunted and astounded at the little bits of legal information in this book… thank you for your time, and excellent job on a haunting book well done! I am very honored to have read your book -- I feel that if it evokes responses similar to mine, then you have done a fine job! Maybe you wouldn't mind once in a while sending me email updates on their lawsuits. I really do care that the Badfinger legacy winds up with a happy ending! Thank you again.

… I just want you to know that I am not some weirdo trying to get information -- I have just happened upon something that has affected me because I believe deeply in justice for ALL. That is something that happens so rarely… Stan Polley is guilty of theft, fraud, misrepresentation, Breach of Contract, Breach of Fiduciary duty to BEI. He got away with it because NO ONE challenged him, not because he was so smart! I talked about Tom and Cass… Tom had enough witnesses to prove that he had been taken for a ride by Cass -- those witnesses could attest to the fact that Tom could not remember anything when he came back (from visits with Cass), that he had been drugged. Tom had relied upon information Cass supplied him to make decisions about the band. Based upon whatever Cass supplied him with, and that Tom was scared about that. He did need to have counsel backing him up. Also, there is evidence that Tom suffered from depression -- very important. Sometimes, it comes down to "my lawyer can beat up your lawyer… " And I hope, Dan, that Molland doesn't get much further. I am disappointed that he forgot what is really important to Badfinger. Ham estate and Evans estate deserve the best. Thank you so much Dan

Bryan Ladd

Dan, thanks for sending me the book. It was very nice of you to sign it thanks again! I've been skimming thru it, I'm so busy, it looks great! But… I came to the section about Pete and his demise… I was on the brink of tears reading about what happened to this guy I never met, but felt like I knew him thru song. It must have been very difficult for you to remain emotionless thru it all. I'm 37, remember the band, but now, its great to kind of been there thru your words. A big thank you again for this book and CD! Its rough listening to Tommy's latter interview on that CD, he's so lost. I wish Stan Polley would get what he deserves (will he ever?????). Has Mike commented to you on this book? I met Joey about 10 years ago when I worked at CD-106 in Ohio a Rock station, To be honest, I felt he was a phony, when talking to him about the Rhino Best Of CD volume 2, he was really kinda rude. I think When Pete left us Badfinger did, too. I really wish those Pete Ham demo's could be remixed with full band. Thanks god bless, Bryan

(2) … I'm really enjoying the book and your pleasant writing style. This would make such a great movie. Has anyone asked you for a screenplay? After all these years of wondering about this band this book is something I just cant put down. I'm 37, actually had Badfinger 45's when they came out. When Pete died I was 10, there was no coverage at all. It really cracks me up, Joey Molland who mainly writes 5th grade poems "ala the ass CD" wanted to keep Pete out of band!!! Pete was the talent of the band… but what bothers me is that until you came along, Tom Evans was forgotten, his harmonies with Pete are classic. The one picture of Joey holding up picture for Without You is typical Molland, taking advantage of something.

Your wonderful book is my "other girl" I'm my life according to my fiancé! I wish things would have been different, imagine the tours the band would have now, things always come around… Pete was such a fresh, true poet. Wish You Were Here is almost perfect, poor Tommy - one song. I'm going to be sad when this book is finished. The only other book that has touch me in the way your book has is Harpo Speaks from Harpo Marx. You capture the time so well, it was just like Harpo reliving his life in words.

… I was in Vermont over the weekend, the book was awesome during the flight. Do you know when the VH-1 will be on again? I just bought a new house and finally got cable again. Why was Joey talking about the Iveys in the DVD of badfinger??? Maybe Mike should talk about Gary Walker & The Rain! Your book is great, all those hours of putting this puzzle together… Thanks Dan, Thanks for all your work. I know you had to be on the verge of tears reliving these painful times with those who have lost.

P.S. I really wish the band could of had some more harmony based songs… "I'll Be The One" is so rich and powerful, really showing what these guys could do. Being 37, I feel cheated not to have seen them, or known more about them. Thanks to you, many fans who were denied the Badfinger timetable can relive it again, almost feeling like we are part of it. I'm really sad to read about Tommy's troubles. So much is made about Pete (deservedly so) Tommy was over looked by the media. I bet you had to hold back a tear or two when discussing this with friends & their families.

Ian Dobrin

I grew up on the music of the Beatles and Badfinger. Badfinger was heir apparent to the Beatles and were evolving into their own style. Such a tragic, tragic story. I can't believe that so many people got away with impunity while the words lost two great human beings to despair. It's despicable to say the least. I recently purchased the import versions of Pete's 7 Park Avenue and Golders Green and was blown away by the beauty and agony of the music…You did a great job with the book. The rock and roll world owes you much. You did right by the Ham and Evans estate in my opinion.

Dan Phillips

First off, let me thank you immensely for the continued love and effort you have shown in keeping the Badfinger flame burning… not to mention bringing the band to many new fans. I bought the 2nd edition of Without You at Beatlefest in Chicago last August… read it in a week… it just killed me! The CD was awesome to say the least… .I was inspired to write and record my own tribute to Pete entitled " (You Should Have Been A) Superstar". One of the glories of the internet for me has been the discovery of other Fingerites all over the world, and the wealth of information to be learnt. I thought I was the only true Badfinger fan in the world!!!! I started listening to Badfinger at age 12 in, I think, 1975. I found most of their LP's including the (2) WB LP's in cutout bins in my little hometown in Indiana. Being a huge Beatles fan, I loved Finger as well… and in fact, to this day, Pete ranks alongside John Lennon as my two favorite songwriters… I listen to Badfinger as much if not more than I do the Fabs. I personally want to thank you for all your efforts in bringing the Badfinger story, however painful it is, to the masses…

Gordon Oliver

I'm in the process of reading "Without You: The Tragic Story of Badfinger" and I must commend you on a job wonderfully done. I think it's great that you took the time to put together a book like this. If you could pass the word to someone at Apple/ Capitol, there are many of us that would love to see a U.S. version of "Ass" released. A boxed set with unreleased and alternate tracks would be a welcome addition to many listener's collections also. Thanks for your effort. It is really appreciated.

George Dussault

Just dropping you a line to compliment you on your website, and the work you're continuing to do. Don't give up. It's thoroughly amazing how, even after the ridiculous price the band has paid, the legal difficulties never seem to end. Just a word of encouragement that there are some of us in the music industry who can see the greed. Best of luck with getting "Head First" out, and the VH-1 show.

Greg Matysik

First of all I want to thank you for the incredibly meticulous job that you have done on the second edition of the book Without You. I am enjoying reading it very much and listening to the CD. Thank you so much for your interest and work. You are the Mark Lewisohn of Badfinger!!… It was wonderful to hear the two initial versions of songs that eventually comprised "Without You." I also loved a couple of the Pete Ham demos. As a result I ordered the Japanese version of 7 Park Avenue. …thank you for all you do to bring to light the importance of Badfinger. What tragic shame that the two most talented members of the band took their lives. I was angry to hear about what happened at the ASCAP banquet for Without You. But there is justice in another time…Once again thank you!!!

Doug Stalnaker

My name is Gregary D. Stalnaker (I go by "Doug") and I just ordered the Pete Ham lithograph over the phone. I think what you are going to do with the proceeds is beautiful! I visited your website today and was very happy to see that you had posted the comments that you have received from the readers of your book. I purchased both the softcover and the limited edition hardcover of your book early in 1998 and sent you a quite long e-mail detailing just how much I loved it. Sadly, I did not save that e-mail (hard-disk space being at a premium on my old computer) but I think I can sum up its contents in something of a nutshell.

I can feel the spirit of Pete Ham alive in the pages of 'Without You: The Tragic Story of Badfinger'. For those of us who were too young or simply not fortunate enough to know the flesh-and-blood man, this book is the next- to-best thing there will ever be. I think this is the best compliment I can pay Mr. Matovina. The final third of the story shows not only the vacuum and emptiness left in the wake of Pete's suicide in 1975 but also exposes the ultimate futility of the surviving members attempting to carry on as Badfinger without him. The fact that there is today an active 'Badfinger' still performing even after the death of Tom Evans in 1983 is, in my opinion, nothing short of anathema..." I know that bit at the end is rather strong, but that is the way my wife, brother, and I truly feel.

Thanks again, Mr. Matovina, for all you have done for the music, memories, families, and fans of Pete Ham, Tom Evans and the real Badfinger. Wherever they are Pete and Tom KNOW."

(2) As always, I appreciate very much your efforts in providing the fans of Badfinger with the whole story as well as quality products. I consider your work a very necessary antidote to the polemics from the Minnesota partisans so prevalent on the Badfinger guestbooks. My brother and I eagerly anticipate the release of the revised version of your book. I know that there has been considerable pressure placed on you to make certain parties look better. I hope and trust that the only changes you make are ones that you feel necessary to make the book even better than it was the first time around. Good luck and please know that your supporters are many, even if we don't engage in guestbook hyperbole.

I had not originally intended to purchase the new "Very Best of Badfinger." My only reason was that none of the much sought after rarities -- "Baby Please," "Sing For The Song," "No Good At All," "Name of the Game," and songs from "Head First" -- were included. I think it very cynical on the part of the record companies to continue to repackage and re-release the same songs time and again without adding something "new." Those responsible for the exclusion of the aforementioned bonus tracks should be reprimanded. Now, having vented my spleen regarding that flaw, I admit that I did purchase the new compilation and that I am happy to say that I do enjoy it very much. Both the remastering and packaging are phenomenal and are worthy of the highest praise! My thanks to Apple, Warner Bros., and Capitol Records for cooperating on this project and for making it a reality.

I regularly follow the activities on various Badfinger guestbooks and I hope my comments help to counteract the effects of those posted by individuals who merit no mention. I also think that the recent radio interview by Joey was terrible. I am fed up with the snide remarks being made about "Golders Green" and "7 Park Avenue." Please keep up the good work and stay true to your vision.

(3) … I just finished watching VH-1's Behind The Music: Badfinger. The content and the editing were, in my opinion, excellent. Seeing all that footage of Pete alive and happy was such a treat. It makes it that much harder knowing how it ended for him and Tom. I confess that it had my wife and I in tears. I want to thank you again for all your hard work and efforts on behalf of Pete and Tom and Badfinger. You have truly been a Godsend to those of us who for years only had beat up old records to listen to and no idea whatsoever of how and why it all went so wrong. Thanks for helping to shine the sun on the memories of Pete and Tom. Pete Ham, to my ears, has the voice of the angels. And now new fans and future generations will hear it, too. My best wishes always to you. As always I am grateful for all of your efforts which serve to only enhance my enjoyment of the music of Badfinger and Pete Ham.

(4) I would like to say how ludicrous I thought that open letter supposedly written by Joey Molland was. If he did write it (and I am assuming from the page it was posted on that he did) I hope you don't let it get you down. That third-rate Third Reich hyperbole was not the least bit appreciated by me, especially since my grandfather fought against the Nazis (infamous for their burning of books, among other things) in the Second World War. I am sure the majority of Badfinger fans feel the same way. Thanks again for all the great work you have done with the book, the lithograph, the Pete CD's, and Head First, etc. Your efforts and their results are most treasured.

(5) … I wanted to send you a quick note to let you know that I just heard the sample of "Makes Me Feel Good" that is available at Jesper's website. 'Powerful,' 'beautiful,' 'uplifting,' 'spirited,' 'adrenalizing,' etcetera--you pick the adjective, because I think they all certainly apply! I can hardly wait for the July release date of Golders Green (I am going for the import version, naturally!) Thanks again for the tremendous work you have done (especially the book and the Pete Ham CD's) for all of us Badfinger fans. Rest assured that my brother and I are most appreciative and fully supportive of your efforts, No Matter What)

(6) … I am thrilled with my first copy of Golders Green. As with 7 Park Avenue, you have done a fantastic job with the Pete Ham demos that comprise Golders Green. Like the first, the overdubs serve only to enhance my pleasure in listening to this album. I now have had several days in which to enjoy numerous listenings to this wonderful new disc. As you have stated in the past that you appreciate the feedback on your work that you get from your readers/listeners I would like to send along to you now my own review of Golders Green. I wanted to thoroughly digest this collection before I e-mailed my thoughts to you.

My first impression of Golders Green is that it is a quicker paced and more varied collection of demos by the late and great Pete Ham than 7 Park Avenue. Its content, while containing the same emotional depth and musical craftsmanship as 7 Park Avenue, I found overall to be much more ebullient. After repeated listenings, my initial reaction became my firm opinion. To put is simply yet obliquely, Golders Green is the Yin to 7 Park Avenue's Yang. With several exceptions ("Catherine Cares," "Leaving On A Midnight Train," and "No Matter What"), the somber and heavy energy--particularly at the end--of 7 Park Avenue is centripetal, its force of movement towards a dark center. A real winter's twilight kind of album, especially the final tracks "Just How Lucky We Are," "No More," and "Ringside." These songs, stark and emotionally charged, were created during Pete Ham's final days in this world. They are aural diaries of his downward spiral, the weight on his shoulders, the unrelenting pressure, his sense of utter hopelessness. Yet, even near the tragic end, Pete's creative fire, lyrical sincerity, and melodic genius shown in a way to which the Trent Reznor's of the world can only pretend. This is a large part of what made Pete Ham so special.

In stark contrast to its predecessor, Golders Green, is more ethereal and uplifting. Its energy is more centrifugal--moving from the center to the periphery. Again, with a few notable exceptions ("I've Waited So Long To Be Free" and "Where Will You Be"), the overall feel is more buoyant and warm. Even with the occasional cloudburst this is definitely the album of a warm and sunny summer solstice.

I cannot really add too much to the observations made by others, particularly those found in Ken Sharp's lovely liner notes, regarding each specific song. The bookends "Makes Me Feel Good" (a brilliant idea), specifically the 1967 version, does indeed recall the Monkees and particularly Michael Nesmith. "Keyhole Street" is pure Kinks. "Goodbye John Frost" does sound like a lost gem from the White Album sessions. "Pete's Walk" would fit nicely amongst the numerous instrumental jams that Paul McCartney intermingled on his first solo effort. The jazzy, majestic "Dawn" does hearken to Chicago and is certainly, and unfortunately, unlike anything Badfinger as a group ever approached. "Helping Hand" is classic Pete, determined affirmation in the face of adversity. The songs that really caught my ear were the ones least expected. The chugging music of the humorous "Richard" immediately made think of Cosmo's Factory era Creedence Clearwater Revival and dispels the ridiculous notion that Pete needed somebody to show him how to rock. "I've Waited So Long To Be Free" echoes John Lennon's "Working Class Hero," only with a dash of McCartney melodicism added for good measure. My favorite, though, is "Gonna Do It." This brief twenty-two second snippet is direct from the school of minimal input into overlapping tape systems introduced by Steve Reich in "It's Gonna Rain" and made famous by the Brian Eno in "Discreet Music" and "Music For Airports." In short, I was shocked to hear Pete Ham was experimenting in the realm of ambient music in the early 1970s! This song, more than any other on Golders Green, really makes me long for what might have been had Pete survived--what Eno himself would term "a nostalgia for a future that did not happen."

In closing I must say that I love Golders Green every bit as much as 7 Park Avenue. Taken separately each represents a different facet of Pete Ham's creative genius. Taken together they serve to give us a more complete picture of Pete Ham the man and Pete Ham the musician. Thanks again for your fine work in bringing all of us fans a little closer to Pete Ham!

I just recently returned from a two week cycling trip around the north of Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. While there I played Golders Green and 7 Park Avenue almost exclusively on my Walkman as I traveled. I spent one glorious and sunny afternoon in St. Stephen's Green in the heart of Dublin listening to Golders Green. It was one of the most perfect moments of my life and it was Pete's music and your efforts to make that music available to his fans that made that moment in time possible. I cannot thank you enough! If someone had told me even five years ago that I would have not one but two albums of previously unheard Pete Ham gems to listen to I would have thought they were crazy! Again, thanks for all your efforts!

Gary Sosnick

Just finished watching the Badfinger story on VH1's Behind The Music. Being that the program basically followed your superb book "Without You," I want to thank you for making the Badfinger story available to millions of television viewers. The entire Shakespearean tragedy isn't any easier to stomach after seeing it portrayed on the television. I certainly hope that viewers of the program will feel compelled to read your book. I feel that Stan Polley should be hounded to his dying day for what he did to Badfinger. I think he got off fairly easy tonight on VH-1.

Howard Pattow (Badfinger tribute band)

Dan: I'm a musician living in the Los Angeles area. I've been somewhat of a casual fan of Badfinger for many years but it was not until I saw VH-1's special on the group that I learned the full story. I was very deeply moved by the story, especially what happened to Pete Ham. I have since spent much time visiting various websites on the band, feeding a hunger to learn more about this amazing group with such a sad history.

In my own career, I have experienced many of the ups-and-downs of being a working musician and felt a connection with Pete Ham and the work ethic he displayed in his life. I have read several reviews of your book on your site and I would like to congratulate you on a project well done. I can only imagine what reading the book will be like! I'm sure many other musicians will take a sober look at their situations after learning about what happened to Badfinger. I wish you the best of success with your future endeavors and thanks for bringing Pete Ham's life and work back into the public's consciousness. His music has certainly affected me… regarding your book, it was an incredible read! I finally got the tribute band ball rolling, so far the band is myself and one other guy. He and I play together in a Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young tribute. He was intrigued by my BF trib idea and the two of us are going to be the "Pete and Tom" of this new project, which I have very strong hopes for. We're picking songs, dissecting harmonies, and hope to get it off the ground really soon.

(2) I've really been enjoying Golders Green a lot. "A Lonely Day" is really great, probably my favorite of the tracks right now. That one got under my skin immediately. "Dawn" is another of my favorites, very Stevie Wonder-ish. It's amazing how these demos are just as captivating as full-blown studio productions. The personal nature of his songwriting makes the songs feel like the soundtrack to what he was dealing with at the time. "Where Will You Be" is a good example. I tried to guess which tracks had augmentation, but whichever ones they are, everything sounds very seamless and true to the nature of the technology used. "I'll Kiss You Goodnight" has a great melody, too.

Janet Sears

Thank you so much for the book and the message inside. It is certainly bringing back some good memories, but making me sad too! I am only part of the way through it, so I'll write some more to you when I've read it all. I'd like to tell you my own personal little Badfinger story now. I was just a teenage pop fan, mad on 60s music, and got into Badfinger. I met a girl who knew where they lived and visited 7 Park Avenue, just a few times. I didn't live in London. This was way back in 1970! They always seemed pleased to see us, Pete especially. One day Tommy answered the door and said he was writing a song. He asked us to come in and listen. We went into his room, and he sat on his bed and picked up his guitar. He then sang and played the chorus of WITHOUT YOU! I can remember it so clearly and still hear it now. Then he said "What do you think?" Of course we said we liked it. Just think, I actually heard that song before it was finished and before most of the rest of the world had heard it! And was asked my opinion of it! I have always thought of it as "my" song, and it is very special to me. Could anyone have foreseen what it would all lead to… .

(2) … I have now finished reading your brilliant book, much of it over again, as I said. I don't think a book has ever meant so much to me! It was so well-written and informative. I somehow felt I was personally involved, although I wasn't, apart from knowing them a little in the early days and Bob (Jackson) now. I knew parts of the story, but there was lots I didn't, and the book filled me in on all that I'd missed out on. It has pulled my emotion in all directions, I've laughed, I've cried, but thoroughly enjoyed it all! It really took me back to my teens and I lost 30 years. Thank you! You clearly put a lot of research into it, resulting in an excellent biography that could not fail to retain the reader's interest. It was very touching, and got the tragic story across in such a way that one could not help but be moved by the events. I am now back into Badfinger in such a big way, and am trying to catch up on some of the albums I've missed out on over the years. Although I love the CD, Tommy's interviews are almost too painful to listen to, but they do complement the story. I shall continue to read you website with great interest… As I remember, Pete was always friendly and happy. Tommy could be more moody, a bit sarcastic sometimes, but always nice. I've been listening to some of their old vinyl LPs. They were so good, weren't they! What the world lost!

Chris Burkholder

Dear Dan, I am looking forward to receiving your new addition with CD when it becomes available. I have the first and spoke with you by phone before I read it. Fabulous story, great information, heart wrenching throughout and probably my favorite biography of all time. Take McCartney's voice, Harrison's guitar craftsmanship and Lennon's master songwriting abilities, add them up and you have Pete Ham.

Joseph Locurio

As flabbergasted as I was to see the Pete Ham CD "7 Park" while browsing thru my local Borders Bookstore, several years ago, I was never too thrilled with the disc. The demo of "No Matter What" and the phenomenal demo of "Matted Spam" - with the "Day After Day" reference still wasn't enough to make it more to me than a collection of just "demo- sounding" songs. Peter, being one of the greatest influences on me, still comes off rather flat on all of these Heartfelt songs. I am pleased to say that on "Golders Green", every track flows seamlessly into the next, and even though I know this disc is more "post-produced" I want you to know that sounds to me as an album that was deliberately recorded as is. As if the artist knew the impact of just a few acoustic lines and pause before a blast into the next number. I'm not somebody who just got their hands on a copy of this CD. I got a copy just as soon as it was released. But playing it tonight for the I-don't- know-how-many-illionth-time, I'd put it up against any CD that I play Front-To-Back (including Badfinger CD's). I hope if there is anything left in the vaults for a third disc, the same quality of production will come through. Just the "oooh ooohs" on the :55 "When The Feeling" alone are enough inspiration for me.

Karen Baker

I bought the book at Barnes and Noble and read it in 2 days. It's the saddest, most heartbreaking story I've ever read. The CD made me cry. What a tragedy. Their music lives on, and for that I am grateful.

Paul Nyman

I got the book last night. It looks wonderful and the included CD is long overdue! Some great material on there to expand our listening pleasure and enhance the storyline. The "Head First" track sounds absolutely brilliant! Wow thought it could never sound that clean? I know that this Snapper release sounds wonderful and yes I know I would buy it for the bonus demos, but it really deserves to come out remixed in this new Millennium. Doesn't it? In closing thanks again for such a beautiful job! I'm still reading this copy this week you know… Thoroughly enjoyed this revision of the book… Again the CD is such a treat. Where did you get access to that Toronto interview in 1974? My uncle used to attend concerts at Victory Theatre around that time. He didn't see Badfinger though! He was going to check with an old friend who might have taken photos of there set. I won't hold my breath though! Hope all is going well with you.

Kev Chaple

Dear Dan, Your Without You book is one of very few books that have kept me interested, in fact, I'm in college right now, and it's the only book I have with me, because I plan on reading it a third time this week. Nice work, and thank you so much for keeping Badfinger music alive with your constant work. They're one of my favorite bands and they just don't get the attention they deserve from the public. Also, thank you again for taking time to answer my questions.

Laurence Sugar

I am writing this in May 2004 in Melbourne, Australia. I bought a slightly dog-eared secondhand copy of Without You about a year and a half ago. It sat on my shelf for quite a while, as I really wasn’t sure I would read such a major tome on one band.

Having taken the plunge and now finished the book I must say that it is a very fine piece of work indeed. I moved over to Australia from the U.K. a couple of years ago, and I never recall having seen the book before. Was the book ever published in the U.K.? If not, that’s a shame as there are probably a large number of people over there, who would find it interesting.

My own recollections of Badfinger are slight as I was only 13 when they first emerged. I do remember them as a class pop group, and being a massive Beatles fan, made a point of charting their progress. I remember once the Beatles split in 1970, the search was on for groups who would pick up where they left off. So I always had time for any group who resembled the Fab Four.

Today, I now recall Badfinger as very much a band out of time. Certainly this was the case in the U.K. where they were neither progressive rock nor glam. This was a shame, because by the mid 70s in the U.K., there was a place for rock bands that played pop music. Two bands that spring to mind are 10 C.C., and Pilot. Certainly Badfinger could have sat quite comfortably alongside both of those groups.

I suppose when reading the book one is constantly asking, what went wrong? Could things have been any different? To me, most of their difficulties stemmed from poor management, both artistically and financially. Their efforts to find an audience in the early 70s were misguided, relying as they did on extended jams and so on. Not playing to their strengths, which were their songs and their harmonies, was a big mistake. The other area where they let themselves down was in their choice of producers. Roy Thomas Baker (mentioned in the book) would have been a perfect producer for them.

Their financial mismanagement was a terrible shame. I kept asking myself, why by 1973, didn’t Pete Ham or Tom Evans approach Paul McCartney for some guidance? or any of the other Beatles for that matter? I can understand that there may have been some issues because of their involvement with Apple. But by the early 70s it was widely acknowledged that Apple had been a business failure and a financial disaster. I’m sure McCartney could’ve pointed them in the right direction for legal advice. Who knows, perhaps the former Beatles may have felt obliged to offer help, out of a sense of guilt. I know you said a number of times in the book, that Pete Ham was too proud to ask for help, and this was certainly born out by his actions.

As for Tom Evans it is doubly sad. The cast of characters that you introduce in the early 80s are indeed a seedy and sinister bunch. It is a sad that such people exist, ready to exploit the needy and the vulnerable. It’s interesting to note that in nearly all the photos in the closing stages of the book, Tom Evans rarely looks directly into the camera. It’s as though he can no longer face looking directly at the world and is turning away.

Joey Molland certainly doesn’t emerge very well from your book. He comes over as an archetypal rock n roll muso. Shallow in his concerns, very much ego driven, with a deluded sense of his own personal and musical worth. As for his wife Kathie the less said the better.

So I would like thank you for all your hard work. Whilst reading the book I listened many times to the recent Apple compilation The Very Best Of Badfinger. At least we will always have the great music that Badfinger produced to sustain us.

Kevin Bisch

Dan, I just received your new Badfinger book and CD yesterday from Brilliant… I can not stop listening to the CD. You did a great job on this book and the CD. My favorite track on the CD is "Take It All…" I bought the first edition of the book (soft cover) second hand…

Paul Lochhead

With respect to your excellent book (I have both the original hardcover & 2nd edition), I hope Joey releases his account of the saga soon, so the fans can hear his side of the story. That said, I'm very appreciative of the work you have done thus far in getting the product out there. Joey can rant all he wants, but the fact is he's had several years now since he knew your book was in the works, and we, the fans are still waiting.

Joe Fortunato

Let me start by saying I'm a huge Beatles fan. When I first saw the Anthology series, I was intrigued by the segment concerning Badfinger. I remembered "No Matter What" and "Come and Get It" from when I was a kid (I'm 32, the Beatles were done before I was born) and had always liked those songs.

Not too long ago, I heard "Day After Day" on the local classic rock station, and I remembered that song too - I loved it, but never knew who it was performed by. When the DJ announced that it was Badfinger, I made up my mind to hunt down the album that contained "Day After Day", as maybe there would be more songs I liked on the album.

Well, as you know, those albums are non existent unless you dredge up the old vinyl releases, and I don't have a turntable anymore. So, I've been buying up the import releases (especially "Head First" - WOW, is that a great album!). I wish they had restored artwork and better sound!

I guess what I'm saying is I don't understand why these albums aren't getting remastered and reissued? I bought the "The Very Best of Badfinger" because I couldn't find any other releases. It's a bummer that there isn't more. The compilation is good, though - I love it front to back. You did a great job of pulling me into Badfinger. Now, I'm left wanting more and can't get it.

I would buy every album if I could! Tell someone at Capitol/Apple/wherever to get on it, please! All of my friends are turned on to Badfinger, and my band is trying to cover "Day After Day" and possibly "Dennis". People would like it if it was properly introduced again!

Those guys are amazing songwriters whose time has come and got crushed and now should come again.

Martyn Hewitt

Just a quick note to say how much I enjoyed reading your book. I managed to order it direct from the USA and it arrived in good time for Christmas. You may like to know that the Classic Rock magazine published here in the UK carried 'Lay me down' from the Head First album on their free CD. I have since written to the magazine thanking them for this inclusion. Hopefully they will do a feature on the band in the near future. I will now get back to playing my original vinyl version of 'Straight Up'. Many thanks and best wishes

Dave Maness

It would undoubtedly be tough to think of a compliment you haven't heard before, so I won't try, but I still can't resist writing you! Your book kept me riveted from start to finish, and I can only imagine the tremendous effort required to research and compile so much information in so many places from so many people when there are still people around who would prefer the truth stay hidden. I suspect it was a wonderful project on which to work, and you should certainly be proud - not only of the book, but of how you've made it even better with the new edition! Although I have wanted "Without You…" since it first came out, I am glad, in some ways, that I got it after the CD & updates were added. The telephone conversations & rare demos are truly fascinating & enlightening. Again, I thank you for holding off & sending me the new edition; you've more than confirmed that it was worth the wait! …Well, I've rambled on enough. Suffice it to say that "Without You" is terrific, and I am totally pleased with the book… and the author. Best of luck with your future projects, and have a great holiday season.With appreciation AND admiration

Mark Bowmer

I hope you get to read this personally. I am a relatively latecomer to Badfinger - familiar with the big hits in the 70's, but only recently discovering the rich tapestry of songs and fine musicianship that makes this band so great. I've also just finished the new edition of the book. A fantastic read. Congratulation on the thorough research, and the CD of course. Pete Ham deserves to be remembered as one of the finest songwriters of the post-Beatles era. I feel an overwhelming sadness when I think about what befell this beautiful, sensitive man - not to mention Tom. Thanks for keeping the flame alive.

Mark Gibbins

I would just like to say how much I enjoyed reading your book. My wife bought it for me 2 years ago… I try to obtain as much info as I can about the band and I am unsure if the new version contains new material. Thanks again for all the work you do about BF and I look foreword to hearing from you.

Matthew Lewis

Just wanted to say I liked the VH-1 "Behind the Music" Badfinger show. I thought it was very well-done, and it was impressive to see that they even got Macca to sit down and be interviewed for it. Hope all is well with you. I liked your book, if I haven't told you… I really thought the program was very good, and long overdue. Paul's presence really gave it an added oomph. I thought McCartney's anecdote about bringing "Come and Get It" to the "Welsh boys," and then ordering them to record it his way, was great. It seemed an accomplishment of sorts that the show managed to get the Molland camp and the Ham estate camp to bury the hatchet and collaborate, so to speak, though there's obviously a lot more I don't know about what went into bringing the warring factions together, etc.

Personally, I've really been getting back into Badfinger lately, not sure why, and dipping back into your fine book. (Shocking and depressing to read about Tom Evans' post-Ham escapades in Milwaukee, of all places… ) I just got the 1-CD, "Very Best of" on Capitol, and was stunned by how good some of that later stuff is. ("When I Say," "Dennis," and "Meanwhile Back at the Ranch" in particular.) The end bit of "Dennis" has got to be one of the best things Pete ever wrote, and it's hard to think of a better Evans song than "When I Say." Then I dug out Pete's "Golders Green" and was equally impressed by songs like "Makes Me Feel Good" and "Dawn." Wow, it's amazing that songs of that quality were just considered outtakes or throwaways. I've always liked "7 Park Avenue." I do plan to order "Head First" from Amazon, as well as "Wish You Were Here" (which I never had before). The search for "Ass" continues.

Michael Kinser

I just finished reading your article concerning the trials and tribulations of putting "The Very Best Of Badfinger" CD together. I believe that the time has come for the corporate leaders at Capitol, Apple, Warner etc. to put aside concern for amassing as much profit as they can from Badfinger reissues and consider what we, the loyal followers of the group, desire. In this sense, they would please their customers and profits would follow. I became a fan of the group the first time I heard "Come And Get It". In the years that followed, I have collected all of Badfinger's releases on Apple and Warner Brothers, (as well as any group related merchandise I could get my hands on). There is currently a large market clamoring for improved versions of the group's previously released material and a larger market for unreleased material. One has only to go to internet sites such as eBay auctions, yahoo auctions and numerous sites specializing in rare LP's and CD's to see the demand that exists for Badfinger material. I believe the effort to remix and remaster all of the group's original releases would be worth the expense and effort for these companies once it is realized just how many potential customers exist. The unreleased material would be in even greater demand.

This could be a "win-win" situation for these companies and the fans alike. The demand is obviously present for high quality reissues of Badfinger's material, ALL of Badfinger's material, not just "Greatest Hits/Best Of" compilations. Apple and Warner are sitting on a gold mine and, with a little effort on their part, we could all share the wealth. Thanks, Dan, on behalf of Badfinger followers everywhere for your diligent efforts in attempting to gain the band the recognition and respect that it so deserves.

Harold Montgomery

So far I am deep into reading the revised edition. I'm not so sure as to what is new BUT that's because it's so interesting and I just can't remember those kind of details. Know what I mean? Anyway the book is brilliant! I haven't listened to the CD yet. I wanna finish the book first. Thanks for signing my copy!

… George Harrison AND PETER HAM were the best musicians EVER! MY two all time favorites and now both are gone! The Badfinger books YOU wrote are by far the best source of the truth to their "tragic story". I can't in truth pinpoint the differences exactly, as I would need to re-read the first edition to do that. I just remember as I was reading the second edition thinking "Ooh, that's good to know" or "Wow! Didn't know that!" I am in awe over the "Tragic Story of Badfinger" CD accompanying the 2nd edition book. Oh how I would love a copy of the picture of the band you used on the cover of the CD! A picture of them all looking HAPPY at the same time… amazing! Pete's demo of "Man Without A Heart" and being 19 is amazing! Tom's "Over You" (in my opinion) is one of his best! I love it. The interviews are scary. Tom saying only months before he died: "You know what killed Pete"?… Kathie!" and… "Joey is trying to get 50% of "Without You". I was horrified. So thank you Dan. Thanks from the bottom of my heart for such a fascinating read and being so honest. Also for sending me a copy of the second re-print. I am retired now and must keep vigil over my £ & $… .if you know what I mean. Getting old is a bitch! tee hee We're for the dark (horse)

Jose Nieves

Hi Dan, Jose Nieves from Puerto Rico (owner of book # 265) here to say hi. I just saw that VH-1 will re-air the BTM show on Badfinger on April 26. I read your comments on the show and fully agree that it did not showcase enough the music of Badfinger. I also think it would have made it a "better show". Something to consider is having a TV movie on VH-1 on the Badfinger Story. If they have gone to lengths to produce fictional movies about fictional musicians and bands, maybe it's time they did one on a real band. Julian Lennon would be a great choice to play the part of Pete Ham. If VH-1 would want to reach a wider/ younger audience, they could couple Julian with Hansen (really, they have the musical ability and could play the other band members. Why even Hansen's drummer is left handed like Mike Gibbins!) Another possibility is a storytellers show. They recently had the surviving members of The Doors do one of these shows with a "guest lead singer" to fill in for the late Jim Morrison. If you could get some of the various members of the different stages of Badfinger together, you could pull it off. Both of these would definitely showcase the excellent music of one of the greatest bands of the 70s. Thank you for your dedication to Badfinger and have a very Happy Easter… I really liked the job you did with Golders Green and 7 Park Avenue.

Jay Wardlaw

The book was fantastic, and I have truly enjoyed "7 Park Avenue" and "Golders Green"… Your efforts have been a source of fantastic things for all Badfinger fans. One day I expect that "Head First" will finally see the light of day because of your efforts, whether direct or indirect. My favorite track on the original CD is the "Carry On Till Tomorrow" demo, although there are so many great moments. "I Won't Forget You" was as good as expected, and the two "Without You" demos were a fascinating insight into Pete and Tom's creative process. What a gem! The new CD is also fantastic. I've always wanted to hear "Over You." I loved the Pete interviews. So many great moments on this disc too. My mouth is already watering for the next release. There seem to be so many holy grails in the Badfinger oeuvre. I look forward to your next endeavor. My thanks and regards, Highest compliments from a grateful fan

Pamela Davis

Just finished listen to the new CD from your (2nd edition) book and wow, really nice selection. Initially, when I read your book I felt that you just didn't seem to like Joey Molland very much. Now after hearing especially Tom Evan's phone call, I can see why. It's one thing to read it, and another to hear him saying it. I'm sure there were juicer parts that weren't on the CD, but what you decided on was enough for the uninformed to hear the truth. Also felt bad for Badfinger during that interview, as every question seemed to mention the Beatles. No wonder they wanted to get as far away from them as possible… I also wanted you to know that I have enjoyed both Peter Ham CDs (I have both Japan versions) and wanted to thank you for all the effort you put into them. If they were on vinyl I'd be on my fourth copy by now. Really nice to hear Pete Ham. Do you think the Iveys on the BEEB will ever be released? That Maybe Tomorrow was certainly a tease. Thanks again for everything and I eagerly await your next release… Are you still going to work on a Tom Evan's CD similar to the Pete Ham's CD? Also while I was reading your book, I found myself not wanting to put it down, especially Pete's suicide and the reaction it had on everyone. The note that was left was so intense, I was really upset for days after reading it. Your writing made it even more intense and I enjoyed your approach to the whole book. It really filled me in on the goings on with the band and their families. I also thought it was a bit much Molland and Bill Collins taking writing credit for "Without You". What could've been… Thanks again and keep up the great work

Paul Sloan

Just a few lines to say how much I enjoyed your book Without You, the really sad tale of Badfinger. For sure it was a greatly interesting tale of how talented people get ripped-off by managers and agents. Stan Polley comes over as a total shark and was someone who lived-off the talent and effort of others, I believe 'parasite' is the correct expression. Bill Collins also seems to be, while less odious than Polley, a bit of a nothing man who made lots of cash off the Badfinger name. I think the most awful thing to learn was the fact that the surviving members and Bill Collins were taking credit for composing Without You and turned up to claim an award for the song. They should be eternally shameful about that. Your book was an excellent read and hopefully I will read more of your work in the future.


This is my second copy. I marvelled when I read your great book a few years ago about what a logistical feat that must have been to interview so many people. Then to have to put it all in to an entertaining and cohesive presentation. So please accept my congratulations on a superb boo!.

I've always wished I could ask you....what do you think Badfinger would have sounded like had George Martin produced them? My personal opinion, Dan, is that he would have given their sound a huge boost, just as he did the Beatles. I am realizing what a huge force in he was in the Beatles' success. I just wish he could have truly produced Badfinger. So if he had gotten his hands on say, "Song For A Lost Friend" or "Lonely You" I think those songs could have had been made more striking. In fact the sound of the first Warner album I thought was a compounding problem in its lack of success. I always wondered about that in that Chris Thomas produced both Warner albums, yet to my ears there is such a difference in sound quality. Of course, I think the material was better on "Wish You Were Here" too. I've always wondered too if the band's chart success would have continued had they stayed with the difficult Todd Rundgren. My belief is that it would have. I believe "Ass" would have sound a different and the material presented better.

Thank you for your time Dan and great book. After getting your book I went back and re-read your piece in Trouser Press from 1979. That is the best short piece on the band I have ever read.

(2) What an incredible book!. A fan or even a casual fan could not possibly have hoped for more. That is why I bought two copies! I'm also the guy that wrote you and mentioned that I had read your fine article on the band in Trouser Press in 1979 and that it was the best article I have read on them.

I thought you did an outstanding job, Dan, of being very fair and certainly not fawning over the band. Of course, I realize you appreciate their work very much. I thought your appraisal of their body of work was right on the mark.

I also thought your concluding remarks about the band having scratched the surface of its ability and having the good fortune to work with the best in the industry at the time were very insightful.

I also would like to say that although some may have felt you dislike Joey, I never got that impression. I thought you were extremely fair and accurate. I think Joey is a charismatic interviewee and a fine musician, unduly influenced by his wife. That is not a criticism, just an observation. I think she helped him in some aspects professionally and hurt him in other ways...but, then again, they were very young.

For now just a couple of my other impressions.... It is a shame Joey and Tom weren't more mature and businesslike when they were recording "Airwaves". I like the album fine but the drugs etc. are remarkable to me given that this was basically (for all they knew) their last chance.

I think Pete was just a shade below Lennon and McCartney ability wise (in his brief career), but I think he was as good as George Harrison (a better singer, at least equal guitarist and writer).

I think Joey was basically a better musician than Tommy, who peaked out pretty early. That is not to say Tommy was not a contributor, I just think he wasted much of his talent. Some of which, as you lay out in the book, due to depression. Even so, I don't think he was nearly as professional as his friend Pete.

While nobody would replace Pete, I think Tommy and Joey could have had a successful career after Pete had they put forth a Herculean effort. Much of the problem is the management as you describe, but I can't help that think the outcome could have been different, at least the second time around. Also if they had another heavyweight writer/singer/guitarist that would have helped. A guy like Peter Haycock of the Climax Blues Band (had he been available and interested) would have elevated the post-Pete Ham band far beyond what it was. Egos probably would have prevented that. Haycock doesn't sound like Pete Ham but I would rate the two about equal, all skills considered.

I always thought the Ian Gomm song "Hold On", the 1979 hit, was a sound that a focused Joey should have strove for. Even sounds vocally like Joey too. I don't think any of Joey's solo material was as good as that song though. But having said that, Joey was clearly the #2 writer in Badfinger, in my opinion. He just writes better when he has to get his material approved by the rest of the band, like most musicians. Even his material in Natural Gas was better than his solo material. I'm glad you discussed the "production" on that album, by the way, Dan.

I would love to have heard a focused Tommy and Joey doing the Sutherland Brothers and Quiver's "I Don't Want To Love You But You got Me Anyway". That would have been a killer addition to their live show had they been able to pull it off vocally. Its too bad that the band didn't play to their greatest strength live (their vocals) as often as they should have. A lot of bands can jam as well as Badfinger....but virtually no one could outdo their vocal work (probably even live had they stressed it). But, in fairness, I must say I saw one show each of Tommy's Badfinger (PR's Nites Out in your book-1982) and Joeys Badfinger (Mississippi Nights-1987) where they obviously had put some effort into the vocal aspect. In fact, at the 1987 show, there was a keyboardist/singer named Elliot Joffery who was just outstanding and really elevated Joey's band's sound. Apparently he was a short-lived member though he can be heard on a bootleg collection with the ballad "Strike While The Iron's Hot".(or similar title).

Finally, Dan, I would like to commend you on what you didn't put in the book. By that I mean this could not have been an easy work to accomplish given some of the personalities involved.. The logistics would be overwhelming to most people too. I know there has to have been material or opinions (your own and otherwise) that you left out, in the interest of fairness. That takes a lot of discipline.

Thank you, Dan, for indulging me. Thank you most for your wonderful book.

Joe Pellegrino

How's everything going? I've heard the exciting news about your Badfinger biography "Without You" going into it's revised edition. I have only read my book once because I don't get a lot of time to read. I may read it again sometime soon… I can't wait to hear the full length CD of unreleased music. I thank you for adding this priceless bonus CD to the works.…There are many exciting things happening in the Badfinger world lately. I know we can't have it all in one day, but patience is a thing that has to be nurtured… One more thing and please don't take offense. I'm also one of those guys that reasons… well, if it's a single, then it's got to be on the greatest hits. Not always, but most of the time. "Dear Angie" brings back memories of the early Badfinger and I can tell you that when my brothers or sister hear that song they'll sing along with it. It definitely sticks and is most memorable. Of course "We're For The Dark" would've been nice, but isn't it dangerous to put too many ballads on a CD. I think you'd agree that too many songs from "Straight Up" were used on that Apple "best of" compiled by Ron Furmanek. The Iveys bonus tracks are pretty weird but I guess this would indicate that the better songs would still remain unreleased and could be available hopefully for a future project…

… The criticisms in the book regarding Joey Molland weren't even that bad. Remarks in the book raised an eyebrow or two, but I can't see why everyone keeps harping about it. For my own tastes, I can't stand how that Day After Day Live CD sounds. It's only purpose is to complete my collection. What was done with Mike's drums is really outrageous. I can't even listen to it for more than a song or two before it just gets on my nerves. If that (mix) was something of a brainchild for Mark Healy, then I think that someone with better eardrums should take the thing and remix it. Although I have expressed negative thoughts about this in the past, I choose not to continue complaining. My real feelings are that Day After Day should be withdrawn due to mismanaged production. Badfinger should remain plugged into 1974, not the 90's!

Of course I am looking forward to the new Pete Ham CD in July, and the VH1 special that hopefully is getting better all the time. Without your persistence in getting your information, it is doubtful that Badfinger would be getting all this attention in 1999. Again I thank you. I wish you all the best for your future projects, as I have waited years for Badfinger to get the proper recognition they deserve as pop stars. I think you would agree that their music is unique, and like the Beatles, there could never be another Badfinger.

(2) Firstly, I would like to thank you for all your hard work done to bring out the story of Badfinger, your involvement with Pete Ham's rare tapes and all your future projects. I received your book "Without You" the day after Christmas of 1997. I read it in about three days. Just like many other people, I tried to contact you after reading your book. My problem was that my E-mail was not compatible with yours or Mike Gibbins for that matter. After time went by, the Internet guests have been taking sides with many issues… especially concerning Joey Molland's portrayal in your book. I have tried my best to behave and to be as positive as my nerves have allowed me.

Let me say that I was deeply moved by reading your book. Your portrayal of Pete Ham was intriguing. I knew that Pete was frugal, but many around him squandered Badfinger's money. I enjoyed very much the information gathered in your book. I have no problem with your writing skills. Also, you were very polite in sending postcards stating the reasons for delays in the book. And of course at the very end, having to have all the hardcover books reprinted must have been a heavy load to bare. I must admit I was very anxious to receive my copy.

(3) I just wanted to thank you for your work on the latest Pete Ham CD project. I'm sorry if I misjudged the project before I had a chance to hear it… especially the songs that were less than one minute long. Now that I have heard the CD in it's entirety I can understand why these tidbits are woven into the contents (a good choice of material, and a very nice job indeed). I have mentioned on one of guestbooks how these new songs sound fresh and are very uplifting, unlike the weighted and emotional " 7 Park Avenue", but I'm glad that each CD has it's own characteristics.

I liked the book, and nobody's saying that Joey Molland deserves sainthood. At times Joey has been very honest in regards to Pete Ham's talent. He has admitted that Tom and Pete could sing circles around him, and comparing his and Pete's guitar playing left Joey admitting that Pete playing was more contained. Personally, I think Pete was another Clapton. If you were to candy coat the story, then it would not be interesting. I need to read the book again, because so much time has passed, I think it will now read fresh again. What concerns would be brought up in a revised edition of "Without You"? I don't think Joey's "letter to the fans" was necessary, and it's publication sometimes puzzles me.

As you can tell I really care about the way Pete's music is presented and I think you have done a great job so far compiling the two Rykodisc titles… I've read that you aren't profiting from the Peter Ham CD's, but letting the Ham Estate enjoy the monetary benefits. This is a very noble thing to do. I got the Ham CD right away. Thank you… and I love those bonus songs. Keep up the good work.

(4) … Thanks for getting the book out to me so quickly, I received it in the mail on Monday. Of course the first thing I went for was the CD. I got to listen to all of it without distractions and I love it. It's great to have the interviews with Pete Ham (and Tommy) now available… they are fantastic! And the music… what rarities! I can't tell you how much I love all those previously unreleased songs. Whenever you hear one of the new Pete songs they're a revelation on their own! At the end of the CD I listened closely to the phone calls. Oh my God! The further one listens, the more Tommy exclaims his real feelings about Joey Molland… until the climax… a bit scary! My good guess is that Tommy was fueled with alcohol and couldn't restrain his anger toward Joey. It's understandable why you put these phone calls on there, and it's to finally prove that Joey (and Kathie's) denials weren't truthful. It must be painful, but you had to do so much dirty work that you have the right to prove what you've stood by… the reporting… I'm sure there are more surprises for all with the VH-1 special and now the Very Best thing coming up.

Pete Koch

Great to hear from you. So much to tell you, more when I have time. Didn't even know about the book, of course I want one. I saw Joey play 3 piece at a theater near me, and I have to admit, I was so starstruck that I couldn't be a fair critic. But I can say, he played very inspired, very few mistakes, and the band was very tight. He had hurt his leg the night before, and had a great attitude and sang decent. Of course, he played a black Les Paul, just like mine, all night. I spoke with him both before and after the show, got 2 autographs, and really realized what a huge part of the band he was. Yes Pete was god, but Joey was as much as anyone, after hearing him live. He was particularly inspired this show I think. It was his last as a 3 piece he said. The state of the art sound system (part of a 1.5 million Reno), didn't hurt him, either. Made some new friends at the concert, too. We both had things the other didn't. Kinda fun. I told Joey after the concert that he was "just as big a part of the band as Pete or Tommy" as I shook his hand. He seemed to really light up, and said "Thanks, man!" No matter what (No pun intended), he is still a legend in my book, and he is still out there. After reading the website, a lot of others seem to agree. I know he has done some shitty things, but he is human, and I think maybe he is growing up a bit? Anyway, I know you appreciate his contributions, as much as anyone… some of his songs are way cool too. And he can really rock on the guitar when he wants. I have to admit, dancing to "No Matter What" and "Baby Blue" was a thrill. Beautifully renovated theater. My wish, (and I privately emailed him the same) is that he get some Pete and Tommy sound, (and look,) alikes, and Mike on drums, do video tributes on screen, do a big production, and get 15 to 20K per night, like 3 Dog night and others. I know what they are getting, because I have opened for some of these bands, and helped with the production on others. People would see how much he really contributed even more if he would be content with himself and give us the whole shebang. Could you imagine the emotion and awe it would bring to us, if he would do a true, high production, well played show, with someone singing like Pete on Pete's songs? …OK, I have blabbed enough. I was on such a high, it was like seeing The Beatles for me, but better. I am a rock guitarist, and this night, Joey rocked.

P.S. Songs like "Makes Me Feel Good" just break my heart. Like so many others, could have been a hit. We are lucky so much was left behind to enjoy. If one less person would have been a jerk to Pete in the end, who knows…

(2) … as I type I am listening to Badfinger rarities. Great songs by Tommy on this. Damn, why him, too?! Joey's' covers of the "originals" are, well… somewhat disappointing. WE do them much better! Anyway, still can't believe you put me in the book, (If that was me), all I did was encourage you not to give up! Anyway, getting ready to frame all my mint cond. Badfinger 45's and put them in the band room. Already got Pete's litho in there with all of our memorabilia from 20+ years of bands on the walls. I guess Pete has brought some people together anyway, huh? … I hope you are getting WAY more positive than negative about your efforts so far. I have read a little in the website that was negative. People need to get a grip, and read the book carefully, Joey doesn't look so bad, overall, in the book… People should just enjoy the music, and look at the big picture, like your book did. I am sure hoping Joey's book isn't just a dirty laundry airing, at this point Badfinger needs to be remembered in a positive way… Wow, there really is a bias toward Joey from a lot of people. I can see why, but he was such a big part of the group musically, especially after seeing him live. And he wrote some great tunes, too. Maybe I was lucky and he had an inspired evening the night I saw him, but he really played well on his Les Paul… perhaps he is very inconsistent (been there with guys in my bands) or… … Is he just such a jerk, and done so many underhanded things that people can't get past it? Pete is in a class of his own, obviously, but I feel Joey and Tommy, and Mike did tremendous things equally. Pete needed them to flesh out a final product. A little like McCartney without Lennon(?) Thank you again for bringing all of this to the public for us to enjoy! I don't expect a reply, just keep up the great work.

Ralph Chapman

… just read the article you wrote regarding last year's Apple/Capitol "Very Best Of Badfinger". Massive credit should go to you for trying to protect the legacy of Badfinger. I'm wondering if there has been any discussions about re-issuing and REMASTERING the two Warner albums. It's a shame that another company can't or won't license those records and redo them. I don't know if you are much of a Dion fan, but Ace (UK) Records is doing a phenomenal job in re-issuing some of his greatest and most overlooked work. Every time I put on Dion's "Sit Down Old Friend/You're Not Alone", I yearn to have someone remaster "Wish You Were Here". Is there no one sympathetic at Warners..?

Andy Claps

My name is Andrew Claps. At the moment, my mind is jumbled with all the things I want to say--a fraction of which I probably will say--so please bear with me if this e-mail begins to lose its focus.

Like you, I find the music and story of Badfinger endlessly fascinating. I listen to their music at least once a day---as a matter of fact, right now I'm listening to Wish You Were Here. More than the music of any other band, it has proved therapeutic to a degree that no one other than me can possibly understand. It has saved my life, literally, on several occasions, and continually gives me lyrical and melodic inspiration to keep striving, to keep looking for a reason to go on. Like Pete and Tom, I think I know what true desperation feels like. It's the kind of spiritual "blankness" that seems to stretch on forever, like a shrinking highway on which you're the only traveler. Maybe that's why Badfinger's music resonates so strongly with me--it's music from the very deepest, and darkest, parts of the soul. It's music about desperation, but also of joy and hope. It's the song of the spirit, in all it's broken strength.

Anyway, this is starting to turn into something of a rambling monologue. I wanted to preface the real reason of this letter with something about what Badfinger's music means to me, but I fear I've come across an overzealous fan who spends most of his time under the basement stairs. Oh well.

What I really wanted to know is if you ever had any interest in bringing the Badfinger story to screen. I think the tale deserves, even needs, to be told cinematically. Your book did a heroic job, and, personally, I don't think it will ever be bettered--unless you write a third edition, of course. :) But the Badfinger saga is almost three-dimensional in scope: On the surface it's the simple story of a talented band that, bruised by mismanagement, naiveté, and self-confidence issues, ultimately fell prey to the wolves of the business, and to themselves. But, to me, it's a lot more than that. It's about ambition, hope, despair, ego, joy, disappointment, and so many other shards of the human soul. It's the most human of music stories, and I think the world at large needs to know that not only were Badfinger supremely talented musicians that got the rawest of deals, but that Pete and Tom in particular were very special human beings, whose story shares threads with all of our lives. They were simple but complicated, sweet but sour, smart but dumb, eager to help others but profoundly unable to help themselves--in short, they were like most of us are or have been at some point in our lives. They just did their living on a bigger stage. The story, I think, if adapted correctly, would extract so much more texture and feeling on the big screen.

Pardon me if I've wasted your time. I know you're a busy man, and you've probably toyed with the film idea yourself many times. But I just thought I'd bring it up--I like to entertain the illusion that I have a novel thought every now and then! In the off chance that my ramblings interest you, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Badfinger's music has inspired me in the most fundamental and most meaningful ways music can, and I would love a chance to be involved in something that returned the favor. I know Badfinger filled your soul and occupied your thoughts for many, many years, and you wrote a book to bring form to those thoughts. I'd like an opportunity to share my thoughts and enthusiasm, as well. Maybe you, too, share the passion to bring the story to a new medium.

Well, the last chords of "Should I Smoke" are echoing in my headphones, and I can think of no better way to end this letter. Take good care, and I hope to hear from you soon.

Bruce Walker

I have been a longtime fan of Badfinger since around 1975. I commend you on all your diligent hard work in keeping the memories of Badfinger and Pete Ham alive. On behalf of all Badfinger fans around the world, a thank you and keep up the continued excellent work.

Rusty Gautier

I am sure you don't remember me, but we had a nice long phone conversation at the time you were releasing the hardcover edition of the book. I am the guy who works for 20th Century Fox in Dallas. Even though I have nothing to do with production, at that time we discussed a hoped-for-movie. And if you should get an agent, etc. as I write, I am listening to the CD that arrived in my copy of the 2nd edition, and wanted to thank you for the great book and music. I would not part with either of my copies. that also goes for the other two Pete CD's you have released. Also, I really loved that this time you included a booklet. I made up my own last time. Again, best of luck and thanks for keeping these guys alive for so many.

Paul Church

… last night the mailman delivered my newly revised Badfinger book complete with the 19 track CD… I haven't read the new book yet, but I did listen to the CD and I can't get it out of my head!!!! I've always felt a connection or sadness whenever I think about Pete Ham, the music, his personal life, and why he chose to end it. I could go on and on but I just had to say that the cost of the revised book was worth it for the CD alone… the backstage interview just before Pete is preparing to go onstage is awesome! When he talks about getting nervous that the audience is getting their money's worth… and when he gives a slight laugh after saying that they (Badfinger) have not had to worry about being mobbed by audiences and then apologizing to the interviewer for having to go onstage and not allowing more time for the interview… this is truly a remarkable guy, very passionate about what he does, but very caring. What a ****ing guy!!! The phone interview where you can almost HEAR the pain he feeling in his voice, and his one mention of Stan Polley sent a cold chill across my body. I love the CD and I'm sure I'll love the book all over again… can't wait to see what kind of job VH-1 is going to do on the boys, but I hope it serves them justice. I just wanted to share my personal opinion… thanks for letting me!

Rob Novak

Just finished the book, and am increasing my CD collection weekly. As a musician, I found the hardships of the band moving, and am still shocked that Pete and Tom are not here to benefit other musicians. The details of there everyday life made it hard to put down, and digging deep into who they were was a great companion to all the songs. I've just started my second CD and I've realized their influence on the new songs. What I would really love to see is a site that delves into their guitars and amps (as they relate to specific songs),and I think the world needs a Tom Evans website… Do you know where I can get a Badfinger T-shirt?… Thanks Dan, you done a great service to this band and to the families of Pete and Tom.

Sara Boswell

I just caught the Badfinger "Behind the Music" program (wasn't able to in November) and was literally moved to tears. My heart was broken all over again. I've been a fan of the band since the beginning. May their music live on and on! Oh, I was glad to see Mike and Joey admit publicly that they had nothing to do with writing "Without You." That ASCAP fiasco always had me bent out of shape. Thanks for keeping us die-hards informed and fed with "new" news, books, recordings and updates.

Scott Stevenson

Let me compliment you on your Badfinger book. Without You will be the Badfinger bible in the years to come.

Joe DeGrande

I had to take a moment to thank you for the time and effort expended writing this book. In the 60's I also was a fan of Badfinger and saw them once when they played New York. When Pete died, the news came through as " ... hey, did you hear ..." and did not really hit home until I finished reading your book. Your words made it easy to feel Pete's sorrow and see the desperation in Tom's eyes. Over 30 years later, I cried! The only word that came to mind in both tragic lives was WHY?

Thank you for helping bring closure to my memories of Badfinger and the 'true people' that Tom and Pete really were. If there's a band in heaven, for sure they are taking the lead parts!

I can only hope that Petera and Stephen can feel the respect, admiration, and deepest sorrow we felt at the passing of Pete and Tom. Although Petera did not have the opportunity to know her father, through your research and reader's comments, she can be proud of the heritage that lies within her.

Thank you again for such a great book!

Chris Neves

I just received your book and I must say that although I have read only the first chapter, I am very impressed. This book does justice to the name Badfinger. It is a fantastic product for a band that had misfortune later in their career. The research that went into this book is extremely evident and the book itself is well-written. The CD that came with the book is simply extraordinary! … On a side note, I was surprised to see that Badfinger made an appearance here in Hawaii at the Capitol Records Convention in June 1970. I was curious to find out if there are any tapes from that performance and if you have found any indication of such in your research. Do you know exactly where in Honolulu this convention was held? Again, thank you for such a great document on a great band, Badfinger. I look forward to finishing the book and I'll be savoring every second of it.

Steve Granados

I recently received the new edition of "Without You" and was once again amazed by the quality of the book and the bonus CD! … Thanks again for all your great Badfinger work… I interviewed Mike and Joey and the article also details an incident that happened at a Badfinger show that I attended in Sept/Oct 1983 in Ithaca NY. I'll check the date and you can add the info to the Badfinger live project. The short version is that I gave Tommy a copy of the MC songbook to sign and a strange look came over him. He thumbed through it, came to the "Carry On Till Tomorrow" page and wrote "Steve, I'm, still trying." One month later…

Sherry Manning

Great to see you get some recognition for all your hard work. great show, great clips, too bad someone can't put together a video of all their performances on one tape. Also too bad there wasn't any interviews with Pete's daughter, Tommy's son or Dixie. I think Joey came off better than usual, Keep up the great work.


Nice to hear from you. I'm a huge Badfinger fan myself, so I already have your book! You know, there's not many books that I can read all the way through without getting bored or skipping around here and there, but "Without You" was a solid read... a really tragic, but great book. Really nice job. Also, kudos for your works on 7 Park Avenue and Golders Green. I'm 20 years old, so I wasn't around to see the likes of Ham or Evans, but I am a HUGE music fan, and just from listening to their music, really feel that Pete Ham and Tom Evans were 2 artists that deserve to be held on a platform along with the best of them. I'm glad there's people out there that still carry on the legacy of Badfinger and work to give them the justice and respect they always deserved.

Steve Bruun

I've spoken to you a few times in the last few years about you book and your efforts to boost Badfinger's image. I've finally gotten onto the internet so I can communicate with you the old fashioned way, in writing. I know you're busy so I'll keep it short… I look forward to learning of future reissues, documentaries, and other Fingerabilia… Just got the new book (delivery was delayed for some obscure reason). Wow! The new CD has some great stuff on it. It really makes me want to hear more of the Iveys material that's gathering dust right now, not doing anyone any good. I'm glad you're working on getting more of those great tracks out into the open. I haven't had a chance to glean through the book for the revisions, but I'm sure I'll find them. In the meantime I can retire my hardback copy to a more baby-proof shelf (so far 19-month-old Emily hasn't been eating my books but there's always a first time). Please keep up the good work. Thanks again for the new book and CD!

(2) I just today got my copy of the "94 Baker Street" CD and was very pleased to read, in the liner notes, that RPM Records will be issuing a "comprehensive collection" of Iveys rarities. As soon as I read that, I envisioned your unmistakable thumbprints all over the idea, and sure enough, there you were in the credits.

Congratulations! I know you've been trying hard, for some time, to put an Iveys collection together, and now it looks like it's really going to happen. The tracks on "94 Baker Street" sound great and I really am looking forward to the Iveys-only compilation.

I'm also very happy to see that RPM Records is handling it. RPM really seems to care about its archival releases, with considerable attention to packaging, sound, and so on, always with liner notes by people who've heard the music and who care about it. I've bought other RPM collections (Steve Howe - "Mothballs," Bodast - "Spectral Nether Street," and most recently the Aerovons "Resurrection") and I think they're great. The only other label I can think of with the same kind of attention to detail - and sense of what the fans want - is Rhino. (Maybe Rhino Handmade could put together a 2 CD set of the two Warner albums, "Head First," and outtakes, all newly remixed. Worth a shot. I'll stop by their suggestion box.)

It's exciting news, and I wanted to congratulate, and thank, you for what looks like another coup in your long-time efforts to keep Badfinger's name alive and make the music available to as wide an audience as possible.

Sue Combs

I saw Badfinger in February of 1973. I can still remember that show so clearly. It was my first "real" rock concert and the first time I had seen a British band live. I was so smitten with Pete Ham before we went and spent almost the entire concert watching his every movement. Yes, I was but a silly high school girl but he was mesmerizing! He smiled at me a few times and what a warm smile he had. What a warm soul… .such a talent, such a heart. I also remember all too well the day I heard he was gone.

(2) … about the VH 1 Badfinger episode. Dan, I truly did enjoy it and yes, so much of it tore at my heart. I do feel that Joey looked like a bastard at the end. My husband watched with me and he said he could see right through the man. My husband knows a tiny bit about Badfinger, but none of the details, so I do feel he would be representative of most viewers. He was taken aback by Joey's behavior at the award ceremony… his weakly worded defenses do not cover the fact that anyone with even a tiny bit of class would never have taken the stage at all. His behavior was proof positive at what sort of man he is. His description of the last time Tom called him made me ill. This was a man in trouble… a man that had been his band mate and friend. To not make some sort of attempt to call someone to help Tom… to not try and keep him on the telephone and help him… to not care more than it was obvious he did… .well Dan, his heartless soul shone through. That ridiculous laugh was nauseating. Nervous laughter perhaps? Knowing how little he did to help Tom? Guilt? … There are so many of us who appreciate your work Dan. So many of us who love and remember the lives, hearts, spirits, souls and work of Pete and Tom… Pete and Tom's work does live on. This is but a quick note to say thank you and let you know that you are appreciated.

Steve Crater (not the "Steve Craiter" in the "Without You" book)

Wow, what a book!!!!!!! you have accomplished a truly amazing feat! You have provided vitally important information about so many important aspect of the behind the scenes of the rock music industry, it's incredible! I am a bit of a Beatles history buff, and maybe the most attractive information to me was that related to Apple Studios. This almost unknown and rarely reported on aspect of The Beatles Apple operations is fascinating to me, and I have been researching it for years now. I suggest, and urge you to consider writing a book on Apple, including Apple studios. NO ONE has ever done so, and if you approached it on the same manner you have with "Without You", Beatle buffs everywhere would be clamoring for it, I can guarantee it!!!

Kyle Barratt

Have just finished reading the book Without You - The Tragic Story of Badfinger. Could not put it down. The best book I have read in ages. A real insight into what these guys must have been put through to push them to such a sad end. I had to send to America to get this book as it was not available in Australia. Have become a real fan and I am slowly building up a collection when available of CD's and vinyl. Which brings me to my next question can you advise me of contacts in Australia for fan club or more literature about them. Also I am looking for some good web sites to best get info about the band.(even though the book probably says all that there is to say.)

2) Thanks Dan for getting back to me so quickly I am quite impressed to be actually talking to yourself fantastic effort. Got into Badfinger after watching the movie "The In-laws" I sat in a empty theatre while the credits rolled just to see who sang the song (No matter what) then from there on I have been hooked and in a big way. Driving my wife mad buying CDs and trying to chase up vinyl. Ps. my kids even love their music. I am considering sending copy of music to local radio station to try and get them to play. As it has got to be better than a lot of the c***p playing nowadays. Can you advise me of a safe secure site or source in which I can obtain copies of the various albums have tried through local outlets but they advise me that they have to be imported so maybe I can short circuit the system . Once again thanks for your time .. but I have to say, I am a grown man but after reading the section in your book when Pete Ham sadly took his life a I then turned the page and his picture was there staring me in the face it was hard not to get emotional about it all such a waste... once again great job.

Ben Kuxhouse

i thoroughly enjoyed the book. great job. the CD bonus track has some great cuts and interesting interviews. i think a possible reason why Pete did himself is i think he blamed himself and felt like the biggest fool in the world, everybody was trying to get him to come around on Polley but Pete always stuck up for him. everyone was suffering (money problems).he might have felt he let everyone down, and he was never one to tell anyone about his problems, always kept it to himself. then on that fateful night he imploded… people have gone through worse. if he would have just hung in there they would have made it. especially now, with all the new interest in the band, they could still be performing and making cash. i couldn't have come to this conclusion without reading your good book. thanks for all your hard work into making this book. every badfinger fan should read it.

… thinking about it, all music fans of all types of music should read your book. one would have to look hard to find a story as tragic as badfinger. warner bros. didn't handle things right in my opinion. so 100,000 was missing, big deal. the band could have made them millions and the 100 grand would have been chump change. apple and wb showed how heartless they can be. the music business only lets you see the success stories (like VH-1 behind the music, always has a happy ending) .your book shows the bad side of the business that never is shown, that there isn't always a happy ending. and the big record companies really don't care. all up and coming musicians would be wise to read your book, they would learn a lot from it as well. thanks for a great book.

… and the thing about everybody accepting something for with out you at the awards, well it's about time badfinger had some recognition. i consider it a group success, as they all suffered, but bill collins on there, i thought, was tacky on his part. not joe or mike, and if either one can make a couple of bucks on the badfinger name, what's wrong with that? nothing in my book. they're entitled to it. they are the surviving members and deserve it. you see, badfinger, hardly anyone has heard of them. which i think is a shame because from 1970-75. I think they were the best. the song without you is about the only thing that might put them on the map. come and get, no matter what, day after day and baby blue gets a rare air play on the classic rock stations and there is so much more that should be played. now Pete is my favorite and without him there is no badfinger, but with tom, joey and mike there was some great chemistry. so if joey is playing a gig and plays a ham tune, there's nothing wrong with that. and when he stops playing, who's going to play one? i've told you about your book before and how much i enjoyed it, but too much joey this and kathie that, mike this and collins that which is what a lot of people say about it. the only real bad guys are polley, WB, and APPLE, that's it. i just hate the fact that people to me get the wrong message from your book, which i really felt you made pretty loud and clear (record companies and management). maybe people will always like dirty laundry to much. i don't know.

Tom Yasumi

I just wanted to thank you for the 2nd edition's CD. It's even better than I thought it would be. Both CDs (1st & 2nd ed) and the book has affected me greatly. I actually cried reading the end of Pete Ham. I'm a latecomer to Badfinger, but I'm making up for it fast: I've been continuously listening to Badfinger for a couple weeks now. I can't find the "Ass" CD, and I just lost my bid for "Headfirst" CD on eBay, but I've got pretty much everything else (including the 2 Pete Ham CDs).

What I find shocking is that while I've been telling my friends and co-workers all about your book and Badfinger, many don't seem to go beyond "oh, I know 'Come and Get It' " or just laugh at their 70's hair, not bothering to listen to their music. I'll keep trying though, because I feel (as you obviously feel) that this is a very important matter. It goes beyond music. Bands like Badfinger keep me alive.

Tom Matthews

I am compelled once again to seek you out. I suspect you are fielding countless responses/entreaties following the debut of "Behind the Music: Badfinger," so I hope this will find its way to you through the deluge… I came away from the reading of your book with the absolute certainty that a powerful, almost unbearably sad feature film could (and should) be gleaned from the rise and fall of Badfinger. Over the years I've heard vague rumors that such a project was in development, but as I scan my various sources today, I can find no evidence that anything is in the works.

As the preeminent authority on the subject (or at least, the "least" self-serving -- Hello, Mr. Molland!), I assume any feature film project would draw upon you and your book. Are you involved with any such project, and, if you are not, would you be interested in speaking with me about the possibility of developing a screenplay based on the band? This would be the most preliminary of discussions -- I am merely a writer following through on a hunch at the moment.

… I have been haunted by the Badfinger story since your book came out and last night's program has only re-ignited my interest in seeing the band's story brought to film. My interest in their music and the events which conspired to bring them down is sincere. If nothing else, I would be fascinated to speak to you and get a better insight into your experiences as their biographer.

Hope you are well, and that your well-intentioned efforts to bring Pete Ham and Badfinger the attention they deserve is paying off for you professionally. Your passion for the artists comes through in everything you've done.

Vince Scarpetti

In addition to being a professional musician, I also work in the marketing field, and in my spare time (not much of that!) I'm the online Message Board Moderator at the John Lennon Artificial Intelligence Project, as well as the "Meet The Beatles" forum. I've been a Beatles fan since 1965, and a Badfinger fan since 1970… Since "Without You" showed up in my mail, I haven't been able to put it down. At the current time, I'm in the middle of reading it for the second time. Words cannot express what an incredible job you've done researching and composing this amazing story.

My primary reason for writing you is to express how disappointed I have become in other Badfinger biographies and documentaries, since reading the "correct" version in your book. A serious effort needs to be made to correct the misinformation readily available to the public concerning Badfinger. Sadly, even the surviving band members themselves often remember things the wrong way during interview segments in their documentary video by Pegasus Flight. Notably, I can't believe the producers didn't fix Joey Molland's misrepresentation of the Iveys, when he refers to Ron Griffiths as "Dai Griffiths", or when he refers to Nilsson's producer as "Rupert" Perry. Mike's memory also doesn't jive well with the accurate depictions of events in your book. In the video documentary, he recalls Paul McCartney playing Hey Jude for Ron and himself at Trident Studios, at the conclusion of an Iveys session, but somehow ties this historic event to the completion of the Mal Evans produced "No Matter What", which he claimed was played for McCartney after he showed them "Hey Jude." While it's understandable how Mike could have confused such events, I can't believe the producers hadn't done enough research to correct him off-camera, so he'd re-think his memories about that specific event. The documentary also credits George Harrison with assigning Todd Rundgren to take over his position as producer of the Straight Up album, which doesn't hold water historically (Todd claims John Lennon was the first Beatle he ever met - during the mid-70's in California. This was an unsuccessful meeting in which Lennon unknowingly insulted Todd at a restaurant, and even documented in the Ray Coleman book "Lennon"). And of course, your book also represents Todd's hiring as the Straight Up producer differently. One of the worst butcherings of the Badfinger memory I've ever seen appears in Bill Harry's widely acclaimed "The Ultimate Beatles Encyclopedia." Harry didn't even bother to look on an album jacket to get his information. First off, he makes the classic "Mike Gibbons" mistake, which is forgivable, because it's been done so many times. But he lists Mike as the band's bass player, and then lists Ron Griffiths as ROB Griffiths! Maybe he and Joey Molland need to compare notes!

I sincerely hope you're involvement with the upcoming VH-1 special is considerable, because your attention to detail and correctness is excellent. The memory of Badfinger owes great debt to your tireless endeavor. You are THE resource for ACCURATE Badfinger information. Thanks so much for writing the BEST rock biography I've ever had the pleasure of reading. I can't wait until my "new" edition finally arrives!!

(2) … Thanks for responding to my views. You have improved my batting average considerably! It's rare to get a response from an author, but I can now add you to my list of "down to earth enough to respond"… … and with kind words no less!! Barry Miles answered an e-mail I forwarded to him through his publisher on the book "Many Years From Now", which was about McCartney, and May Pang was kind enough to respond to an e-mail I sent her after (belatedly) reading her book "Loving John". Had I know she was that close to Badfinger, I would have mentioned something about them in my letter to her.

I finished reading your book for the second time. It was more disturbing than my first reading, because certain things stuck out in my mind more. There's a particular subject you cover during the section immediately following Pete Ham's death that really bothers me. Why would Stan Polley take out an insurance policy for $250,000 on one of his artists four full years after he began managing him? Is it known whether or not Polley had similar policies on the other members of Badfinger? While I can understand WHY a management company would want life insurance policies on traveling musicians - especially in light of how many have died in plane crashes, etc., it still seems highly irregular that Polley would have done that in Pete's case after so much time - and so many tours had passed. What's equally disturbing is that he attempted to collect on the policy - under false pretenses no less (he lied and said Pete's cause of death was "unknown"). While I realize your research in this area led to a brick wall, there must be SOME way to find out if that $250,000 was collected on. I'm also incredibly curious as to whether or not there were similar life insurance policies on Tommy, Mike, and Joey. While I'm aware there's enough evidence to verify Pete Ham's depressed state of mind on the night of his death, it's still pretty amazing that Polley had Pete's life insured for such a large amount of money. After reading what I have about Polley, it's NOT amazing that he attempted to collect…

May God bless you as you continue your important work: Making sure the music of this truly remarkable group of musicians and singers is remembered.

Paul Williamson

I have just read your book Without You three times. Being a musician myself I can't explain in few words the effect this story has had on me. One can only gasp in disbelief at the conduct of Joey and Kathie Molland, Stan Polley and Bill Collins. Growing up with Badfinger's Music prompted me to purchase your book, not knowing any of the facts about the band other than the reported deaths of Pete and Tom. After reading the exceptionally well-written and researched book, I am now able to piece together the bands history in an almost personal way. My heart goes out to Ron Griffiths, as well in some ways considering "Dear Angie" as a track is more commercial and appealing than any track of Joey's in my opinion. I wonder if the band would have reached the same heights if he would of stayed rather than bring Joey into the band, my gut feel is Yes. Thanks for a great read as sad as it is. I would be grateful for any updates if possible.

Carl Weaver

Thanks for the revised copy of "Without You." I re-read a lot of it this past weekend and I listened to the CD. I especially like tracks 1 & 9. The interviews are interesting and, in the case of Tom Evans, chilling. I hope to hear from you if any more Pete Ham CD's come about. I'm looking forward to that and any other Badfinger projects. Again, thanks!

Don Wishon

Thank you very much for all of your time and hard work, your attention to detail and quality! As a major fan of Badfinger for many years and a reader of Without You: The Tragic Story of Badfinger, I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate all of your efforts to make "The Very Best of Badfinger" a reality! I have been waiting for this release date for quite some time and will be purchasing my copy later this afternoon. I am also looking forward to watching the VH-1 Badfinger documentary in the near future.

Wayne Klein

I wanted to pass along my compliments on the Very Best of Badfinger. Overall the package is terrific. I've been following the development of this for some time and was sad to see the rarities go. Nevertheless, I feel that the package is a strong representation of the band's material. The sound quality is a great improvement over both the previous best of as well as the albums issued by Apple & Warner Brothers. I'd love to see Ass reissued by Apple in the US (with the alternate superior version of Do You Mind) along with both Badfinger and Wish You Were Here from Warners (with better sound than the German and Japanese CDs). Unfortunately, until both Apple and Warner recognize the value of the band's material they'll continue to be bootlegged. The net result will be inferior versions circulating and no money going to either the companies that own the copyrights or the members of the band. It's a sad situation all around… I'm happy to see Head First move forward and am excited at finally getting good sounding copies of the material from Pete's final album. I also picked up the latest copy of your book and wanted to thank you putting together the great CD as part of the package. I also picked up a copy for a couple of family members. All have passed along their compliments and appreciation…

Just caught the Behind the Music special and must say that VH-1 did a very good job! I was a little concerned based on some of the previous BTM specials. This one ranks as one of their best. Thanks again for all your hard work at bringing attention to the guys! Hopefully this will kick start some interest in the band again so that Apple will reissue/remaster Ass and the unreleased stuff! Oh, by the way, picked up the latest edition of your book for my brother (I have the previous one with the CD) and thought I'd pass along his compliments. He's a musician and recognized the great care that went into the package and music.

(2) … Just wanted to send you an email to tell you what a terrific job you did on the Badfinger book. It's great that somebody finally took the time to pursue the band's story(and someone local no less--I'm in Fairfield, CA). Sounds as if we discovered Badfinger around the same time (my brothers gave me STRAIGHT UP for my birthday in ' 73). I wanted to wish you luck on any future projects and thanks for the terrific job you've done in keeping the band's legacy alive!

Leland Moore

(1 ) It's good to hear from you. And it's been rewarding to see the success of your efforts at bringing forth the Badfinger story -- and all of the music that might otherwise have never been heard. I vividly recall, back in 1987, jogging along the 4-mile course near my house here in Jersey and getting lost in the idea/fantasy of taking a leave of absence from my newspaper job and trying to write the Badfinger story. I remember thinking that, if an author was lucky, he might even one day stumble across some of Pete's legendary "work tapes." Alas, a lack of funding and the arrival of children took that notion off the table. But I resolved to try to use my position as a newspaper writer to get out to the public (here in the Philly-South-Jersey area, anyway) a story I believed needed to be told. My first step was to track down Joey Molland and Mike Gibbins during a club tour in April 1989 for a wide-ranging interview. Most of my journalism colleagues acted then, and still do now, as if I needed to take a long vacation. Then, when you and your work came along, it was validation and -- for an absolute Badfinger fan and collector -- the best possible news… It's been reward enough to be able to play some minuscule role in keeping the Badfinger legacy before the public eye, and to make folks who might otherwise have missed it aware of your great, great book and your other Badfinger re-appreciation projects.

(2) I just wanted to say thank you for the revised, updated copy of your book (and CD). It was exciting to come home one day and find it in the mail. As busy as you no doubt are, I appreciate your taking the time and energy to remember me, and to send the book package along. These are recordings and archival material that, as you well know, are important to me. As someone who has felt like a voice in the wilderness trying, from my own journalistic perch, to keep the Badfinger legacy alive, and to turn more folks onto the great music, your work represents the realization of a dream of mine. I don't really care that I didn't write the book. What matters is that somebody saw the worth of doing it, and managed to get it done. That the book is a success, and that your work has also spawned the release of a treasure trove of lost Pete Ham and Badfinger recordings, is an incredible bonus. Let the detractors blather on. You're right when you say in the boox interviews piece that you will never please everyone. And it doesn't matter. Keep up the good work.

Andy Brown

Well I finally read the book and it's really opened my eyes as to the kind of crap these guys had to put up with. I knew the basics of the story but your book has helped me to find out the rest. Thanks for a great book Dan, no doubt I'll be in touch in the future.

Bev Hoffman

I had the wonderful privilege of meeting Pete, Dai, Mike and Ron within a week of them arriving in London from Swansea - full of hope, ambition and talent. When Dai left, I met Tom. We shared some really great times together, especially in the early days at 7 Park Avenue. I have kept in touch with Ron and have made contact with Mike. The book brought back some many memories, some good, not so good. My lasting happy memory will be at my 17th birthday party in 1968. All the guys were very special to me then and still are.

Dale Kreuger

Just finished the book--Incredible!! Only problem is I bought the book off Ebay (Paid about $30.00--still well worth it!) … (7 Park Avenue) was incredibly good. I grade each song as I listen to it, and I've upped the grades as I listen to the songs over and over--and the grades were high to begin with ! I cant wait for the Golders Green CD.

Barry Speer

I listened to Badfinger only marginally during their heyday, and like everyone else my age (15 - 16 at the time) thought that they were just a continuation of the Beatles career after they decided to self-destruct. A local radio DJ mentioned your impending book sometime in early '97, and this was the first time I'd ever heard of Tommy's suicide. My interest was piqued. I eagerly awaited your book, hit websites, bought CDs and generally discovered a lost treasure trove of great artistry in the form of Pete Ham's great songs. There's not much new music now that interests me, so Badfinger became a source of great new stuff for me… I ramble, sorry. I just wanted to say that I loved the book, Without You. I thought it treated everyone involved very fairly, especially since I first read Kathie Molland's letter about the book on the "Official" web site. Very good work, Dan.

Debbie Harrison

I just wanted to say a couple of things - month of March, last year, was the time I got your book and I think it may have taken me about two weeks to get through it and it was very moving. It helped me bring some things to closure, which is good 'cause for thirty years to just have something so dramatic happen and then to not know the epilogue, kind of, sort of, although there was a lot of sadness there. I have to say I've cried a bit 'cause it was like things were a lot worse than I could have imagined, but I think that you have really been a wonderful blessing as well as an informational source to let people know the truth of what happened.

Ben Pringle

I've always been a big fan of Badfinger and love the book you've put together! … I'm assuming that there are no bass lines on the demos that you're using. I already know many of the standard BF stuff and would be happy to learn all their songs to get the right feel, and certainly with a week or so of listening to the demos I would feel comfortable and QUITE honored to work with Pete's stuff… .honored to the Nth power!!! Anywho, let me know how you would like to proceed.

Bev Campbell

Thank you so much for your email. I have read your page and will check out the other links when I can. And thank you so much for what you have done (the book and the prospective VH-1 Behind the Music show). Badfinger are very close to my heart and it is so gratifying to hear from others who feel the same.

Dave Beyer

Great job on the book! Lots of work I'm sure. My wife has now started reading it, and my brother is waiting for her to finish (he should buy his own, but he is my brother!).Stan Polley was a soulless bastard. I couldn't quite figure out what the rest of Pete's note said. I always felt Badfinger died when Pete died. I still remember the day I read about Pete Ham's suicide in Rolling Stone magazine, where I was at, what I was doing at the time, I believe it was in the June issue. I bought the Apple releases Magic Christian, No Dice, Straight Up, Ass, and the Warners release Wish You Were Here, LP's and haven't even opened them, cellophane still on, never been played. Just wonder if they are worth anything ? Although Straight Up brings back a lot of memories, with great tunes, Wish You Were Here is by far their best album, and having played it recently, I forgot how good it was, and think it could match anything being played on the radio stations today (timeless). Again great job and I hope the book sells well!

Bill Knight

I am a very big fan of Badfinger. Have been for 27 years. The book was fantastic! Thanks for your hard work on writing this book. I look forward to future Badfinger projects… Thanks to Dan for being such a good friend to Badfinger and Pete Ham fans! The CD in the book was a real gem.

Mark A. Johnston

Just got my copy of Golder's Green CD and wanted to personally drop you a note and tell you that it is unbelievable! My first impression is that it is not better and it is not worse than the first CD; just a great companion piece to the first. Sound quality is great too - nice job of restoring the original demo masters. These CD's are similar to the lost sea scrolls! I mean you always wonder if John or Paul had some really great stuff laying around and we have all heard most of it on bootlegs anyway - but the Pete Ham demos are so different and just treasures that do not disappoint… Of course I loved the hard cover book you sent me and signed. I keep waiting to see the VH-1 Badfinger "Behind The Music." I hope that you helped to balance Joey and Kathy's side of the story!

Brennan Engle

I'm a big Badfinger fan and I have enjoyed reading your book many times… I especially enjoyed the quotes from Bob Jackson, as he has always been a favorite of mine… I know he played on the Pete Ham 7 Park Avenue disc but I was wondering if he is still in a band or has done any recent recordings that might be available because I would be thrilled to get a hold of some more of his music!! He is such a talented artist and songwriter!

Brooke Saunders

I visited Wales in 1977 after an English family reunion, I went over there from Virginia for several weeks. I hitchhike from Bath to Swansea, and stayed in a bed and breakfast on Oystermouth Road. That night I called the half dozen Hams in the phone book, and eventually one of them told me that Pete's brother had a music store in town. So I called him the next day when it opened, and he told me how to get there. He heard why I was there, and offered to show me Pete's guitars. We climbed to the top of some stairs, and there were six guitar cases in a row, three acoustics and three electrics. I opened them up one by one, John explained which ones came from George Harrison, and those included acoustics used on many Badfinger albums (and an unknown number of Beatle albums). The Bangladesh Martin was there. Apparently, the Beatles took pity on the impoverished Welsh lads, and were by all accounts generous with guitars. John Ham told me that Mike Gibbins came in the store from time to time, and I was excited at the possibility of meeting him. He gave me Mike's number eventually, and I went and visited him on the outskirts of town in a small flat. He invited me in, and played a banged up Martin that George had given him, it had apparently been dropped, but was still playable. Mike was good company, but a little bitter at their manager, who seemed to be responsible for money disappearing. We saw each other off and on during the week I stayed in Swansea, I camped in the living room of Martin Ace, a fine singer and founder of Man, whom you know of no doubt. When I went back to Wales in 1980, I talked with Tommy in Surrey, and was going to go see him, but somehow my train was delayed. I saw Mike and Bob Jackson and Tommy come through Richmond in the early eighties, and then later I heard he had committed suicide…

I saw Joey play with his trio recently in Richmond. It was okay, the sound sucked and there were not a lot of people there, but he was charming and energetic. He did not come out after the show to greet us half dozen loyalists and sign autographs, instead he let a couple of the most attractive (female) backstage. One guy had a stack of Badfinger albums, and he was pretty disappointed. Oh, well, maybe Joey was tired…

I have probably learned half of Badfinger's songs, and used them for years as a template of incredible pop music. Well, glad you have done the book, I look forward to buying it.

Chris Bourgeois

I love the 7 Park Ave CD… and will get the new one, but can you please think about a Tom Evans Disc next. I can't find the Over You on and I'd love to here more Tom Evans demo's and I think you'd be the man to do it as your work on 7 Park was great… .. also I am in the middle of getting info on everything I can of Tom Evans… can you help me in anyway of history… mostly early stuff (demo's and life) and after and during the Joey and Tommy "Bad Boy Years." I think Tom Evans was a great person… Pete was too… can you think about a Tom Evans CD next… and do you know were I can get Over You CD…Thank You and please keep you your Fab work.

Michael Markus

I just wanted to thank you from the bottom (and top) of my heart for the book you have written and for your role in getting the Pete Ham CD released. I spoke with you on the phone several months ago and you guided me to Book Soup in West Hollywood to purchase the book. I have read it more than once and have been deeply moved by the story of a band which made a life-long impression on me as a musician and as a human being. When I listen to Pete's songs from Catherine Cares right through to Ringside, I feel in awe and in the presence of real genius. Whether as a guitarist figuring out the songs or as a person listening to the emotion and feeling in Pete's music, I have gotten tremendous fulfillment in listening to this music. I have also gotten renewed confirmation of Pete's genius as a songwriter and guitarist; a reminder that when I was an original fan of Badfinger's many years ago, seeing them live and telling everyone I knew of their talent, I truly was lucky. Thank you for bringing Pete's songs and Badfinger's story to light. I appreciate so much what you have done.

Clive Simmons

Sorry I have not been in touch for a week, but I have been off interviewing the Beach Boys. Well, the living ones, anyway… Anyway, I have now finished the book, and as a journalist, let me say what a phenomenal piece of research it is. You have really written the definitive book on Badfinger.

David Robson

I have just finished reading your book "Without You: The Tragic Story Of Badfinger" and felt compelled to write to you expressing my appreciation for your excellent research and writing skills. Although I had a small amount of knowledge about Badfinger's tragic past, and the suicides of Pete Ham and Tom Evans, I had absolutely no idea of the contributing factors that poor management and business deals had on these sad acts. Being a semi-pro musician over the last 20 years, I have met a few shady promoters, but I was sickened to read of the way the band were exploited and left to basically fend for themselves after they had outlived their supposed financial viability. If indeed there is a hell then I hope that Stan Polley has one of the hottest f***ing places in it… its no less than he deserves.

I bought your book on Tuesday and finished it this morning (Thursday). Then I went out and bought "The Best Of Badfinger" and was pleasantly surprised at some of the songs I hadn't heard before - Pete and Tom had such talent, and their deaths leave the world a poorer place… so many "if only's" in this story… I have been deeply moved by it… and angered by it. I have no wish to patronise the "official" Badfinger site, if Joey and his screw are involved, however I would love to get some copies of Tom and Pete's demos if they are still available. I will try and search from my end (Australia) but would appreciate any help you could give. Having asked this, I do realise you are probably a busy man and time may not allow a reply, but I felt compelled to write, to thank you for the book, and in the hope that Tom and Pete's family may eventually see some small benefit from the publishing rights and royalties… it's no less than they deserve…

P.S. Hope all goes well with your future projects. It would be wonderful to see some more "genuine" Badfinger material released, given the unavailability of most of their work up until the last few years. I will keep a close eye out for any new projects with your name on them.

Brad Harvey

Received you Badfinger book CD in perfect condition this past Saturday, then spent the weekend reading it. You should be proud of what you've put together - it has a lot of class/commitment/credibility to it, something I wouldn't associate with lot of projects connected to Badfinger.

I found Tom's death much sadder than Pete's because Tom's was one slow descent into humiliation and degradation. Pete's death was a shock, but minus a sleazy lead-up to it - it had a certain nobility to it - if one can characterize any aspect of suicide as noble. It seems after Pete took his life, it affected the band members for worse in different ways - it brought out all of the band's baser survival instincts. Pete's death was like an iceberg that sank the ship and there weren't enough lifeboats to go around. 

William Quinn

Congrats on your superb Bad-Iveys bio. It let the actions, reactions, of the principal players speak for themselves. You kept the snide innuendo that passes for cutting edge "hip journalism" these days to a bare minimum. Well done!

William Bosea

Like you I'm a big Badfinger fan, and I'd like to thank you for all you've doen. I've always hoped someone would write a Badfinger biography, but I never thought it would come true.

Thank you for everything else your doing in regards to Badfinger. The Pete Ham CD's are excellent. I love the production. you added to them without overdoing it.

I hope you continue to help with the release of Badfinger music.

Jim Mullen

The book is great and was well worth the wait! For years I was hoping someone would bring out a Badfinger book and now you've done it all and more! The pictures are beautiful and I'm enjoying it immensely. I'm glad you waited to make sure it was done right. Thank you Dan! 

Brian Kazmierczak

This is a personal note to whom I feel to be a warm and wonderful man. I received the book on Saturday high noon and canceled all appointments that day (my wife understood) I sat in my office and read the entire book by midnight. Highest praises to you for a job well done. Never did I expect such detailed research and accuracy. Being a dedicated Badfinger fan, I've gotten to know the general story through fanzines, hearsay, gossip, magazines, and of course, their music. But finally, the entire true story has been told, with amazing detail.

I could not put this book down, always anxious to turn to the next page. I would like to mention some enlightening facts that I appreciate from this book: I had no idea what had transpired during the 1995 ASCAP music Awards. Your limited edition CD proves who the rightful authors are. That period with John Cass was a nightmare. It affected me like a horror novel would, only this was real!

I greatly appreciate the limited edition CD. In addition to the "Without You" demos, a shining moment is Bob Jackson's "I Won't Forget You." What a piece! Thank you for presenting an enormous masterpiece. God bless you, Dan Matovina. Thank you for your intense effort which made my dream come true. 

Randy Socha

I received your book on December 23rd (great gift for myself) and finished it yesterday (Jan. 3, 1998.) You should be proud of yourself - you did the boys good! I thought I knew a lot about the group - but you proved me wrong! Very informative! The only bummer was to find out Joey Molland is such a "shit of a guy." I wonder if he realizes he may have sunk his ship that could have "carried the gold." He might have saved Pete Ham and they may have been able to pull things together. They could have been a "super-group." Instead, they were the ultimate tragic story. It is a story all rock'n'roll fans should read. If your book was about a high profile group like the Stones or the Beatles - you'd have a #1 seller. Sadly. many people won't even give it a chance. Your book should be read by all rock fans. All I can tell you is - I'll pass the word. Your book and "Up And Down With The Rolling Stones" are the best two books I've read that are real "meat and potatoes." But, the other book, may not even be all true.

 In closing, I am a huge Badfinger fan. Always have been since about 1972 when Straight Up came out (I was 13 years old). I also love the Rolling Stones, but I have always been more fascinated by Badfinger. They were so good. What is interesting to me, in my opinion, is that they were really "two" groups. That had a sound in the studio recordings, but they were a different group onstage. From my bootlegs I discovered they were a very powerful live act. It's almost like listening to two groups... As I said earlier, you did the boys "proud." I loved the book and will always speak highly of it. 

Jim Rao

The Badfinger book is amazing! Glad you finally got everything cleared up. The hard work and research must have taken years. After all this time, at last, a perfect tribute to a band that deserves to be recognized for all they've done.

… I bought the hardcover edition from you last year and its truly an amazing work of research and dedication… also my CD plays fine… I love this book, I did read it twice and still treasure my Badfinger LPs and Pete Ham CD… In a way, I can relate to the story. I've released a lot of CDs on different labels, some of which are honest enough to pay, others that hardly pay at all… The music biz is filled with all types of creeps… but so is the real 9-5 world as well. What can you do????

Cornell Kimball

I have recently bought and read Without You (and now have read some parts twice). I've thought many items over the past few weeks over what I've read. One item to note is I couldn't be called a big Badfinger fan - I like Badfinger, and I love "No Matter What", but I never really got into them. What I am is a big Beatles fan. A few months ago I heard "No Matter What" on the radio and I was thinking what a great song this is. I thought what happened that Badfinger couldn't go on? Any band that could turn out stuff like that could do such great stuff. What happened to Badfinger that they were never able to realize their promise? I turned to Bill Harry's Encyclopedia. The entry there is about three-fourths of a page, and I learned a snippet or two.

The next step is I went to the LA Beatlefest three weeks ago and it was there I bought the book. I started out wanting to know what happened to Pete and Tom - and ended up learning things about the group I had no idea about.

For one, as I started to get into the book, it suddenly explained something I'd seen in a movie years ago and not fully understood. The movie was "Spinal Tap." After coming out of the movie when I saw it years ago, I told my friend that I was puzzled about the girlfriend/wife of one of the band members who was trying to run things. "That couldn't be some composite of Yoko and Linda; I mean Yoko was never intrusive like that!" My friend reminded me that the band in Spinal Tap was an amalgamation of many different bands. So, as I started reading in Without You about Kathie Wiggins/Molland... "Hey, that's where they got it from. My God, that character is Spinal Tap and was not exaggerated. Kathie Molland really was that obnoxious."

Here's an impression: how the tome of the "social atmosphere" changes from the beginning of the book to the end. It was when I was reading somewhere in the second half of the book that, after seeing one producer after another, one drummer after another, (including Mike Gibbins) let go, that I began thinking how life was at the beginning of the book. What the social atmosphere was like - how people treated and dealt with one another, what personal relationships were like. The book starts out noting South Wales, and we hear how "uniformly wonderful" the people you met were. I read a few pages, and see a picture of a store with the name "John Ham" on it. "Oh wow," I thought, someone in Pete's family, his brother maybe, runs a music store" (which, I then read, is indeed the case). We hear of Pete's devotion to everything - his family, friends, Beverley, his music, and most pointedly, his principles about that. We hear of people like Sue Wing, described by Mike as a "friend, friend, friend." Even the situation they have with Bill Collins shows what loyalty they have for people. Contrast this to things going on in with Tommy and Joey and Mike in the late 70's (not to mention Joey's later sabotaging).

I have many more observations, but I'll try to keep this message below 10,000 bytes. One thing I definitely want to say is thank you for writing this book - it's something that certainly needs to be made better known. As I note above, it was only a year or two ago that I even learned of Pete and Tom's committing suicide, and it was telling to read in Without You of the paucity of news items at the time of their deaths. So it's good to see a book out there. I appreciate how thorough the book is, covering all the details behind all this, and how well put together it is. 

Tom Shahnazarian

Thanks so much for the wonderful book. I just finished it. Unfortunately I was too young to see Badfinger during their U.S. tours with Pete Ham. I'd give a year of my life to go back in time and see a double bill with the Raspberries. I bought the Apple Best Of a couple years ago and still enjoy it. I thought Pete's demos disc was one of the best things I heard in 1997. It breaks my heart every time I think about him because around the time I was his age, I went through a very hard time and could easily have given up. Amazingly, "music" was one of the key reasons I made it.

Larry Levash

Your book is the greatest! You did a great job. I've really learned a lot I didn't know. The "Badfinger" laserdisc also is priceless and a great addition to your book, even through Joey's bullshit.

Mike O'Neal

Just wanted to drop you a line to congratulate you on the Badfinger book: a great job, well worth the wait. I was particularly impressed with your efforts to make sure everybody's side of the story was presented. Being an original fan from the 70's, it was interesting to finally read what was going on with the band back then. I never really knew what had become of them. I didn't hear of the suicides until years later. After I read your book I realized how lucky I was to have a copy of Wish You Were Here. 

Jim Trycz

hello mr, name is jim tyrcz, from buffalo new york. i am possibly the world's biggest fan. i always read about people (many musicians,including myself) having an inexplainable affinity for pete- not only his deeply personal and accessable music- but for the man himself. i know exactly what they mean, and i think i realize , maybe, what pete felt. i have read you're magnificent book several times, and i own all the pete ham/badfinger music that can be had at record stores. i am a true fan, and the lives(and tragic deaths of pete and tommy touch me as nothing else can. i have just seen pat casey's excellent drawing of pete, and i think it's great. apart from being a musician, i am also an artist. anyway...i read in your book that somebody said (referring to pete's home demos) that those were some great songs,if only somebody would pick them up...they could be hits...well, i also have a sort of "studio at my house, and if done some pretty good renditions of some of his demos. i wonder if you'd like to hear them. i think i was faithfull to pete and what was happening to him as he wrote those the way- my covers of pete's demos are never performed in public. they are only for the enjoyment of myself and my family. please write back to me and, if you can, help me out. i look forward to hearing from you...a fellow badfinger fan with a passion...

Brian Strickland

It was worth the wait to receive the hardback version of your Badfinger book. It is brilliant. I could not put it down. The bonus CD tracks were also fantastic. I know most of the details about Badfinger, but your book told me things I did not know about. Your writing and photographs were absolutely spot on, a collectors item if I ever saw one. 

Larry Yee

I truly appreciate your putting together such a fantastic study of such a incredible group as Badfinger. You performed a great service for us fans and I hope the families of Pete and Tom appreciated the detailed study.

Patrick Balastriere

I wanted to thank you for the book. Great job. It was well worth the long wait. Remember what they say, good things come to those that wait. Unfortunately for Pete and Tommy they felt their time was running out. It seems for the most part Badfinger seem to have a black cloud over their heads and a streak of bad luck seem to follow them wherever they played. Anyway, I found the book to be very informative, making me understand just how greedy and heartless people can be. Money isn't everything in this world, but to some people that is all that matters. Forgive me for what I'm about to say, but if Stan Polley is still alive, he needs to die a slow painful agonizing death. 

Paul Ashwell

I've recently finished reading your excellent book on Badfinger and must congratulate you on such a meticulous and superb piece of work. The story of this band has been long overdue and your book tells that story whilst helping to redress the balance (Badfinger was almost forgotten here) If one reads between the lines its obvious Stan Polley has the most to answer for over Badfinger fate and perhaps a rather pushy female (no names!) Anyway, well done on such a fine book. 

David Fejko

I just wanted to drop you a few quick lines about your fantastic book! I must tell you when I finally received the book I literally could not put it down!! I spent an entire evening reading it cover to cover. It was well worth the wait! I for one must personally thank you for finally exposing what happened to one of the greatest bands of all time. I am a lifetime fan of this band. It is truly the most tragic story I have ever read about a rock band. I think it would be a fitting tribute if you could in some way help to start a campaign to get them in the rock'n'roll hall of fame. If ever a band deserved this honor, it is them. 

Tom LaChirusa

I have just finished reading your well-written Badfinger book, and felt moved to write and tell you how much I enjoyed your work. Perhaps "enjoyed" is not the right word considering the sad saga of this fine band, I knew the generalities of its history, but as a serious Badfinger fan I always wanted to know the details and circumstances of their story. For the first time with your great research, I do.

I saw Badfinger twice, once at the top of their profession as headliners of a triple bill (with Billy Preston and Elephants Memory) in 1972, they were terrific, and at the other end of the spectrum in 1987 in a third-rate dive in Rochester. Even at that low level, they put on a great show, and I got to meet Joey Molland, which was a thrill for me. Mike Gibbins was also part of that band. They did a powerful version of Without You and Joey introduced it as having been written by "two mates of ours, Pete Ham and Tom Evans." So I was kind of surprised when I read about the songwriting credit's squabble that came later.

So I just wanted to say thank you for an insightful and informative journey through the lives of Pete Ham, Tom Evans, Joey Molland, and Mike Gibbins. Four talented guys who should have been The band of the 70's and beyond if not for tragic fate. thanks for documenting their story.

Gary Gabhart

I wanted to write and let you know how much I enjoyed Without You. For several years I've wondered why no one had ever written the Badfinger story. You did an outstanding job. I own two copies, one hard, one paperback

I've been a Badfinger fan since the beginning. Their music is again bringing me joy. There was a period I couldn't listen, because it was so sad. I think your last sentence of Without You sums up my feelings, also. Perhaps we really did have a second Fab Four all along. 

Gary Vinar

The book is priceless, its a masterpiece, and actually only an honest and sincere person such as you could have written it so beautifully. It goes without saying you're very talented, and believe me, I'm very thankful for the work you've done. If Pete and Tommy are watching over you they are blessing you. Congratulations on the book and its success. 

John Schiraj

I finished reading your book Without You over the weekend. I found the book to be very enlightening for me to read. Your book left me feeling very angry with Joey and his wife. I'm not fully sure at why Mike was so angry with Tom. In addition, you filled in information for me concerning their management that helped to put everything into place. Thank you for a wonderful book and limited edition CD. Long live Badfinger! 

Jim Henderson

May I begin by thanking you and congratulating you for your superb effort on the book Without You". The amount of research you put into it is quite staggering and, whilst I enjoyed reading it, I felt a great deal of sadness and anger as I learned of the numerous deals and ripoffs that ultimately led to the tragic deaths of Pete Ham and Tom Evans. I hope that the book has been selling well and it is just a shame that certain parties would not be interviewed, nevertheless, its a great work. 

Eric Maki

As a happy owner of the limited edition of your book Without You. I wish to thank you personally for your efforts to keep Badfinger's flame burning. I can only praise your book and the amount of time and work you must have devoted to its writing is very impressive indeed. My wife tends to be jealous of your book as she says I spend more time with it than with her. This shows you how good it is.

 Reading the book put me off Joey for awhile as he is often portrayed as a "I'm only in it for the money" kind of person, not to mention his wife, Kathie. First I thought you were exaggerating, but listening to the CD "In The Studio - best of radio show" proved you right. Almost every sentence is relating to money issues. 

Kevin Erickson

Without You is quite simply, excellent! Thank you. Stephen King could not have written a better horror story than you have. Thank you again for your dedication.

Eric Malacan

As a happy owner of the limited edition of your book Without You I wish to thank you personally for your efforts to keep Badfinger's flame burning. I can only praise your book and the amount of time and work you must have devoted to its writing is very impressive indeed. My wife tends to be jealous of your book as she says that I spend more time with it than her. This is to show you how good it is.

Reading your book put me off Joey for awhile, as you often portray him as "I'm only in it for the money" kind of person, not to mention his wife Kathie. First I thought you were exaggerating but listening to the CD of "In The Studio - Radio Show 12/22/97" proved you right. Almost every sentence of his interview is related to money issues. However Badfinger is an alchemy and Joey is a talented msuician who brought things to the band.

John Forte

I am writing to you about your outstanding book Without You. It most certainly is a story that needed to be told. Part of me wants to tell you how much I enjoyed reading it, but the story is so ugly and cruel. Tragic is certainly the most descriptive word you could have chosen. I often wondered what happened to Badfinger and why Pete and Tommy would have chosen to end their own lives.

I know I will read this sad story again and again because this project took a long time and a tremendous effort to put together. I sincerely hope this project is very successful. You deserve it. 

George Wood

Thank you for a long overdue biography on Badfinger, the best band in the world. To this day I cannot understand why they have been neglected and ignored in this country when so many lesser talents get constant airplay and publicity. It's just one of a long line of injustices that Badfinger have had to suffer... Keep up the good work. It's greatly appreciated by all Badfinger fans around the world. 

May Garner

That was the best rock biography I've ever read. I've read almost all the Beatles bios and various others. When I finished reading it, it seemed that I knew them. I'm really happy that you would write about them because I've always been a fan of Badfinger but never knew anything about them. I'm in a band and we cover a couple of Badfinger's songs, now I want to cover the obscure ones. Just wanted to say you've written a great book about a sad sad story. Thanks. 

Scott Erickson

I finished Without You last night and wanted to drop you a line telling you how well done it was. The book showed unbelievably thorough research, told the story in a clear and compelling way, and helped the reader come to know the people involved. While I was aware of some of the basics, I suppose the most shocking part for me was the ASCAP Awards incident. I found it hard to believe that even after Pete and Tom killed themselves, others could not even allow them the dignity and recognition of what to them was of great significance, the credit they deserve in creating a standard and letting their survivors have that one moment.

Again, throughout, I thought the book worked very well, especially considering the fact that often books about bands or musicians can tend to be poorly composed book-size versions of fanzines. Congratulations on a job very well done. 

Derek Dazen

I thought your book was very well conceived and researched - it was an excellent read too.

Tony Dawson-Hill

I would just like to let you know how very much I enjoyed your book: Without You: The Tragic Story Of Badfinger. I thought it was an absolutely brilliant book, but yes, such a tragic story. I think it rates as one of the best rock biographies of all time and I have read a lot of them!

Juan Howard

I have to thank you for "Without You: The Tragic Story Of Badfinger." I am listening to Pete Ham's "Golders Green" for which I am also indebted. Thank you so much. It just means a lot to finally have something on Pete ham. He was simply a very sincere person. his passion for music and life surely are an inspiration. I just hope he has found happiness… Pete Ham's fans are growing. His talent can not be denied.

Adrian Kancir

The book is the best rock and roll book of all time. I finally got to read it. Great job. Thank you for all you give us so far.

Dave Corning

Hello. I got the hard copy of Without You last year. I loved it. I'm a huge Badfinger fan. The book was very detailed. I learned a lot from this book about the band.

Thank you very much for your time.

Michael Milauskas

It was certainly a pleasure to speak with you yesterday. I enjoyed it very much. I started reading "Without You" again last night. It's as fresh as the first read. Again, I have to tell you that I think you did a great job with it. I'll be taking notes (mental and otherwise) on this read and try to flesh out a script outline. I'll let you know how my work progresses. In the meantime, good luck with everything. As I wrote before, even if I never get to be involved in the script or film, seeing your story brought to the screen would be fantastic. I wish you much luck.

Roy Ross

Well, I finished your book. It was very good. Obsessive reading and very detailed. Too bad there was so much sadness with Badfinger. Your right, though. Badfinger could have been quite big if they were handled correctly. And if Joey never met Kathie. Sad. Thanks for the tireless research to create such and amazing book!

Eliot Wein

I've learned things about Badfinger that I've never knew before. You did a great job. This book would make a great script for a movie. If you couldn't use the Badfinger name, it would still make a great movie. Let me ask you something… ..I've met Joey Molland, and he really seemed like a nice guy. After reading your book, it seemed like he was very difficult to work with after Pete Ham had passed on. Was he really difficult or was he just protecting his own assets, and doing what he can to survive? It seemed like earning money was a challenge with all the lawsuits flying around. My guess is that he was doing whatever he could to provide for his family… thanks again for writing a book that I had a great pleasure and interest in reading.

Tony Fanucci

hi, i just got through reading without you… id been meaning to buy it, but santa brought me it instead. i found it to be fascinating and haunting, at the same time. i was in high school when i first heard badfinger. come and get it was a bit too poppy for me, cause i like guitars… i flipped when i heard baby blue and no matter what. i eventually got into little garage bands as a drummer, and then, as time progressed, made it to north hollywood in late 78, had a heroin addict beverly hills rich kid manager, and a con advisor,, much like a few of the characters in your book. i started writing lyrics, and, in the meantime, have written for eric martin, mr. big, triumph. ive never been bigtime, although i've had gold album success… but i've seen enough and been directly involved on the business side of the music scene to know of all that can go wrong… i've had songs rejected of major releases right before press, i've had labels fire complete staffing… .so when an album was released, no one in new power cared… and the album would die a quick death… disputes over royalties, publishing, administration… .i've seen a lot of what can happen. it was oftentimes painful reading it for these reasons, but the book is brilliant. congratulations on capturing what can and does go wrong in the music business. of course, to me the ultimate loss is the deaths of pete and tom. anyway, thank you for a great read and much continued success!

Gary Norris

Just wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying your BF book. You did a GREAT job!

George Brandon

First, let me apologize if this letter ends up rambling for too long. I've been meaning to write you for months, but am just now getting the chance. I really want to thank you for doing something that I (and apparently many others) have wanted for years! Badfinger was an excellent group, and their story is as sad as their music is wonderful (if that makes any sense). I got your book months ago, and read it within a period of three nights. I've read a lot of music books over the years, and yours is one of the best I have ever seen!! Well researched and written, and most importantly, you give the characters in this story a life of their own. I was always sympathetic to Peter Ham, but reading his story left me emotionally exhausted. I could sense the end of his life coming up and I had to force myself to continue reading because I didn't want to see him come to the tragic end that I knew was inevitable. I must admit that while any person's death is sad, Pete is the only one who I wish I could somehow go back in time to meet and somehow encourage him to fight it out. That may sound cheesy, but it's true.

I couldn't help but think back a few years ago to when I first got a Badfinger album (1988, to be exact… it was a boot of Straight Up, straight from some guy's vinyl copy, but man, it still sounds great to me!). I remember thinking how sad it was that the bootlegged stuff (especially the Unreleased and Some Released material) would never officially see the light of day. While there are some wrongs that still need to be corrected (i.e. somebody at Apple gettin' off their butt and putting out "Baby Please" officially!), the amount of stuff that has been released just in the past couple of years is mindblowing!! Never in a million years would I have guessed that a collection of Pete's demos would be released, and meet such favorable response!

The CD of Pete's demos was a wonderful treat, and an on-line friend of mine informed me of the upcoming projects for 1999. While I know that there were numerous people involved in bringing all of this together, you are the one who has played the most important part. Thank you for all of the hard work that you've done to preserve the memory of this wonderful group. I sincerely hope that you have gained some sort of satisfaction from the hard work that you have done and continue to do. If there was ever an "honorary" member of Badfinger, it would have to be you. Keep up the excellent work, Dan! You're doing me and about a billion other people a great service... some of them just don't know it yet!!

(2) The second edition looks even better (especially with the added studio & tour dates....astounding!!). I read mostly music related books, and I can honestly say that yours is one of the best I've ever read. I rank it up there with the Peter Guralnick works. Very detailed, sympathetic, and easy to read. An excellent job!! Anyway, thank you again. Here's hoping that Apple will eventually release the rest of Badfinger's stuff.

John Minty

I tried to write a few days ago to say thanks for the book. It seems that we are having a few teething troubles with the internet and email here at school. I read Without You over the Easter holiday and found it fascinating, but also sad. I was born in Townhill, Swansea in 1947 and although I saw the Iveys many times. I didn't know Pete. My sister tells me she sat next to John Ham at school, but Pete and I must have gone to different ones. I played drums in a couple of local bands, we were never up to Iveys standard, before moving away in 1969 to follow a teaching career. During the holiday I went to visit Park Avenue, just to be there really, as your book persuaded me to dig out my old Badfinger vinyl and listen to it for the first time in years. I have also bought the Park Ave. CD and find it fascinating. I am rapidly running out of lunch hour, please let me know if this arrives intact this time.

… I could ramble on for hours about the rock scene in Swansea in the sixties, but it is all a bit of a blur thirty years on!! I do remember going to the Embassy ballroom (now Barons, as featured in Twin Town) of a lunchtime to see bands. The school I went to was in the centre of town and several of us would spend our dinner money on the admission plus a bottle of coke. I'm sure the Iveys played one of these lunchtime sessions. In the book you mention The Macabre Cafe. That was only a few yards from the school and we would often pop in after school for coffee and toast. It was quite the place to be for a while but didn't last that long. We all knew it as the Morgue!! The tables were coffin lids and it was painted black, with ghoulish decorations. I don't recall seeing any bands there, it was very small, but they might well have played downstairs in the cellar. Brian Coffey was a near neighbour of ours, but he was a lot older than me. His mum and mine were good friends. I remember quite well seeing him with an amplifier and wondering what it was! Shmoo was quite a character, he worked at Picton Music which was one of the main music stores in town, and both he and Sue Picton were very kind and encouraging to poor musos. I still owe them for a pair of drumsticks "borrowed" in about 1966. I also remember being outside at opening time a few years later to be the first person in Swansea to buy Forever Changes on the day it came out! The Tivoli ballroom was a no-go area for Townhill boys, we had The Tower as our venue. Most of the others such as the Jazz Club, the Ritz and the Langrove were 'neutral ground' and there was little trouble. The Ritz had the out of town groups and I saw lots of the big names there, supported as always by the best local bands. I have begun to re-read Without You and will probably jot some more notes down in the future.

Tom Hill

Wanted to thank you for helping to bring to light of day the Pete Ham demo's. From their first American release I would buy each album the day it appeared in the stores. I can still remember while in college buying "Wish You Were Here", and thinking what a blast of a record it was. It was one of the household records of that time. I was always pulling for the band back then, and just couldn't understand why it didn't take off 'til a friend told me it had been yanked. I still remember the review in "Rolling Stone". At any rate, so much for reminiscence. I'm sure you have heard it a lot.

Sorry I missed the original 1st edition. I was ready when it was first about to come out and then I think there was a delay - since then I went on several trips, got married, Honeymooned, moved to her house, fixed up and sold my house, bought another one, and we are expecting twins! Fooling around in the Internet just hasn't been happening. At any rate, at lunch today I did remember that I did have the chance to see Badfinger once. It was in San Jose, at the old civic auditorium? Perhaps around their 3rd album. They were the undercard for Ten Years after. The crowd (lots of Hell Angels to avoid among the student and hippie audience) were there mainly to hear "Going Home" to the annoyance of that band, and to me because Badfinger's set was pretty short-45-55 minutes? But even with the poor acoustics, the band sounded great. Live, their double guitars really cooked. Pete really impressed me. While Joey was the Rock guy and good, Pete ripped out the licks with speed, and I guess in hindsight with "taste" (melody & tunefulness?). I did get the BBC disc that's out, and it helped validate the old memory banks. Still, it was the vocals and Tunes that I have always been into (like Crowded House) and the guys sounded fine, particularly in the acoustic set. I have a trivia question for you. I grew up in Los Gatos when there first record came out. I distinctly recall "carry on" getting radio play. I am almost sure that the station there was playing a longer version of the song, one with a extended guitar solo in the second guitar break? Perhaps a solo twice as long… Thanks again for all your efforts.

Hiro Kameyama

Hi, I read your book and it was really great. … Thank you. I am a member of the Japanese Badfinger Mailing List. This time one of the members forwarded your message that says that you wanted to hear some of the review from Japanese fans, so I would like to write to you how I felt about Pete's new CD. First of all, I noticed that each song's length is short. Some of homepage owners say that songs in this CD are not long enough to be listening into it very much. But when I listened to it through, I didn't feel that way at all. I was so happy to listen to "Makes Me Feel Good". Other songs are really good, too. As the liner notes say, Pete's originals are very carefully kept and I can feel the atmosphere of the Pete's studio works! All I want to tell you is that I've been so excited by this new CD's and I just love it. And I'd appreciate your great work on it. And as you know, Pete's songs are really great!

Howard Jones

I received your excellent book yesterday and read it at every opportunity these last two days. Well done. You answered all the questions I think I'd ever had about the band. It's too bad that reading it was sort of like watching a train wreck in slow motion -- not because of the writing, but because I knew the eventual outcome. It was very nice of you to send it priority mail. Considering the bad luck associated with Badfinger I wasn't really surprised that you had trouble with the production end of it. I just hope that, considering the quality of your product, that you will actually make some money with it. You managed to give the reader a lot of information and remain unbiased yourself -- very professional. You presented, for instance, the opinions of others and facts about, say, Polley and Kathie Molland, but left it for the reader to draw conclusions.

I really enjoyed the CD (not to mention the 7 Park Avenue selections -- but that's another subject). Tom Evans was certainly correct -- "I Won't Forget You" is a great little tune. I'm surprised that someone who could craft a tune so nicely isn't at the top of the charts somewhere. I guess if I had one question for you, it would be to inquire after Petera Ham and Stephen Evans -- do either of them show signs of their father's musical genius? Thanks again for a great read.

… I've had a few more days to revisit your book and to listen to the accompanying CD, and I thought I'd pass on some additional thoughts. Most importantly, thanks for this informative, insightful, balanced book. In the mid-eighties I poured through the microfilm and microfiche in the local library digging up Badfinger info, but little that I found answered any of my questions.

I've left the band life for good (along with its clinging cigarette smoke, late nights, dangerous gigs, ringing ears, and undependable fellow musicians) for the safer, less exciting life of a text book editor. But I never left my love for Badfinger music behind. I first heard their music in the mid-eighties, when I was a senior in high school and starting to craft my own songs. Info about Badfinger has always been hard to come by, and on tracking down some of their music that high school kid that was me had determined to find those guys and write some music with them. By hook or by crook I located their music (very hard to come by in those days, as I'm sure you know), becoming fascinated with the sheer brilliance of the arranging, the catchy, singable melodies -- all those things we all know and love Badfinger for. And then, of course, I learned that I could never make music with Pete and Tom, because both of them had tragically left us.

At least, though, courtesy of your book, I feel like I've finally been given a chance to know who these incredibly gifted song writers were. And your 7 Park Avenue CD fulfilled another of my youthful fantasies -- I'd always figured that, once I hit it big in the rock world, I'd contact the Ham estate and see if they'd let me listen to unreleased Pete Ham tunes. Well, I never hit it big time, of course, but I did buy the CD you produced. Thanks -- it's more than I ever dreamed I'd hear.

I think that many of us have probably thought "if only I'd been there" right before tragedy struck for both Pete and Tom. I feel that your book helps make it abundantly clear that both men were surrounded by a supportive and loving network of friends and family, and that there was nothing more that could have been done, particularly by a well-wishing stranger or four (or thousands, I'd guess). For some reason that is comforting to me, not because I believe in the inevitability of events, or fate, or whatever you wish to call it, but because I've always felt great outrage over the deaths ( "someone should have done something") -- a guilt, if you will, for being part of the collective someone who did nothing. The information you include about their lives helps assuage that guilt (if not the outrage). They were being loved, and supported, by family and friends. It's nice to know that. There's always more to say about a topic like this, but I think I've said all I can without repeating myself. Thank you, again, for an excellent book.

And be sure to pass along to Bob Jackson how very much I like "I Won't Forget You." It is a great tune with a lot of heart, a soaring melodic line, a great arrangement, and wonderful development. I can see why Tom liked it -- it's a wonderfully crafted song, and it's a touching tribute. I never knew Pete, of course, but I know his music, and if I can judge by that, I think he would have loved "I won't Forget You." Be sure to tell Bob it is also a genuine pleasure to know that both Pete and Tom had a friend like him. In your narrative he comes across as a caring, compassionate person and a supportive friend. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's very interested now in tracking down more Bob Jackson music! Take care, and thanks again.

… Thanks for the response and the additional information. I certainly did enjoy your book. I'll be calling here fairly soon to order a paperback version for my Mom, a huge Badfinger fan. Within the next few days I will definitely type up a note to forward to Bob Jackson. It is a very good song. And I'm not surprised to hear that he's a great guy -- he comes across as one of the nicest people in the narrative. I'd never realized that he'd been so involved with Badfinger, and had thought he'd only played on Head First. But then, up until your book, Badfinger info was scarce. Have you ever seen a graphic novel (I.E. a softback collection of comic books) called Marvels? Breathtaking air brushed artwork throughout, critical acclaim -- and Badfinger makes an appearance. I imagine any good comic store could get you a copy. It's about the heroes in the Marvel universe, as seen through the decades by a photographer shooting pictures of them. Sort of a retrospective of his life. A number of real people make appearances throughout, including the Beatles. In the background of one scene the photographer's daughter has Straight Up and No Dice sitting behind her, but better yet, at the top of one page, in which a big bus is driving by with a picture of Spiderman on it, Pete, Tom, Mike, and Joey are walking down the street. Sadly, none of my comic reading friends are Badfinger fans, so they didn't get the significance of it.

Jeff Kleusner

I just read your book on Badfinger (in 3 days, no less)--great job!! I'm 29 years old, and have been listening to them since I was about 10 (I even had "No Dice" on 8-track tape!), so it's nice to see the rest of the world has the chance to catch up and learn about what we fans have known all along. My question is: where can I get a CD of the Iveys' "Maybe Tomorrow"? When it was released, I hesitated in buying it for some reason, and now it's out of print! I bought the "Day After Day" live CD when it came out, but I soon traded it back. The amount that Joey toyed with it and re-recorded it is so obvious, it makes me sick! He really has a lot of nerve. I didn't want anything but a PURE 1974 Badfinger concert, warts and all… Keep up the great work!

Jeff Slate

What an excellent read "Without You" is! I was always interested in Badfinger, but now I'm becoming a full-blown fanatic, thanks to your guidance. Anyway, I'm writing because I've just discovered your web site. I noticed that you mention an artist who has covered a Badfinger tune. Well, my band "The Badge" covered No Matter What on our CD that was released last October. We released it ourselves to great reviews (please check out for a review & some clips) and brisk sales (about 2,000 to date; not bad for an indie). We've now been picked up by an internet label & negotiations are underway for Japan & UK releases. So I thought you might be interested in a "review" copy. Then you could give me your opinion (though most reviewers don't catch the Badfinger influences, I know you will!) & perhaps even give us a hand in pushing this thing! Please let me know your thoughts. You're doing great work.

Jim Taylor

you might not remember me, but we talked a few times on the phone about the badfinger book that you wrote. i live in the detroit michigan area, if that helps jog your memory any. anyway, i wanted to congratulate you on the hard work and efforts that you've been putting in to get these other badfinger album projects released. i myself am quite excited about the "headfirst" and "airwaves" releases. i can finally get rid of both copies i have of "airwaves". they both have plenty of skips. they were like that when i bought them. it's also great to hear about "golders green". even though i believe all the members of badfinger wrote very good songs, pete ham is hands down the best of badfinger and any other. i did get your package in the mail concerning the pete ham lithographs. it sounds nice, but i'm not really one for anything but music and books. i did was proud of the fact that i received this. it almost makes me feel like i'm a member of the "badfinger" club. anyway i've got to go for now. i'm looking forward to all the badfinger stuff this year ! i'd like to hear from you sometime. and once again great book. i'm in the process of reading it again for the third time!

Joel Reiff

Got your letter the other day, and I appreciate the update. Not fair to whet my appetite regarding potential Badfinger releases. I've actually got a copy on tape of the Head First project, but bonus tracks? Man, that would be amazing. Plus to have it all on CD. And definitely anxiously awaiting the next Pete Ham CD. Keep up the good work! Here's a quick question. Do you know where I can find any quality T-shirts of Badfinger? I'm looking more for just the band name, not a picture. The perfect find would be the band name "logo" in black on a white T-shirt. Just thought you might have a line on that. Thanks. That's it. Keep the faith, and I'll look forward to your next letter.

John Hubert

In 1998, I purchased both a softcover and hardcover version of your book. To say that I'm impressed with your level of journalistic objectivity and obvious painstaking attention to detail is a real understatement. Excellent job!… Best wishes in all your future endeavors!

Ken Teel

Tonight I sat that the local watering hole with my pint of Guinness and read one of the final chapters in your book… I find your book riveting. I've almost read the whole thing! You did a great job!… I can't imagine the amount of research that you had to do to put together… what a project… your book is great… I have recommended it to several people…

Kirk Carpenter

I just finished reading your excellent book. While I originally ordered it as a summer birthday present, it was well worth the wait. And the bonus CD! This stuff absolutely screams out for official release. The version of Carry On Till Tomorrow is worth the $50 alone. It would easily have fit on the Magic Christian Apple CD. Any chance of getting more non-Pete demos released? They would seem to be a very salable commodity to all the Badfinger fans. Or are they tied up in all the legal messes? Keep up the great work. It's good to have you keeping the memory alive.

Bryan Sale

I guess I was just in a Badfinger mood from re-re-reading your book so I was looking around the web for things. For some reason I decided to check out Joe and Kath's "official" site and I got a really creepy feeling. Then I decided to see how things were at your place. I had a good time reading Sean's interview w/ Mike Gibbins. I thought his reference to Kathie Molland as the "anti-christ" was pretty funny! I used to know a guy named Brook Saunders in the late 70's who apparently had stayed for a while with Mike in England. He even made me a copy of Head First which he got from Mike. Anyway, while reading his letter, and checking out the other stuff here, I got the refreshing feeling of being among friends who seemed reasonable and in touch with reality. I find a lot of what you relay in Without You to be really troubling because so many of the attitudes of the people involved seem outrageous and bizarre. Collins? Kathie? PLEASE! These people seem ill in the head to me. I guess I just wanted to say thanks you maintaining the site. Nice to see all the new- to-me stuff coming out. I might even check out Mike's new one. Do you think Joey's new CD of demos is worth hearing? Anyway, thanks again for all your efforts.

Andrew Leighann Crispin

i just finished reading without you. i read it in one week. that's quick for me. it was very good. it left me angry at stan polley, and joey & kathy molland. what a bunch of money hungry vultures! i hope someday all the unreleased stuff will come out. emi sucks. Your book was fantastic. i am a little concerned about how the vh-1 behind the music will turn out, i hope it's not a molland white wash! were you consulted for input on this? will, i am definitely going to boycott joey and kathy's book when it comes out because yours is the definitive version.

Linda Grecco

I've been a Badfinger fan for nearly 30 years so I read your book with great interest. While it was generally well-researched, I don't understand why you let (what I picked up as being) a personal negative slant taint it? I am referring to your quite obvious distaste of Joey and Kathie Molland. You did everything but call Mrs. Molland Yoko Ono. The way I read their history she was the clever one, talking out about Stan Polley, pushing them to get out of their situation. History tells us that she was right about him all along, but the others seems to resent her saying seemingly merely because she's a woman (Yoko had the same problem with the other Beatles about Klein). Also I have a problem with your portrayal of Pete. You say that Pete's refusal over and over and over again to see that Stan Polley was evil is because he's being "sensitive and trusting" - no, it's just plain stupid!

Louis Baldino

My name is Louis Baldino, age 47, psychologist/musician and a fan of Badfinger. I just finished your book and I couldn't put it down. You did a great job! In the early 70s' I was in a band with Steve Craiter, the drummer that's mentioned in your book. I knew that Steve was in contact with Badfinger and had recorded their conversations. When Badfinger played Steel Pier, Atlantic City, NJ, around 1971, I took some pictures and would like to pass on a few to you and would also like to send some to Pete Ham's daughter, Petera. I could send them to you to forward them, if that's okay. Or I could send them directly - whatever is more appropriate. I was a full time musician for most of my life, playing a lot of Beatles/Badfinger music. But now I'm just playing in a studio on a part-time basis, recording a CD of original music with my brother. Of course, there are a lot of Badfinger influences there. Looking forward to your reply. Take care, and thanks again for a great book.

Marc Nathan

I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed the book, as tragic as it was. I have always been a fan, and now I've experienced total Badfinger rejuvenation.

Marc Newcomb

My personal opinion of Joey Molland is that he is a typical scumbag who, when combined with, in my opinion, a jezebel like person like Kathy Wiggins/Molland became a self centered jealous loser who couldn't hold a candle to the ass of Pete Ham when it came to true musical communication from the heart. I've personally met a lot of "Mollands" in my life and even before I read the detailed events in the book the guy gave me a negative vibe. What I really found interesting is how Joey Molland's signature is on a CD of Badfinger live at the Cleveland Agora Theatre in 1974, which the book informed me that these master tapes were stolen by Kathie as the bands relationship continued to deteriorate. May Joey Molland and his wife live a long life to wake up every day and see the reflection of these noted deeds. Someone who left the music business when I discovered from my point of view all the leeches and exploiter losers like Stan Polley, Joey Molland and the rest of the worms who haven't surfaced yet, before it devoured me. I just wish Pete and Tom would have.

Mark Nelson

Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know how much I absolutely loved reading WITHOUT YOU. I've been a big Badfinger fan for years, and have hungered for ANY info on the band, having to make do with a paragraph in a rock encyclopedia or Beatles book here and there. What I really enjoyed reading about were the later years, when I assumed there was no "Badfinger" in any shape or form. A sadder story than I'd realized (having seen the recent video documentary before reading the book)… I pre-ordered the hardcover version, and am glad I did--this is one I'll be holding onto.

Mark Norris

Now that I've finally entered the computer age I just wanted to drop you a line and let you know I'm still around. Thanks for putting my review on the website and feel free to use more of it at any given time. I just received your update and lithograph offer in the mail today. Thanks for keeping me updated, the VH-1 documentary sounds very exciting.… I'm sure I'll be talking to you in the future, but until then keep up the good work!

Max Gower

That was the best rock biography I've ever read. I've read almost all the Beatles bios and various others. When I finished reading it, it seemed that I knew them. I'm really happy that you would write about them because I've always been a fan of Badfinger but never knew anything about them. I'm in a band and we cover a couple of Badfinger's songs, now I want to cover the obscure ones. Just wanted to say you've written a great book about a sad sad story.

Andy DeWitt

When I wrote, I hadn't realized you had done the "7 Park Avenue" CD as well. You did an amazing job on that. At first I thought I wouldn't like the new instruments dubbed on, but I don't think they took anything away from the spirit and integrity of the songs. They just gave it a much more polished and listenable sound. The packaging with the tapes reels was nice also. It made me very happy to see that Ron Griffiths was on it. I always thought he had as much potential as any of the Iveys. Anyway, great job!

Mark Shwczyk

As an avid consumer of rock and roll books, I looked forward to receiving the Badfinger book in the mail. Not only is it a great rock book, its a great book period. I am not usually affected by the media (I don't cry at movies like my wife), but this book moved me in many ways. It contains the height of human behavior (Pete Ham's devotion to his friends and the band), and the depths (Stan Polley's evil manipulations of something wonderful). If you only buy one book about rock, this should be the one. Thanks Dan for a great read!!!

Mike Stout

I just finished "Without You" yesterday, and I must say I was more than a little impressed. The husband of a friend of mine is agonizing over the final stages of a Neil Young biography, so I have some idea what you must have gone through to get this done. Without You is a sterling achievement. It seems to me that you wrote it for guys like me (Anglophile American Rock fan), but is really something that has appeal far beyond me and my type. Your presentation had me engaged, from beginning to end. I certainly hope someone picks up an option to use your book for a film. Not only do you and the band deserve this type of recognition, it would make a most engaging film.

Your extremely liberal use of photos was an excellent choice. The pictures really enhanced the text. At times I felt like I was reading a family history. If I ever see Stan Polley, I will be sure to rip a molar out of his mouth.

The decline of Tom Evans struck me in particular. I still ache a little thinking about it. Tom was a great voice and excellent songwriter. He is missed.

If you feel a prick in the back of your neck, I would expect Kathy Molland has her voodoo doll out. In fact, my only question about the book would be your approach to the Mollands. Without You is really my only source of band's story, other than the video that's out now and honestly, I was sickened at the bickering over the use of the band name and the ASCAP award fiasco. It was the first I'd heard of it and it really saddened me. However, I wonder if Kathy shouldn't be given more credit for her early mistrust of Polley and guidance of Joey. If Tom Evans would have had a brash, pushy character like Kathy around when he fell in with Cass, possibly things would have turned out differently for Tom. Perhaps Kathy has something to do with Joey being alive today. I definitely don't feel that you were anything less than objective with her, or anyone else in the book. I was sort of taken aback by the sum of all of those feelings about her. Obviously, it runs even deeper than the book lets on. She's obviously… something else…

I imagine you have something along the lines of 7 Park Avenue planned for Tom? I just bought that last weekend, as a matter of fact. Of course, the notes were excellent, but I was really struck at how much care and thought was put into the whole project. Pete definitely deserves that, right down to the careful, clear and thoughtful use of overdubs. Even the people used to do those dubs makes perfect sense. I hope Tom's project comes off equally well. Maybe the project will have a couple of laughs in it, as Tom seems to have been less than a serious character on occasion.

All in all, Without You is a classic book. Anything I can do to help spread the word, I would do. Please keep me posted on your next project, and for God's sake, keep up the excellent work.

Mike Bignell

Cheers from Waterloo, Ontario, Canada ! This letter is long, long overdue. I purchased from you last February one of the last hardcover copies of your book "Without You - The Tragic Story of Badfinger". I also purchased from you the Japanese import of Pete Ham's "7 Park Avenue". I got the original version of the CD at a local record store. I had read a newspaper article about the CD and your book, so I was forewarned and bought the CD as soon as it was released. I have to tell you the honest truth, Dan, when I heard 7 Park Avenue I had to play it again. I played it over and over and it has been many years since an album has had such an effect on me. I too, like you, was (and still am) a big Beatle fan, and that's what it was like each time one of their new albums was released. I don't know how many times I have listed to 7 Park Avenue, but it's numerous. Every time I hear it I am still moved by the anguish in Pete's voice and words. It's so haunting. What a loss. An incredible coincidence too, in 1995 I wrote a song called "All In A Day's Fun" about working hard all day, waiting for 5 o'clock, so that I can rush home to play some rock and roll music. The coincidence is that my intro and interlude for the song are almost identical to that of "It Doesn't Really Matter." The bulk of the song is different, but similar length and tempo. Pete, of course, did his demo in 1975, but I never knew the song existed till 1997. I recorded my song with my (not mine but our ) group Dover. We also do Beatles and Badfinger. Well, then I got the book from you, and read that. And I mean I read it and devoured it and couldn't put it down.

I have been a Badfinger fan since they were the Iveys. I even bought the 45 Maybe Tomorrow. I (as well as my friends in the band Dover) followed Badfinger's career, running out and buying each new release immediately. We journeyed down to Toronto on Saturday June 25, 1972 ( I still have my ticket stub) to see Badfinger perform at the O'Keefe Centre. I remember reading in Rolling Stone Magazine that Pete Ham had hung himself and I was stunned. I had absolutely no idea what was going on with Badfinger. You know yourself what lousy coverage they got in music magazines. Then nothing. Didn't hear anything about them again. I bought the two Tommy/Joey albums, then heard nothing again.

On Monday August 27, 1984 my wife Linda and I attended at Lulu's in Kitchener, Ontario, the 20th Anniversary British Invasion, starring Gerry and the Pacemakers, Herman's Hermits, Billy J. Kramer and the Dakota's, the Troggs and "special guest stars" Badfinger. I didn't know who was going to show up on stage as "Badfinger". Of course we now know it was Joey Molland's band. I wasn't close enough to the stage to see the faces clearly. To be honest they didn't sound too bad, (not as good as Badfinger, though). Then suddenly, they do a dedication (Without You) to the late Pete Ham and the late Tom Evans. Again I was stunned. I didn't know he also was dead. Wow, I was floored.

Then again, I don't hear anything again about Badfinger until last year when I see this newspaper article about you, the CD, and the book. Man, what a book. All I can say is congratulations and thank-you a thousand times for writing it… Actually you know what? When I finished reading the book, I didn't even put it down, I just went back to the front of the book and read again, cover to cover. I'll tell you what. I have followed the Beatles since February 1964 and over the years of listening to them and reading all about them, it seems like I know them personally and they are in my circle of friends. You know, like how did you feel when you heard John Lennon was murdered? I guess a lot of people are like this though. Well, I have the same emotional attachment to Badfinger. So, when I was reading your book, it was like watching a good biographical movie and you know the main characters and somehow you are right there with them. It was great starting out in Wales and reading how the band developed. It's very interesting to study the evolution of a rock group. (Our group Dover started out in 1969 and the original members still get together and play occasionally when it suits our schedules).

By this time in the book I was welded to the story. I was right there. It was like I was one of them when they were scouting Tom in Liverpool, etc. And as the story got tenser and tenser it was like I could feel the tension, too. I would read the book every opportunity. I dreamt about Badfinger. The closer and closer it got to when I knew Pete would hang himself, I kept thinking that there must be a way out of it. It felt like, if just this would happen, or if I could do this or that, then he won't die. I hope it doesn't sound silly, but like I said before, it's like when you are watching a movie and you are really into it and you are twisting and turning in your seat trying to help the good guy win. Needless to say the book had a profound effect on me.

I also bought from you a paperback of the book for my bandmate and pal, Robert Bruce. He was reading his as I was reading mine. We would often phone each other and compare thoughts and how each felt about what was happening in the story. We even had a Badfinger night. He came over and we only played Badfinger songs and talked about the book all evening. When I got to the part when Pete hung himself, it was awful. It's like you know one of your best friends is going to die and you can't do anything about it except witness it. When I got past that part, something changed. Maybe it was like he was dead now and I couldn't do anything about it. Reading the book became different. Pete wasn't there anymore and it was more like I was now just reading the facts (which I was still anxious to know). When it came closer to the time Tom hang himself, some of the emotions stirred in me, but not quite like when Pete died. The first cut is the deepest, I guess! And then on, further in the book, it was so sad to see what became of the band. And the different versions of Badfinger performing. It reminds me of the Ink Spots, the Platters and the Drifters. (Actually I love Johnny Moore's voice. To me, he IS the real Drifters). I hated what it eventually came to, with Joey claiming co-authorship of Without You and stealing the name of name of the band for himself. I feel so terrible for Pete and Tom.

I have read many of the reviews of your book and I could reiterate all of the praise they had, but they have pretty well said it for me. The book is a masterpiece, a must to read, extremely well researched and written so thoughtfully. I am sure it has had an impact on many, many people who have read it as it has on the three people I know who have read it, my wife, myself, and my friend Robert Bruce. In your book you have offered to pass on communications from readers to various people that you have interviewed for the book. I might someday take you up on that. I don't think I have anything special to say to them, but maybe I'll send a "Hello" to Anne and Petera… I'm very glad to hear you are involved in so many Badfinger projects. I sure hope the movie becomes a reality and also 7 Park Avenue Vol. 2. Well, I guess I'd better sign off for now, Dan. Thanks for listening and thanks for doing "7 Park Avenue" and "Without You - The Tragic Story Of Badfinger", and good luck with all your future Badfinger endeavors. Cheers and bye for now

Mike Dubman

Thanks for an excellent book! I just discovered Badfinger's music so I had to find out what happened to such a great songwriter like Pete Ham. I was shocked and saddened… Many thanks and congratulations again on a great book.

Morten Vindberg

It is hard to imagine that a second Pete Ham album will be able to match 7 Park Avenue, but then again - that's not necessary, because 7 Park is such a strong collection. Just a few things about the album: It ranks among my all-time favourites. When I listen to it I often come to think what it would be like if certain songs were given a sort of a "Free as a Bird" treatment. Especially "It Doesn't Really Matter", "Sille Veb" and maybe "Ringside" and "No More"? They're all such good songs! The 3 new tracks on Japanese version are all great - especially "The Heart That Can't be Understood". Will we ever hear these songs in a better sound quality? It's funny when I listen to the album, I don't think "No Matter What" is a stand-out. Couldn't some of the other songs have been big hits too?

About "The book": It's terrific - it's great to read about your favourite group in such detailed way. I've read it twice, and some specific parts several times. I think that Jesper has read it even more. It has turned into something in between a bible and a reference in our house when it comes to talking Badfinger, which it often does. We try to promote their music to friends and relations, because we think it's a shame that they're relatively unknown. My favourites on the bonus CD are "Just How Lucky We Are", which is even stronger than the 7 Park version, unfortunately sound in sound quality. The other favourite is "I Won't Forget You." I want to thank you a lot for what you have done for the fans of Badfinger and I really hope you will continue digging out more material. I have a feeling that if you don't do it, it will never be done. Of course I shall buy at least one of the Pete Ham lithographs.

Mark Wallace

dan, thank you. by the way your book is fantastic! and thx from all us badfinger fans out here, for keeping their music so alive. also, can i be kept informed of any new activities badfinger related? thanks again

Mick Garris

Just read your wonderful and oh-so-sad biography of one of my favorite bands. I interviewed the group myself a couple of times at the Whisky-a-Go-Go in the early 70s, back in my old rock journalist days. The Badfinger story is a great one to tell in movie form, and I was wondering if you have optioned your beautifully-researched work for film rights. If you have, I'd love to know to whom. If you haven't, I'd love to discuss that with you. I've included my film credits for your perusal. Thanks a lot, and congratulations on a wonderful job and compelling read.

Mike Caskey

I bought the book at our local Tower Records store. I read it in one night! Then re-read it over a period of two weeks - just to absorb all the info and keep it straight in my mind! I have already loaned the book to my sister and her husband - (he grew up in Winnipeg and is friend of Scott Stevens (bass player for Loverboy). I'm not sure how much they've read of the book, but we have discussed the sad story.

My appreciation for their music is never ending - especially Pete Ham. His death was quite a shame. I'm glad he and Badfinger are beginning to get some notoriety. I have every Badfinger album (two of Straight Up - in mint condition!) except Wish You Were Here, which I loaned to a friend many, many years ago and have not seen since. Oh well, live and learn.

With all the tribute albums of selected band music performed by other artists, wouldn't it be nice to see something done with Badfinger's music? I can hear Red Hot Chili Peppers re-doing "Get Down". They did a great job with John Lennon's "I Found Out." Or how about "Perfection" recorded by Eric Clapton? He's due for a hit… And, Crosby, Stills and Nash's tight harmonies on "Name of the Game"!

I read the reviews of your very fine book and have noticed that I'm not the only one who continues to re-read and peruse it's pages. I'm also ordering the 7 Park Avenue CD - my curiosity has gotten the best of me. Usually, I shy away from music that was recorded on antiquated equipment - but I just have to have a listen!

I would be honored and quite happy if you choose to let me be involved in anything regarding "Badfinger" or Pete Ham (that includes any CD jackets)! If you would like samples, please call or email me and I'll send them ASAP. Also, you have my permission to use my name in your book reviews. I am the last "M.C.," on your list (review mentions my brother-in-law's friend from Loverboy).

Is there any chance that Badfinger could be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame? Maybe if all Badfinger fans start an email or letter writing campaign we can garner enough votes! I think it would be nice for Tommy's and Pete's families. Badfinger would finally get some of the industry attention and acceptance that they deserved so many years ago! It actually could be used by the music industry as an apology to the band for the way they were treated (although I'm sure any apology would have to be an underlying theme). Let me know what you think.

Jonathan Lea

I'm just writing to you to thank you for sending me a copy of your book. You did a really great job. The photos are incredible. Browsing through it looks like it might even be more detailed than the manuscript I read. I'm really looking forward to reading it again. I hope all your hard work pays off and the book is as succesful as it deserves to be.

David Schecter

I recently ordered the Pete Ham CD, which I had been searching a long time for, and I wanted to thank you so much for the extremely prompt service. The CD arrived two days ago, and it's all I've listened to since then. It's a beautiful release, and I'm very grateful for your help. Thanks for bringing this glorious music to my ears.

Narrell Brown

This is a long overdue thank you for sending the Badfinger Autobiography. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of the read. Thanks again from an information starved Badfinger fan

Phil Deere

I was one of the fortunate folks who bought your excellent book "The Tragic Story Of Badfinger" - hardback edition. I cannot express how much I enjoyed this book, other than to say that it was the best biography I have ever read…

Philippe Colinge

(1) I have got the U.S. version of "7 Park Avenue". What can I say with words about such an emotion-laden recording, except that I love every single note of it. At the time of writing, my favorite songs are "Catherine Cares", "Coppertone Blues", "It Doesn't Really Matter", "Dear Father", the fantastic acoustic "No Matter What", and "No More." Still, 22 years after Pete left this ugly world, I still have deep feelings of sadness and anger for what the so-called music business did to this talented young man. More than anything else, listening to this new CD makes me feel terribly sad. I have longed dreamed of hearing solo Pete recordings, and I didn't know he had written such a backlog of unreleased gems. Thanks Ryko and thanks Pete. May your beautiful music live on forever.

(2) Thanks for your message. I haven't had the opportunity to tell you before, but thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving us "Golders Green". It's a wonderful CD. Hearing and feeling Pete sounding so close never ceases to give me goosebumps and has made me go emotional more than once. The ultimate demonstration that Pete was not only a gifted musician but a great human being. We knew that, of course, but it's good more people know that too.

Patti Taylor

Thank you so much for your stirring biography of Badfinger. I couldn't put the book down, picking it up at every opportunity (my husband called me from work and after chatting for several minutes, ended by saying "I'll let you get back to your book now" without my even telling him that I had been reading.) I became a Badfinger fan back in the days of "Come and Get It," which I admit I bought simply because of the Beatle connection. I was hooked instantly and hooked for years. The memories are wonderful-- seeing them live with Pete half a dozen times, waiting by the backstage door at Carnegie Hall to catch them coming out of practice. And very sad -- still remembering like it was yesterday, the day a friend called to tell me about Pete. As I read your book, the emotions came catapulting back with such force that I've been knocked off my feet. I thought that Badfinger had just faded away after Pete's death; what a shock to learn the horror of these past 24 years, to learn about Tom… I read in your collection of emails to your website that we should try to get Badfinger into the Hall of Fame. You have a vote here. Thanks again for telling the story.

Larry Matthews

I was very happy to run across your website tonight. For years I have been a Badfinger fan - from 1969 onward - through the hits, I maintained a great love for their top 40 records. I waited a long time to finally obtain a greatest hits collection. My want of a collection was finally realized when APPLE came out with THE BEST OF BADFINGER in 1995. I was, however, shocked at the liner notes that stated that two of the members had committed suicide. I could not, (and still can't) understand why two very talented people would kill themselves after having contributed so many outstanding rock songs. My review of the CD surprised me. I was surprised to find a LARGE number of their songs to be great, in addition to their Top 40 hits. I suppose, at age 47, I am considered to be an old guy, living in the past. But Badfinger made a great impact on me and I shall, forever apparently, enjoy their music and long for the good times that they represent. Thank your for the excellent work on your book.

Rick Anys

I have been a Badfinger fan for a long time. I had them on 8-track years ago till that fizzled out. Then the records went out of print. For years I scrambled to record conventions, asking everybody I knew if they had any Badfinger records. Buying up everything I could find, usually they were in bad shape (scratched, etc.).Then they started re-releasing they're stuff on disc. Now it's a pleasure to sit down and listen to they're great music on CD.(I'm listening to 7 Park Avenue right now!). Pete was such a gifted songwriter/musician it saddens me sometimes to listen to his music knowing that he is gone. I have a teenage son and I play Pete's music quite often for him. Thank you for your time.

Bill Rue

I just finished your book, "Without You: The Tragic Story of Badfinger", and found it intriguing, well written and heart-breaking. I have always been a fan of Badfinger's music. I recently purchased "Wish You Were Here" (import). What an incredible album. Back in early 1975, or late 1974 (I was 12 years old) I was a member of the Columbia House tape club and ordered "Wish You Were Here" (probably under the impression that this album would contain some of their 'hits': No Matter What, Baby Blue, Day After Day, etc.). When my order of 8 track tapes arrived several weeks later, the Badfinger album was not in the box. There was some note to the effect that the item was out of stock, or no longer available. They sent me a Grand Funk Album "All the Girls in the World Beware" instead (if memory serves...) and I never again thought of it.

My local record store (in Huntington Long Island New York) 'Records on the Roof', seemed to always have stacks of Badfinger lps in their cut-out bin, so I just assumed that these albums ('Ass', 1st Warner Lp, and 'Magic Christian Music" mostly) sucked and were not worth owning (why else would they be cut-outs?). I never again heard anything about "Wish You Were Here", though I kind of recall (at the time) thinking that Badfinger had ripped the title off from Pink Floyd.

Jump ahead 15 years or so. I bought a used LP of "Straight Up" in mint condition and a 2 CD Japanese 'bootleg' of the first 3 albums called "If You Want it..." (lousy sound quality, but at the time--late 80s, or early 90s--not a single Badfinger album was in print). I also found a used LP of the 'Ass' album (original mint with braying ass photos on the inner sleeve and reasonably priced...) which I never really listened to very much. I recall not liking it terribly, except for the song "Apple of My Eye" (lovely).

Now--having just finished your excellent book, I really want to go back and give the album a serious listen. Unfortunately, all my LPs are in boxes in a storage facility and completely unaccessible. So guess what...I just bid on an import version with loads of bonus tracks...for $27. I also just ordered through Amazon the first Warner Bros. album which I have never heard, and also the 'Head first' album.

Sorry to ramble on so. It is so awful what happened to Pete Ham and Tom Evans. They were both so talented. I can't believe that no legal action has ever been taken against Stan Polley. He may as well have tightened the nooses around both their necks and kicked the chair out from under them. Disgusting.

Last anecdote: I was playing "Wish You Were Here" for my wife the other day (her taste in music runs more toward 'Kylie Minogue' and 'Dimitri From Paris") and she absolutly loved it. When I told her that he was the same guy who sang "Day After Day" and who co-wrote "Without You", she couldn't believe it. When I gave her the abbreviated story of the bands horrific demise, she was shocked and deeply saddened. "He has such a beautiful voice. I Love those songs. What else did he write?" I then played her the song "Dennis". And we both cried as the song went into its glorious, heart rending fade-out.

Thank you for writing such a powerful book and for helping get Badfinger's music out there and heard. And thanks for reading this rambling e-mail.

George Krieger

It really is great that you put together such an exhaustive text on Badfinger. Again, we all would like to believe our heroes are all superhuman and are disappointed to learn that they are all too human. Perhaps the biggest disappointment was to learn that Badfinger were not all the best of friends with Joey's wife acting as "the wicked witch". Certainly one wishes that Stan Polley would also have been held more accountable for what he did to a brilliant group and more specifically an incredible talent in Pete Ham. Best wishes for the holidays.

Russ Roth

How can I begin to thank you. Not only for the Golders Green CD that appeared in my mailbox, but for your sterling performance and dazzling brilliance with this conquest. I've been thinking of you as an apostle. Such deep heartfelt congratulations on making it to #2! I have so much catching up to do… Let me tell you, my wife and kids took off on a vacation to Delaware for the summer, leaving me with a chance to breathe again. Although I'll be doing 16 hour days here in the office for a while to catch up on everything, I'll soon be able to (bite my knuckle to say it) finish reading it. I was up to '72 before they left, then during a business trip to Malaysia last week had the time to make it through '74. I've been under a rock for 6 years (my daughter's age)! It's scary, how the landscape has changed so much with the internet. I copied GG onto a tape for the car, but haven't even heard it yet. That will change quickly. I liked your interviews on Jesper's website.

Scott Edwards

I finished Without You last night and wanted to drop you a line telling you how well done it was. The book showed unbelievably thorough research, told the story in a clear and compelling way, and helped the reader come to know the people involved. While I was aware of some of the basics, I suppose the most shocking part for me was the ASCAP Awards incident. I found it hard to believe that even after Pete and Tom killed themselves, others could not even allow them the dignity and recognition of what to them was of great significance, the credit they deserve in creating a standard ¯ and letting their survivors have that one moment. Again, throughout, I thought the book worked very well, especially considering the fact that often books about bands or musicians can tend to be poorly composed book-size versions of fanzines. Congratulations on a job very well done. Enjoyed the CDs very much as well.

Cory Vick

... Also just wanted to say thanks for writing such a great book. You're love for the band really shows through in all of the Badfinger projects you're involved in. Thanks for keeping the Badfinger name alive, and continuing to give us fans more great music.

Kevin Brain

Thank you for the fantastic book of yours "Without You: The Tragic Story Of Badfinger." I'm the proud owner of hardback #192/1000. The book answered all the questions for me. Your book is a constant treasure… I've been collecting and buying Badfinger music since I got Straight Up on album on June 29, 1972… For over 26 years, Badfnger music, especially Pete Ham, has been a big part of my life. My two daughters have had it on my stereo, and my youngest, Kirsty, she's 20. well, she likes "Day After Day" and "Baby Blue." … Over the years I've been able to find out a lot of what happened, but I've always wanted to know more - and your book has helped me… That CD you included with the book is great! As is 7 Park Avenue…

I just got the Golders Green CD. Wonderul! The two gold CD's on DCC, I sent for them on your recommendation, and they are excellent. I wish that they would do "Wish You Were Here."… Thanks for all you are doing for us Badfinger fans.

Shannon Taylor

Thank you, Dan Matovina, for telling the history of Badfinger in such a detailed way in your terrific book Without You (The Tragic Story of Badfinger). As a fan since the release of the Come And Get It single, I was quite happy to get "the skinny" on such an under-reported and under-rated band. Though each member brought a lot to their sound, I've always considered Pete Ham to be the real brains behind the group. The others were very good at singing and writing, but Pete was a genius. I will be so very pleased to discover some of his gems of songs that I've never heard, plus some early demos of songs I know quite well when I receive my copies of 7 Park Avenue and Golders Green. A great job on a great piece of music history!

… I have received 7 Park Avenue and I've enjoyed listening to it, as well as the Golders Green CD I received a couple of weeks ago. Even when I'm not listening to the CDs, the tunes roll around in my head. I want to really absorb these 2 CDs and then e-mail you some of my comments. But I can tell you right now that you've done a great job of cleaning up these (probably sticky) old analog tapes and compensating for the sound-on-sound degradation by applying the current tracks to Pete's stuff -- it isn't obvious that this was done -- to me, seems to be all Pete! And that this project was done in the first place makes me really happy. I hope that the Estate of Pete Ham will reap some benefit from sales of these CDs and you too, Dan, for all of your efforts to pull these CDs and your excellent book together. I am so pleased to be listening to "new" Pete Ham songs (not that I ever grew tired of hearing his old ones!). I played the demo version of Without You for my wife, Theresa, and she said she liked it even more than the No Dice version. That made me feel good. Well I've gone on longer than I thought I would have with this e-mail; I basically wanted you to know that I've received 7 Park Avenue and Golders Green and I'm loving them.

Steve Olsen

I enjoyed the book (if those are the right words) and was rather disgusted by the behavior of some of the principals involved. In my various web travels, I noticed the Mollands have obtained the services of a biographer for a book on "their own story of Badfinger" and are getting involved in the upcoming VH1 "Behind The Music" special on Badfinger. I can only assume the goals here are for some publicity, damage control, and to milk a proud name dry. To me, Badfinger died with Pete Ham and Tom Evans.

I actually "rediscovered" Badfinger a couple years ago when I came across the release of their albums on CD and the bio on DVD. The most memorable part is when Mrs. Molland was talking about the signing of the Warner Bros. contract and committed the verbal faux pas of saying "we" instead of "they" when referring to the band. That kind of said it all for me and I hadn't even read your book yet.

Steve Elliott

I must say that all of your work on both of Pete's albums has been superb on the packaging, sound, and care put into them. Your dedication is wonderful and always applauded. I own and have loved the HB version of your Badfinger Book. I do hope "Head First" gets released sometime soon. I'd love to see those multi-track tapes get used instead for release for superior sound. I will be one of the first to buy it. I still haven't picked up "Golders Green" yet because, I didn't know what was gonna happen again with bonus tracks not appearing on the U.S. CD so, I've waited. Now I do know. Sorry for the sour grapes but, I think it's justified. Here's to the VH-1 Badfinger Special. Keep the good work.

Mark DelMedico

7 Park Avenue is one of the best CD's I own. I really liked hearing Pete playing so much acoustic guitar .To bad he didn't get to put more of his songs on Badfinger records, he was the strongest writer in the band .Tom Evans was a good writer too but Pete Ham was the man, Baby Blue, Day After Day, and No Matter What are the strongest tunes and Without You. It was always Pete's songs that were the hit singles I've been a fan since I first heard Badfinger back in the Early 70's and always will be.

Steven Gamble

I enjoyed reading your book. It is obvious that a great deal of time was spent in researching the facts. The financial dealings are an extremely important part of the story. I thought the follow up on Polley with Peter Brock was very revealing. I enjoyed the book and the time and the care spent was obvious. I also have the new Japanese version of 7PA. You did a great job with material that was probably in fairly poor condition to begin with. I was never a big fan of what the Beatles did with Free as a Bird but I think you made the correct artistic choice with your use of instrumentation. Thanks again for a quality product.

Duncan Mills

I am pleased to see your book generating interest in the band. My recent foray to the Nutopia website included the Mike Gibbins interview, which is a superb addition to the archives. I recently acquired the German issue of "Wish You Were Here" and I was generally pleased with the sound. It is a shame that this work has yet to see general release in North America. In fact, I am convinced that proper marketing and exposure - including CD singles, of "In the Meantime", for example, would 'work' in today's music scene. Of course the music is timeless (pardon the pun). As far as I can tell, your forthcoming documentary could only help further 'the cause' and I wish you every success in this endeavor. FYI, at one time I had a poster produced by Ovation (a maker of guitars) which showed Badfinger and the banner headline "Badfinger Plays Ovation". Have you seen this? If not, and you are interested in it, please advise and I'll arrange to dig it up. (I must apologize in advance that I have many posters tucked away, and cannot guarantee 100% that it is in my own collection rather than stashed away at my parents') In any event, I have been looking for an excuse to rummage through this material over the holiday.

Scott Carr

I just wanted to drop you a line and let you know how much I enjoyed your book about Badfinger. I only got into Badfinger's music about five years or so ago, being that I was too young to know who they were when they were together. I wanted to thank you for the book, because I really got a feeling for who the band was. Pete Ham is one of my favorite singer/songwriters and until your book I really didn't know anything about him. After reading your book my love for Pete and his work has grown even more. Thanks One last thing do you thing there will be another collection of Pete Ham demos released? "7 Park Avenue" is amazing. How about an official release of "Head First"? Thanks again Dan for keeping the name of Badfinger alive.

Stan Luck-Taylor

I was a friend of the band and 7 Park Ave was called the BADPAD I kept in the back ground did not want to intrude I remember them all My Name is Stan Luck-Taylor and I now live in Lincolnshire U K. I hope you will be able to help!. I knew them all, the Manager BILL and his son the actor plus the wives and girl friends and Tag and Fergie the roadies.

Steve Sage

I'm dropping my check in the mail tonight for the new, revised edition of "Without You". I'm especially looking forward to the CD. You've done a masterful job with the previous Pete releases and I frequently listen to my favorite cuts on those, especially Golders Green. I really like the more "produced" cuts and I think you took those in a direction that Pete and the original band would have gone. Some of those are some of the catchiest pop songs ever and it's a real shame they never saw the light of day in proper form. Anyway, keep up your excellent work!

… Back when your book came out I sent you a note about what an awesome, amazing job you did, and when I've re-read some of it on occasion, my original impression stays with me. I wonder what, if anything, you think about all the craziness going on in a couple of those guest books? Anyway, the primary reason for this note is to offer more congratulations to you for Golders Green. I have listened to it numerous times, my faves being both versions of Makes Me Feel Good, Dawn, Pete's Walk, Goodbye John Frost, When The Feeling, Whiskey Man, Waited So Long and Where Will You Be. Of course, Keyhole Street is also great. In fact, that's more great cuts than you'll find on almost anyone else's single CD! And I think just about all of the other cuts, with a bit more of your production, would have been just as great!

Regarding the production, you achieved exactly what you set out to… .It all sounds like Pete's work, not like someone tried to fill up bad cuts with production. It's really so well done that I can't tell, on those cuts, what's Pete's original playing and what was added on. Personally, I like heavy production (as in Chris Thomas' work with the group), and you for sure did not go overboard in any way. I can just imagine what some of those songs would have sounded like if given the full Badfinger/Chris Thomas treatment by the original band. It's hard to believe those cuts I mentioned were rejected by the band and/or Apple or Warners. Hard to believe, but I know it's true, unfortunately… Again, congratulations on all the terrific work you've done.

Koji Tanaka

I have just read "Without You - The Tragic Story of Badfinger". It was so informative and detailed that I learned lots of new facts about them. I really appreciate your efforts. I enjoyed reading so much. Thank you very much. As you know, there are many Badfinger-devoted fans in Japan. But, we really don't know about them as much as the Beatles, which we really love as well, of course. Now that I have read your book, I found the liner notes of Japanese Badfinger CDs were not quite correct. Needless to say, those trumped-up stories about them in music magazines. This is the state in Japan; We love Badfinger music, but don't know much about them.

Tommy Turic

About 2 months ago I purchased your Badfinger book. With rekindled passion I read it twice. I became a huge fan in the early eighties, having purchased every record they ever released including many collectibles. I thank you for giving the many fans that are out there the opportunity to finally find out the true and real story behind the group. Since the late eighties it seemed as if I could no longer continue collecting as I had just about everything there was I could get my hands on. But since the advent of internet I am amazed at all the information out there about Badfinger and all the related web sites. I recently purchased Best of Vol 2 to hear "Lay me down - Which I did not even know existed. One of the best songs I ever heard. I have not played a song more repetitively since "My Sweet Lord". It would have been a top 10 hit if released in 1974. In my home town of Adelaide a major radio station is starting to play Badfinger songs on a daily basis. I only wish they could play "Lay Me Down".- I think every listener would think it as a 'lost classic' -but could not name the artist. Anyway I am now a regular visitor to the many websites available on Badfinger. My personal view shared by my friends who have enjoyed listening to Badfinger is that Pete Ham was Badfinger. His voice was electrifying and songwriting passionate as no other. The hits they had prove it. My favorite all time song is "Dennis".

Chuck Tourtillot

I ordered your hard cover/CD issue of the book about a year ago. I had wished I had had the means to Email you at the time to tell you how much I enjoyed it and appreciated your hard work. I have waited for a thorough bio on Badfinger for at least 25 years. Any way, by the time I had a computer at home I had lost your address, phone #, etc. So now it is great that I can take advantage of your web site and the additional information you have provided. Its so good to see a strong interests exists in Badfinger- I really used to wonder if I was the only fan! I am interested in obtaining the German imports of the Warners albums- I currently have the Japanese issues. Thanks for the info on how to get them. Again, I really enjoyed the book, and fortunately I have had no problems with the CD.

Peter Radomski

Just thought I'd let you know that both the book and CD arrived on Friday. I've already listened to GG about 4 - 5 times (it's playing in the background as I write this). Better than I expected! Very eclectic - "Richard" is a riot! "Makes Me Feel… " a classic - should've been a single. Cuts 9-12 - excellent montage - Obviously, it's a drag that they're all so short (NOT a complaint) - I realize you can only work with what's left. "Whiskey Man" & "Hurry On Father" - reminds me of Pete Townshend/Who-style British Blues. "I'm So Lonely" - reminds me a bit of Deram era Cat Stevens. All this to stay, Kudos, another excellent testament to Pete's gifted and eclectic songwriting. I sent out the compilation CD with the 1978-79 recording of "Come And Get It" on Tuesday morning. With any luck, you also received it or will be receiving it soon… "Piano Red" - is that Pete on slide? Also, harp/harmonica on "GG" is that Pete or someone else? Just curious… Hope all is well and look forward to hearing from you soon.

C.L. Markus

I echo the sentiment about Pete's demos. They really illustrate what original Badfinger era fans always knew anyway: This was a songwriter and guitarist of the greatest depth and originality. This ultra, ultra-talented individual left a legacy of real genius in the realm of songwriting and as a sensitive, expressive human being. This is all true and remains true despite the tragedy of the Badfinger story as it unfolded. How many musicians write a beautiful song to their mother, apologizing to her for being self-absorbed in ambition and asking for her forgiveness? What a musician and what a caring soul!

Kathy Nielsen

I just got finished listening to 7 Park Ave for the umpteenth time and can tell you it is a real work of art. Pete was a deep, sensitive (almost to a fault) writer .His songs on this collection grow on you remarkably fast and tug at your emotions when you see what a caring soul he really was. There is a haunting line in "Look Inside The Cover" that states "I can't think of anything as fine as the life God gave to me" and sadly enough he was to contradict those words when he took his life. I can say this, No other artist has ever left such an impact on me as Peter William Ham. His music brings you close to him and its there you can feel his true feelings unlike anyone I've ever heard. I highly recommend this disc for your collection it is a true work of art

Nathan Stanislaus

At last, I managed to own 2 copies of the book after a long wait through local order! It was not easy to obtain it, as this part of Asia does not have stocks of the book in any bookshops. I must say, I can't help but reading page after page every night. Your book seems to at least be an 'eye opener' to the workings of the music industry. I am a big fan of 'Badfinger' only recently ,although during my teens I did remember listening to 'No Matter What', 'Baby Blue' and 'Day After Day' playing on the oldies channel of the radio from time to time here. Some folks here don't recognise the band 'Badfinger' probably because they are not as popular as 'The Beatles'. Anyway, I did hear that there will be another book on "Badfinger" as many others were not or declined to be interviewed in your book. Nevertheless, your book will always be a classic and a first step into looking at the history of the band. Thanks for all those great days and nights I had enjoying the book. Once again, my heart goes out to 'Badfinger'.

Gene Etheridge

Thank you for writing "Without You." I am pleased you took the time to write such a detailed account of a wonderful group. Your book answered so many questions for me, but especially the events of December 16, 1982 at PR's in Alton, Illinois. I was a dental student in Alton, Illinois who owned a collectible-used record store in town. My wife and I were ecstatic to hear Badfinger was playing locally but were very surprised that they were playing such a pitiful little bar. We arrived at the venue early to insure good seats and as we were walking in we saw that the members of the group were walking in past the bar as well. I recognized Tom Evans immediately and I was so nervous but I grabbed a cocktail coaster and walked-up to him to get his autograph. I think I said, "I've always loved your music, could I have an autograph?" Tom said, "I'm not signing nothing, are you some kind of lawyer or something?" and it appeared that he wasn't going to sign my little coaster. Mike stepped-up from behind him and said, Aw, he's just a fan." He then relented and signed, "To Jay, thanks a lot, Tom Evans."

That night the group started slowly but quickly gained footing and put on an incredible show for this bar crowd. I had brought in a little portable cassette recorder and made a tape of the show. A promotional black and white picture of the group and the treasured autograph are displayed in my orthodontic office (the entire office is filled with memorabilia and autographs much like a Hard Rock or Planet Hollywood). After reading your account of their being served with papers only a few hours before this gig, I can think back and see the despair in the eyes of these guys as they filed into this little bar in freezing temperatures in the middle of nowhere. Obviously, as a dental student, I remember the very poor condition of Tom's teeth (unfortunately, quite common for the English). Thanks again for your fine book.

… I couldn't put it down. I am a doctor with a busy practice. I don't have a lot of free time and/or energy. But I really couldn't put it down. I think I read it in three days. As a matter of fact I just finished it ten minutes ago. I had to write you and thank you. I was certainly infuriated and enlightened. I am embarrassed to say that I have only been enjoying Badfinger's music for a short time now. I am thirty-five, and missed out on Badfinger being "popular", if you will. I heard songs like, "Day After Day", "Baby Blue", etcetera, but I didn't know squat about the band. I certainly had no idea about their genius. If only things had been different. I have most of their music, barring Ass and the latter two albums. But I will get them, eventually. I live in Terre Haute, Indiana, where many CD's are produced. Columbia House is only two miles from my residence and Sony is next to it. Anyway, I bought The Best of Badfinger to play at my office. Can't play anything too hard, you know. It played for a day or two. I couldn't believe how much their music clicked for me. Wow. I picked up my Rolling Stone Rock and Roll Almanac and read an abbreviated version of their sad history. I was intrigued and saddened. I had to learn more, then found your book. I have ordered their DVD from some place in Toronto. I am very much looking forward to watching it. …This IS one of Rock 'n'Rolls best bands. EVER. How about some respect. Anyway, thank you so much for writing the book. … I am looking forward to turning all of my friend on to Badfinger. I think it would be cool to put your signed copy in my home bar. I enjoy your writing style.

Have you written more on Badfinger or other bands? Also, can I buy the book in hardcover? In closing, I wish you the best of luck. Thank you for your contribution to the history of Badfinger. Thanks for telling their story. Your writing is quite empathic and brilliant. I felt a true connection to these people. Your book is all that I have to go on. I was in elementary school when it all happened. "Without You" people in my generation would never have a chance of knowing.

Andrew Shepard

Just thought that I would drop you a note to tell you that I enjoyed your book. I've only recently become a fan of Badfinger's music and I find the tragedy of the band's story compelling. I admire your objectivity and the thoroughness with which you treated the subject matter.

From the descriptions of Pete Ham's character and just from the sound of his voice on the accompanying phone call recordings, I really think I would liked to have known him. He really seemed like a nice guy, and there is always a shortage of such people in the world. In any case, good job on the research. A good read. - Nice to see something being done simply for the love of it without dollar signs in the sockets.

I must say that I really feel bad for Anne and Petera. I suppose they were left rather destitute when Pete killed himself since most life insurance policies won't pay a benefit in such circumstances. Hopefully, the royalties issue has been resolved so at least Anne and the daughter receives something. Poor girl felt she couldn't even attend the ASCAP ceremony to honor her dad because of the Mollands.

I don't usually become fascinated by such stories but my love of the Beatles music led me to discover and subsequently appreciate Badfinger's. I guess I find it so astonishing that so many terrible things could befall a group of people that clearly had everything going for them. It's tragic on so many levels that it is simply compelling, as I said before. Keep up the good work, Dan

Mark Harris

Now that I have finally finished reading your revised edition of "Without You" it is also time to thank you for all your Badfinger contributions. As I mentioned in our phone conversations, I was thrilled with the original and now the revised edition has added even more. I am especially impressed by your extensive research - particularly your many interviews - which must have been a nightmare to arrange and heart-breaking to perform.

With your book you have completed the story that very few knew - even "hardcore" fans like myself… You book, as I have mentioned in a phone conversation, is better than the vast majority of even Beatles books. Your work compares with that of Mark Lewisohn and Ray Coleman for completeness and readability.

Beyond the book, I am even more thrilled that you have managed to do the impossible - getting more Badfinger material released. I was in heaven when the Apple re-issues came out. I never thought that I would ever hear Pete Ham demos and "Head First", which I had read about. I assumed that they would all be locked away forever or destroyed. Perhaps they would have been without you.

Some of the songs on "Golders Green", "7 Park Avenue,' and the two "Without You" CD's have been new favorites of mine. Certainly the Pete demos are not only beautiful gems but they also dredge up all those "what if…" questions about his life.

You certainly brought Pete back to life as closely as possible by our writing and CD's. I hope his family and friends get some sense of pleasure that some justice has finally been done.

Still, it is interesting to read about the apparent sociopathic words and deeds of Stan Polley, joey, Kathoe, and Bill Collins. It's painful to see how they still pick at the Badfinger carcass and try to wring blood from the bones of Pete and Tom. Very sad indeed. It makes for painful reading and must have been wrenching for you hearing it from first-hand accounts.

A sincere thank-you for all you have done - your hard work on the book, the revelations of the CD's, and taking the time to talk to me on the phone. Thanks again for everything.

Michael Paley

I just wanted to drop you a line and tell you how much I enjoyed your book, Without You. As a long-time admirer of Badfinger it was good to finally see a detailed and balanced account of their history. You really draw the reader into their story, and though certainly depressing at times, it is a lively and pleasurable read, and one very much feels connected to all the people you write about. I'll have to look out for other works of yours.

Mark V.

I have heard the Golders Green tape and wanted to comment on it. First of all, I've only been online for 3 months and am extremely happy with all the activity on the web about Badfinger! Back in 1978 I put out a newsletter called Badfinger Appreciation Society (not to be confused with someone who stole the name a few years later and ripped everybody off, including myself). It was very basic compared to all this. Anyway, Golders Green is of course very good. The only gripe I have is that it is much shorter than 7 Park Avenue. Several songs are less than a minute long and a few last only about 15 seconds! There is the possibility that the tape I heard is not complete. Some highlights are "Keyhole Street" with its Penny Lane feel, the rollicking piano tune "Goodbye John Frost", "I've Waited So Long To Be Free" which would have been great for Pete's first solo album, "Whiskey Man" has a descending chord progression similar to Dylan's "Rainy Day Women". Also, it's great to hear Pete at the electric piano for "Without You (if it's love)"and singing the harmony on "Midnight Caller". The short rocking instrumental "Pete's Walk" just basically kicks ass! I can't wait to hear it on CD. So anyway that's my take on the project. It's great to hear Pete's voice again! By the way, enough bickering! BADFINGER FANS UNITE! There's plenty to be happy about. P.S. - I can't wait to hear Joey's new one!


I have just finished your book titled Without You: The Tragic Story Of Badfinger. I only really discovered Badfinger last year but I do remember hearing their song "Day After Day" many years ago. Someone told me that is was written by Paul McCartney and I believed them. After reading this book I feel that the Badfinger name was not one that you would want to call a band. I also feel that if you want to succeed in show business that you need to suffer in some way or other… I haven't actually seen Badfinger or the Iveys live. I only started to listen to them late 70's but I love to hear stories behind how the songs where written. That is why I bought Without You the book in the first place, as I live in Australia. I am not sure if they ever came to Australia by reading the book I don't remember a reference to them coming to Australia. I have a copy of the greatest hits that is the only CD I have of there's. I really enjoyed there story even though it was a sad one. It was a pity that Pete Ham's life ended how it did.


I was in love with all Badfinger tunes, and all bands in 1960-7x, seeking all great stuff. (I wuz a guitar player, muzic player in all disciplines, loving all players from James P Johnson to Charlie Christian to K. Jarrett all players in all instruments, trying to find the greatest ...)... I wuz the player in my town. Well, everybody liked melody in those days, now it's a bit of a secret ...

A gloomy day, I was a senior in HS, gloomy in all ways. In the in Creem, or New Music Express, or the west coast magazine that you could pick up at the record store for free, I read that Pete had died. Just a brief note about it, at the end of a 'notes' column, I think Pete's name was in bold. I think the issue was July or August. My dad had died July 1. My yard was grey - a grey day when I read it away from my Mom and maybe drinking beers and smoking a jake in the alley. Pete's death was the latest part of a continuum of great stuff that had died in my life just then. I remember well the walk, I walked a couple of miles down alleys, saying hello to dogs I knew, a grey day, a bitter day, stunned at the news.

My good bud, drummer, knew how much I coveted Straight Up, which I found as an import, maybe Dutch release LP. And the W-Bros records, I'm lucky enough to have bought in 1975-6 as cutouts. Well, my friend threw that S-Up in the gutter, taunting me cause I was so careful with it ... anyway it was about ruined.

Wow, I sound so sad, when it's the other thing I want to talk about ...

The thousands of questions about the beauty, and the mystery of these guys, you answered in your bio. Thanks a million ways.

Dan, it seems Pete took the Beatles for their model and that everything would turn out perfectly in time. Managerially, record-labelly, public-relations-ally; and that they would all soon have their own places, their own studios ... things would all work out if they half-tried, like the Beatles all worked out nicely... because they knew, even at the most modest estimate that they had great talent, and because they cared. Everything would work out like it did for Paul and John, that great talent would will out. I think that Pete totally believed such, was patient for such, and that Badfinger would ride the same wave as the Beatles did, kind of effortlessly, by dint of his/their beautiful songs.

There was this west-coast music tabloid you could get at the music store in 1975 (in color!). The issues that were not sold in LA, they shipped to records stores around the U.S. (at least to Dallas) and given out for free, though they were all a month or two old. This mag's notes column was all about the drunken LA adventures of John Lennon, Nilsson, and some whiffle-haired scenester with colored glasses (a-la Elton) named Rodney Bingenheimer. Do you remember this?

The mention of Pete's death was a footnote at the end of one of these columns. Pete's name was in "bold" and one sentence told of his death by suicide. I was sitting in the alley reading this because there was a "tornado warning" in Dallas that hour and it was exciting to be outdoors and look around the clouds for ominous stuff, the winds were swirling and thunder and lighting were flashing. Look that was the place to be if you were 17 years old. Nowadays I cower with a flashlight and radio under the same circumstances.

Yes, things were dark then to me but this was the worst, Pete's death and that it was such it was such a footnote. I dropped everything and walked down alleys etc., talked to the neighborhood dogs.

In those days no one ever saw their favorite bands on TV, and few notes were in the popular media about them. If they had a brief appearance on Midnight Special or Don Kirschner's Rock Concert it might be in a home movie-like concert video or very low rez otherwise. Someone said on the Web that people used to rely on album covers of their favorite bands then to make their choices in clothing and style, and I can add that musicians would make their choice of guitars and amps from the pictures on LPs or descriptions in liner notes, without ever seeing those instruments in person or even in guitar shops.

It's impossible to think into the boys' world then but their optimism is hard to fathom in any respect. Their great tunes must have made the world, in their eyes, a magnificent place, when their situation was so dismal in fact. They did not lose this vision, their pleasure in their music, until they were finally unable to strike a balance between the joy of their great music, and relative success, and the realization of their mistakes. Only the complete downfall of all their worldly hopes could finally get them. If they had a little more experience in the world, a tad more age, everything would have been OK, Pete and the boys would still be with us. They were the lovers who could not take being spurned, and ended it, rather than being philosophical and going on to the next battle, the next girlfriend.

I was on some Website lately, and read an account of a recent J. Molland gig (last year or 2). The writer said that some vermin happened closed to the stage, anyway Joey managed to snatch it, then held it up for the audience, (I can't remember if it was fish or fowl or facsimile) ... and he recounted how this thing reminded him "of a famous Badfinger producer," as the (probably small) audience howled with recognition. Backstage, when pressed, Joey expressed for the writer of this posting, rare venom (for someone who was 30-plus years distant in his past, "Rundgren, he was a complete f---er," I think he said). The Joeys of the world are the lads we're trying to straighten out in the Mideast. They don't want to be reasonable: they want to piss on the reasonable. I don't know why.

I think Steinman said that watching Todd's final mix of an album was "the damndest thing I've ever seen in my life." I can believe it. For S-Up there must have been lots of 2-track machines set up for "slap" echo, Todd was punching in and out channels on the board everywhere to avoid tape noise, a million decisions as to compression/limiting, etc. ... if there was no board helper with extra fingers to do all these things in real time for the mix (likely the case) Todd must have been a maniac. I'm not sure there is a word to describe what he was doing that day, an "athlete" may be the best description. There was no "automation" on boards then. Relative to Todd's mix, the mixing engineers at Abbey Road were like your grandmother by comparison, they went to none of all this trouble. I wish (I'll say this again) I could have been with the lads at their rent castle to hear Todd's masterpiece with them.

P.S.: A one-time buddy of mine told me he saw Badfinger in Cleveland in the early 70s. The most-remembered part of the gig was recounted this way: it was Joey or Tom's job to start the intro of a tune, and they did the wrong intro, or in the wrong key, and Pete went ballistic (in a sad, disgusted way) and stopped the song. My friend said it was only "slightly" off-mike that Pete corrected (and cursed) the offender(s). Anyway the audience must have been tense for my friend to remember this moment. Overall the gig was awesome though, he said. .


I just wanted to say thank you for writing such a beautiful, but tragic, book. I have been a Badfinger fan since I turned 19 (I'm 29 now) and still listen to their albums often. It was really insightful, and touching, to finally get a glimpse as to what inspired Pete Ham and Tom Evans as songwriters (Being a professional songwriter myself it was one of my favorite parts of the book). WITHOUT YOU will be a book I read many times over. It's a MUST READ for every musician. Thank you.


I strongly recommend this book to anyone who ever played in a band, although they never mention the hardware, the story is so tragic, the depths so pathetic, the research so flawless, the Beatle involvement so solidly tangential, that I can't think of a more entertaining way to spend time not spent practicing the guitar. 


… I have two Badfinger CD's but never gave them a fair listen until about 6 months ago (I guess the timing had to be right), I fell in love with them, they were awesome. Now I am on eBay trying to win the harder to find Badfinger CD's. If this really is the author, I wouldn't know where to start to begin thanking you. That was one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me, and because of your helpfulness, I now will own the copy I was so desperately searching for… I just want to thank you for all your help, I wasn't expecting to find the book for a very long time, let alone with help from the author !!! I read the introduction and was already sucked in. I can tell it was very well written and i can't wait to dive right in… Thank you sooo very much for all your kindness and help.

Paul Ottaway

I got my hard cover copy of Without You in January of this year. I've only read it twice so far. It's great... Since I got your book I've also got the Gary Katz video, the live at the beeb CD that you did liner notes for, and the tribute CD, Come And Get It. I've also ordered A Place In Time, but it hasn't arrived yet. I've also discovered quite a few useful sites on the internet with heaps of information I didn't know before... 

Mike Milauskas

Having become very much a Badfinger fan in the last couple of years I was happy to see that "Without You" was being published. I have since ordered and read it. Excellent job. It puts so many of the songs in context. And it is a tragic story... By the way, my partner Alan picked up "7 Park Avenue" last year. We're amassing quite a Badfinger collection at work. We both liked "7 Park Avenue" and thought it was another great effort. Thanks for bringing that into stores.

 I look forward to continued success with "Without You." Best of luck. 

Rob Warren

Wonderful job on "Without You". Your exhaustive research and writing style are very impressive. I read the book in 3 days while working in Chicago, and simply could not put it down. As a music producer and songwriter, I have always been fascinated with the Badfinger saga, sad as it was. Thanks for giving me a chance to learn in detail about the band, both personally and professionally. 

Michael Markus

I just wanted to thank you from the bottom (and top) of my heart for the book you have written and for your role in getting the Pete Ham CD released. I spoke with you on the phone several months ago and you guided me to Book Soup in West Hollywood to purchase the book. I have read it more than once and have been deeply moved by the story of a band which made a life-long impression on me as a musician and as a human being.

 When I listen to Pete's songs from Catherine Cares right through to Ringside, I feel in awe and in the presence of real genius. Whether as a guitarist figuring out the songs or as a person listening to the emotion and feeling in Pete's music, I have gotten tremendous fulfillment in listening to this music. I have also gotten renewed confirmation of Pete's genius as a songwriter and guitarist; a reminder that when I was an original fan of Badfinger's many years ago, seeing them live and telling everyone I knew of their talent, I truly was lucky.

 Thank you for bringing Pete's songs and Badfinger's story to light. I appreciate so much what you have done. 

C.L. Markus

Pete's demos really illustrate what original Badfinger era fans always knew anyway: This was a songwriter and guitarist of the greatest depth and originality. This ultra, ultra-talented individual left a legacy of real genius in the realm of songwriting and as a sensitive, expressive human being. This is all true and remains true despite the tragedy of the Badfinger story as it unfolded. How many musicians write a beautiful song to their mother, apologizing to her for being self-absorbed in ambition and asking for her forgiveness? What a musician and what a caring soul! 

Ron Saunders

Around the time that I bought the book, I found a copy of 7 Park Avenue and played it over and over. The one song that really touched me to my heart and soul was Ringside. The words and melody was so soulful and heart wrenching that it made me really look at everything in a different light. Not only about Pete's anguish but the world in general. I even came up with my own verse to go along with the rest. If I may: PUT YOUR SOUL ON THE MAINLINE. FEEL THEM GIVING YOU THE LOAD. WILL THEY HURT YOU TOMORROW, WITH YOUR SEEDS ALL FINALLY SOWN. TAKE ME BACK TO THE MOTHER. WON'T YOU LEAVE ME ALONE. CAUSE I CAN'T BEAR TO FEEL THE SORROW, OF THE EVIL THAT YOU'VE SHOWN...... This is how much this song really touched me. Thank you for your time and remember, There is no real perfection.

Badfinger has always been in the back of my mind. When I was about 12 years old, I bought the single Come And Get It along with some of the other Apple 45's of the time. When I first heard No Matter What, at first I guess like a lot of people I thought it was a Beatles tune until the D.J. said who it was and I thought, well who is singing the lead then. When I first heard Day After Day, I was floored and just had to have the album. Then Baby Blue came out and then I knew I had to buy the album but I didn't, not yet anyway. I did however buy The Magic Christian soundtrack and then broke down and bought Straight Up. To be honest I thought that Joey Molland was Pete Ham. Then I didn't here from them anymore until I heard Joey's single off the Airwaves album. I went to a library to find out about the band and was totally shocked to read about what happened to Pete. When I seen Tommy's version of the band I was grateful just to be there listening to the old classics but thought to myself how could someone like Pete Ham do something like he did with so much going for him. I started collecting anything that had to do with the band. I joined the Army and kind of fell out of contact with the band.

When I got out of the service, I heard that Badfinger was playing again in my town and went to see them around 1989 and was curious as to where Tommy was, not really expecting to see Joey. After reading the Rolling Stone article "Where Are They Now" I just couldn't believe that it happened again to another band member. I thought over the years about what could ever have gone wrong. Then I got access to the internet and found out about the book and got a copy of it. Well after reading it I guess about 4 times I still can't understand how or why some people would want to hurt their fellow man just for their own gains and how cruel this world can really be. Without You is truly a valuable lesson in the evil that some people do. God bless Peter Ham, from a fan forever,

B. Nielsen

I just got finished listening to 7 Park Avenue for the umpteenth time and can tell you it is a real work of art. Pete was a deep, sensitive (almost to a fault ) writer. His songs on this collection grow on you remarkably fast and tug at your emotions when you see what a caring soul he really was. There is a haunting line in "Look Inside The Cover" that states "I can't think of anything as fine as the life God gave to me" and sadly enough he was to contradict those words when he took his life. I can say this No other artist has ever left such an impact on me as Peter William Ham. His music brings you close to him and its there you can feel his true feelings unlike anyone I've ever heard. I highly recommend this disc for your collection it is a true work of are.

George Brandon

I purchased the first edition of your book (sadly, without the disc due to personal budget crunches) and was amazed at how well done it was. The second edition looks even better (especially with the added studio & tour dates....astounding!!). I read mostly music related books, and I can honestly say that yours is one of the best I've ever read. I rank it up there with the Peter Guralnick works. Very detailed, sympathetic, and easy to read. An excellent job!!

Anyway, thank you again. Here's hoping that Apple will eventually release the rest of Badfinger's stuff. By the way, have you heard the bootleg "Complete Ass" yet? I just recently purchased it. It contains a (supposedly) alternate mix of "Ass" plus lots of demos from the time. The sound is great, especially for this type of production.

Allen Anthony

Nice to hear from you. I'm a huge Badfinger fan myself, so I already have your book! You know, there's not many books that I can read all the way through without getting bored or skipping around here and there, but "Without You" was a solid read... a really tragic, but great book. Really nice job. Also, kudos for your works on 7 Park Avenue and Golders Green. I'm 20 years old, so I wasn't around to see the likes of Ham or Evans, but I am a HUGE music fan, and just from listening to their music, really feel that Pete Ham and Tom Evans were 2 artists that deserve to be held on a platform along with the best of them. I'm glad there's people out there that still carry on the legacy of Badfinger and work to give them the justice and respect they always deserved.

Greg Mouldon

Thank you for your time Dan and great book. After getting your book I went back and re-read your piece in Trouser Press from 1979. That is the best short piece on the band I have ever read. This is my second copy. I marvelled when I read your great book a few years ago about what a logistical feat that must have been to interview so many people. Then to have to put it all in to an entertaining and cohesive presentation. So please accept my congratulations on a superb book!

I've always wished I could ask you....what do you think Badfinger would have sounded like had George Martin produced them? My personal opinion, Dan, is that he would have given their sound a huge boost, just as he did the Beatles. I am realizing what a huge force in he was in the Beatles' success. I just wish he could have truly produced Badfinger. So if he had gotten his hands on say, "Song For A Lost Friend" or "Lonely You" I think those songs could have had been made more striking. In fact the sound of the first Warner album I thought was a compunding problem in its lack of success. I always wondered about that in that Chris Thomas produced both Warner albums, yet to my ears there is such a difference in sound quality. Of course, I think the material was better on "Wish You Were Here" too. I've always wondered too if the band's chart success would have continued had they stayed with the difficult Todd Rundgren. My belief is that it would have. I believe "Ass" would have sound a different and the material presented better.

What an incredible book!. A fan or even a casual fan could not possibly have hoped for more. That is why I bought two copies! I thought you did an outstanding job, Dan, of being very fair and certainly not fawning over the band. Of course, I realize you appreciate their work very much. I thought your appraisal of their body of work was right on the mark.I also thought your concluding remarks about the band having scratched the surface of its ability and having the good fortune to work with the best in the industry at the time were very insightful.

I also would like to say that although some may have felt you dislike Joey, I never got that impression. I thought you were extremely fair and accurate. I think Joey is a charismatic interviewee and a fine musician, unduly influenced by his wife. That is not a criticism, just an observation. I think she helped him in some aspects professionally and hurt him in other ways...but, then again, they were very young.

For now just a couple of my other impressions.... It is a shame Joey and Tom weren't more mature and businesslike when they were recording "Airwaves". I like the album fine but the drugs etc. are remarkable to me given that this was basically (for all they knew) their last chance. I think Pete was just a shade below Lennon and McCartney ability wise (in his brief career), but I think he was as good as George Harrison (a better singer, at least equal guitarist and writer). I think Joey was basically a better musician than Tommy, who peaked out pretty early. That is not to say Tommy was not a contributor, I just think he wasted much of his talent. Some of which, as you lay out in the book, due to depression. Even so, I don't think he was nearly as professional as his friend Pete.

While nobody would replace Pete, I think Tommy and Joey could have had a successful career after Pete had they put forth a herculean effort. Much of the problem is the management as you describe, but I can't help that think the outcome could have been different, at least the second time around. Also if they had another heavyweight writer/singer/guitarist that would have helped. A guy like Peter Haycock of the Climax Blues Band (had he been available and interested) would have elevated the post-Pete Ham band far beyond what it was. Egos probably would have prevented that. Haycock doesn't sound like Pete Ham but I would rate the two about equal, all skills considered.

I always thought the Ian Gomm song "Hold On", the 1979 hit, was a sound that a focused Joey should have strove for. Even sounds vocally like Joey too. I don't think any of Joey's solo material was as good as that song though. But having said that, Joey was clearly the #2 writer in Badfinger, in my opinion. He just writes better when he has to get his material approved by the rest of the band, like most musicians. Even his material in Natural Gas was better than his solo material. I'm glad you discussed the "production" on that album, by the way, Dan.

I would love to have heard a focused Tommy and Joey doing the Sutherland Brothers and Quiver's "I Don't Want To Love You But You Got Me Anyway".

That would have been a killer addition to their live show had they been able to pull it off vocally. Its too bad that the band didn't play to their greatest strength live (their vocals) as often as they should have. A lot of bands can jam as well as Badfinger....but virtually no one could outdo their vocal work (probably even live had they stressed it). But, in fairness, I must say I saw one show each of Tommy's Badfinger (PR's Nites Out in your book-1982) and Joeys Badfinger (Mississippi Nights-1987) where they obviously had put some effort into the vocal aspect. In fact, at the 1987 show, there was a keyboardist/singer named Elliot Jeffery who was just outstanding and really elevated Joey's band's sound. Apparently he was a short-lived member though he can be heard on a bootleg collection with the ballad "Strike While The Iron's Hot".(or similar title).

Finally, Dan, I would like to commend you on what you didn't put in the book. By that I mean this could not have been an easy work to accomplish given some of the personalities involved.. The logistics would be overwhelming to most people too. I know there has to have been material or opinions (your own and otherwise) that you left out, in the interest of fairness. That takes a lot of discipline.

Thank you, Dan, for indulging me. Thank you most for your wonderful book.

Greg Mouldon

Katherine Messick

I have been a fan of Badfinger for many years. I remember hearing them on the radio when I was just a little girl; I guess around 9 or ten years old. I spent many years of my life in and out of hospitals, so I didn’t get the chance then to buy many of their records or see them in concerts,(partly because I was around 9 when Pete passed away, and much too young at the time to attend concerts, but I have always had a love for their music. But I am getting a collection started.

As my life went on through the years, I recall hearing them again on the radio in the early 80's, and as if they had just disappeared, I didn’t hear or see anything until I think it was 1997 or 1998 that I saw the VH-1 Special. I had no idea they had gone through so much! However, here again, for a while after that I never saw them on VH-1 again and didn’t hear much on the radio until June of 2006, on my way to work! I couldn’t believe it! I was so excited! I had heard a lot of them on the radio to and from work almost on a daily basis on some channel or another. So, it prompted my interest yet again to look up as much as I could on the internet (I haven’t had a computer that long by most standards), and that is where I found about this book, since reading and searching the internet I have learned so much! It is wonderful to know there is information out there and a book to learn what happened to my favorite band! Not to mention blogs.

I must say "Without You: The Tragic Story of Badfinger" was the best, funniest, saddest, most frustrating thing I have ever read.

I have read many comments people have made on a few blogs about this book since I read it myself. There is one thing; I have to say, "I don’t understand it at all.

Some people have said that this book was written based on your opinions and from your perspective; well, I am here to say that, I feel that could not be further from the truth. I never once in the entire book got the impression that you were giving your opinions about anyone or attacking anyone.

I think that if people could read deeper into the words written they would realize this book has many authors. It is a compilation of many stories from people that knew them personally, their feelings, experiences—the people that loved them: friends, business associates, and even their own family members. These people were there with them through it all. You just put it all together, and very well, I might add.

I wanted to try to share some of my feelings about the people in the book, and my hope is that it means as much to you, Dan (and everyone that may read this), in a good way, because that is my intention. I really searched my heart and soul for a long time before writing this.

Pete Ham:

I think Pete Ham was a genius. He gave me the impression he was also very shy, so soft-spoken. I felt that he could almost NOT speak sometimes, unless he was singing what he need to say in a tune of some sort. I feel he was a perfectionist in everything he was about…musically and as a person. The music, was from the beginning to the end of his life—his world.

I felt he took the "blame" or "responsibility" of the success and failures of not just the band, but of their families on his shoulders. He gave so much of himself, even if it meant giving up something that was important to him, he would do it. He always wanted to do what was best for the band and everyone else around him. I honestly think that was just "how he was" always looking out for what was best for everyone, never wanting to step on peoples toes.

Maybe it was his upbringing in Wales, where he was from, and all; everyone was so sweet and helpful to others, that he just couldn’t believe there were people in the world that could do something to just benefit themselves. I think that really broke his heart.

I was listening to the tapes; one came right out and hit me in the gut. I actually cried. It was the phone call with Steve Craiter, 10-27-74…When I heard him say the phrase, "If you could do that for me," it struck me like a knife in my heart. I could hear the desperation in his voice. So sweet sounding, but, yet desperate. Then, when he said something about "getting in trouble," It was as if he was a little boy still wanting to believe everything was on the up-and-up. It's very heart wrenching. His speaking voice was like the voice of an angel.

I got the impression that he thought that the music he did wasn’t "good enough." He was the best! He never argued or said a word about anyone, even if he disagreed; he just ‘held it in'.

I wish that he had only stuck it out a few more months and saw his new baby girl. I think that he would’ve had a completely new perspective on life. Petera is so beautiful. He would’ve been so proud of her! She is amazing.

If I could say one thing that would describe Pete Ham, it would be "Best Friend." I imagine all the people that met him, fans, music people, etc. Some got to know him well, some didn’t, but I think that everyone that just "saw" him, were looking into the eyes of their Best Friend and they didn’t even know it!

Tommy Evans:

What an adorable man, funny, and a bit of a prankster! I loved that about him. He had a smile that could light up the darkest room. Tommy could make you want to smile just by seeing his smile.

Before I read the book, I had no idea of the inner depth of this man. He was a musical genius in his own right. Not to mention the heights he could reach with his voice! Incredible! He could belt out a song with so much feeling and so much passion! Like no one else! He really had something rare and special. I hadn’t perceived him as a confrontational person before reading the book. However, he could be a force to be reckoned with!

I feel that he was deep down, an even more complex person than Pete was. I think the reality of the situation caught up with both of them. However, for Tom, I think he was just lost. The loss of his best friend in such a way, I think he held on to that burden of "maybe I could’ve done something," but he just didn’t know what to do.

I think he was very perceptive, very intelligent. He had suspicions from the very beginning, about how things were being done with the management/contracts, people around them, etc, and rightfully so. No B.S., I admire his ability to be cautious. I feel he just went along because he didn’t have any proof of his suspicions and had hoped for the best. He really wanted to make great music...And that was the most important thing to him, and he felt everything would fall into its rightful place.

I don’t think he trusted his instincts, and I think he should’ve acted on them more, but in that type of situation, what else can you do? I think that in hindsight, he did the best he could do at the time. I loved him. He was truly precious.

When I read about Tommy's passing away, along with all the stories of the fun he liked to have, and the jokes he played on people, things like that, I had a thought come to my mind of a story I once heard, maybe you have heard it before, but I wanted to share it with you...

It's about a man walking through a mall, and he comes upon another man that seemed so down and out. He tells him of a clown he saw the day before at a party and 'he thought that was the perfect thing to cheer him up,' because, "all things, can't be that bad."' Then the man that was sad, said to the other man, 'yeah, but there is only one problem, I was that clown.' It's odd that a person with so much talent and personality could be so tormented, but smiling outside.

I didn’t listen to the tape before I read the book, but when I saw the song "Clown Of The Party," I almost fell out of my chair!

Listening to his interviews, I could hear the sadness and desperation in his voice; he had not only lost one of his best friends horribly, but also, lost his friendship with Joey. I just feel that was "the straw that broke the camels back," so-to-speak. It almost tore my heart out.

I am in no way, saying, Joey killed Tommy. However, The Molland's can debate that issue till' the day they pass, but, when I HEAR a man on a CD talking about all the shit Joey is giving him, (why would a man that is undoubtedly suicidal, or having those thoughts at this point lie about anything?) Tommy, is saying he would be better off dead? That is the talk of a man in a deep, depressed state; and, Joey just kept on and on, even knowing he was in such a bad emotional state, fighting over money from a song? Jeez! To me that's a trivial thing to argue about when a band mate is so distraught. What happened to the band mate, support thing here? All I want to know, is why? And, Tommy is at that time, dealing with other things too? No one with a right mind can say, even though it was ultimately Tommy's obviously quick decision to end his life that Joey didn’t at the least, in my opinion, play a part in his death. It is obvious.

He went through so much, and put through so much, that was so unnecessary, it really ticks me off! I know that if he had just held on, he had so much more to give the world through his music. I wish I as a fan could've and wish I still could do something.

My heart truly goes out to his widow Marianne, such a sweet, wonderful woman and his son Steven is so amazing, so strong. They have been through so much; to this day, it's so unnecessary, it makes me so sad.

Mike Gibbins:

I read in the book that he had always been a quiet person, a listener. He was, I am sure, but I got the impression he had a great sense of humor, and very easy going. I loved that about him. Most of the funny things I laughed at in the book were quotes from Mike. He may not have said much, but when he said something, he didn’t mince words at all! He was straight to the point! I laughed at his comments so much I had tears in my eyes. God Bless him.

I must say, I didn’t expect him to say things the way he did. However, I do admire that about him. To me, he was someone you'd want to meet and hang out with. I have to say he was a fantastic drummer and songwriter. I was so surprised to learn of all the people he had played drums for. I was just shocked! It was a very big surprise on one hand, but on the other, the man had so much talent, he could’ve played for anyone and done a fantastic job!

He seemed to me, to want to laugh and have a good time... and hated conflict! In the book, as I was reading, I noticed his facial expressions in pictures and on the internet some of his album covers, which proved to me, he was a really funny person, great to be around. He seemed to want to make great music, and think positive.

His song, "Think About The Good Times," is great. I think that song is something everyone should pay attention to, and follow in life when times are tough. For a man that did not say much, he actually did say a lot.

I learned not too long ago about Mike's passing and I wanted to say how sorry I am. He was a great man.

I saw some pictures on your website and it might seem odd, but I knew his boys when I saw them even though I didn’t know their names, at the time, they definitely have his personality and spirit! Very cool! His widow Ellie is an amazing woman, very beautiful.

Joey Molland:

When I would first see Badfinger "videos," on the net, the one thing that would stick out of my mind is that Joey was always smiling. What a sweet heart too. The cutest thing! If he were one of the seven dwarfs I would’ve called him Smiley; always seeming to have fun, such a cut up! I really like that about him.

Joey is a great songwriter, and guitar player, one of my favorite songs is "Mirror," what a great song. God knows, he went through the same things as the rest of the band. I know all the being taken advantage of was tough for everyone.

However, somehow, something changed in him from what people said in the book, I did get the impression that things changed after he met Kathie, and I am sure I am not the only fan that feels that way.

All of the sudden he wasn’t the fun-loving face I see in photos. He wasn’t smiling as much anymore, quieter in a sense. He almost seemed to become angry. It was as if he himself became lost, but in a different way. He seemed from my point of view, to have shifted his objectives or, became a different person.

I am not saying anything bad about Joey; he has written many great songs with Badfinger. I love his music in Badfinger and since Badfinger, but to be truthful, and believe me, it really hurts me to say this but in my opinion Kathie changed Joey. She really did. I hope he continues to make music that he loves though.

I would like to say a few things about Kathie. After reading the stories from people in the book, of what happened and listening to the CD that came with the book, and reading some of the blogs on the internet, I feel like I have to be honest with myself, my true feelings. It's not meant to insult or to be cruel, it's just how I feel.


Well first let me say, I admire Kathie's total and complete support of her husband. I do. I believe in totally supporting your/our spouses in every way, and making them aware when things don’t seem right, that’s a part of being a good wife, friend etc. She has done that, but after one does that, all anyone can do is leave it at that, and the rest is up to the individual as to what they do with that advice.

Kathie gave me the impression of being very cold-hearted and I had the feeling that she didn’t and doesn’t even treat Joey very kindly at times, I read about their arguing more than once in the book.

Kathie seemed to get involved in the decision aspects the band a bit too much. I think Kathie forgot there were four members of that band--not five! The decisions that needed to be made were for Badfinger to make (Pete, Mike, Tommy, and Joey), not her.

I think that Kathie's behavior at times was deplorable! Her behavior and blasé attitude towards Pete's and Tommy's passing was just uncalled for! To spend that much time with someone, and to have them pass away the way Pete and Tommy did and not say a kind word of sorrow is just flat out cold. I don’t understand why she acted the way she did. I mean, it was as if she was saying, so? Almost like, it was just another day. I just don’t get it.

I read that she went to a part of the funeral where women didn’t attend, due to Welsh tradition.... Now, believe me, I would have wanted to go too, not just because of the person that passed, but in support of my husband. Nevertheless, I think Kathie should have respected the Welsh tradition, if for nothing more, out of respect for Pete's mother, and stayed there and comforted her! When you go to another country, respect their traditions. One might not agree with it, but can still respect it.

Oh, before I forget, Kathie once put on a blog that she got a compliment from a Beatle for having talent. I think it was for shaking a tambourine ...She is right, it is a big deal to get a compliment from a Beatle saying that one is talented, that is awesome; but, if that’s true, why didn’t they offer her a contract to help her? Just a thought.

Anyway, not to mention to this day, she has proven repeatedly her feelings haven’t changed towards her husbands former band mates! Not one kind word, now that amazes me, spending all that time with those people and she can't or won't say a kind word about any of them? I find that very odd indeed as a fan and very disappointing.

It amazes and hurts me that the Molland's can have that much anger inside, but for what? I can understand what they went through as a group that would get anyone down and out and ticked off, but to have negative remarks and feelings towards the other band members and for what??????

I just re-read the book for the second time. I tell you, after reading it and listening to the tapes--I even went over all the "blog" pages I could find, and it is so sickening to me- the ones I have found seem to be pro-Joey and anti everyone else. Not one kind word about his former band mates Not ONE, well of any relevance anyway—, at least not until after Mike died. Joey put on a blog that he and Mike had "made-up," before he died. In my opinion, I doubt very seriously that ever happened. Sorry. If it had, that is something I would think, he would want to celebrate with his fans when it happened not After Mike died...that is weird to me. And, it really in a sense, is up to Joey to represent Badfinger (the memories, music, etc. of all four members), so future, new fans, can say, 'Damn, they were and still are one heck of a GREAT band', and the older fans, like myself can say, 'Joey did the right thing', but he hasn’t. Why? That is a question, which I think that deserves an answer. I have never been to a Joey Molland concert...yet, so, I don’t know what, or if, he mentions them, other than the fact that Tommy wrote this one, and Pete wrote this one, Mike wrote this one, etc. However, I don’t know, when I get the chance, if he ever comes a bit further South, I will go and find out for myself. I think he should acknowledge and honor them more publicly, and I KNOW he has the means to do that, but why he doesn’t, is a mystery. Just getting up on stage and singing theirs and his songs isn’t enough anymore, especially after all that has happened. It is sad really, especially for the families of Pete, Tommy, & Mike. God Bless them!

I would do anything in the world for Pete, Tommy, Mike and their families! I truly love them. And pray I get the chance to meet them one day, in some way or another, that would be a dream come true for me.

Even though, I have never spoken or met of them or their families—I can to this day, be brought to tears just thinking about the loss of those three great, talented, kind-hearted men! And, even though what I just said, I meant, and when Joey goes, or any family member of Badfinger passes, I know I will cry just as hard, and feel just as much loss. That's just me. Even though I don’t agree with what has been said about the families or Mike, Pete or Tommy, and a lot of people seem to be so ready to put the blame on them and not on where it needs to go.

These four men and their families went through so much, more than anything I could've imagined, and still going through it to this day. Moreover, they sure didn’t deserve it. Not any of them. Badfinger is one of the best bands in the world! I wish I could reach out and give each one of them and their families a big hug.

Badfinger was—and is a group of men with a rare talent, and to be compared to The Beatles, what a compliment! Even though they were compared to the Beatles a lot, and it sometimes got to them they were always appreciative and humble. I personally never saw the comparison between the two musically, except maybe in a business sense.

Badfinger was an exceptional group all their own. They gave their all, from their hearts, money was never an issue for them, and they just wanted to make good music that the world could love and appreciate, and be able to support their families.

I recall the last sentence in the book about, "Maybe we had another Fab Four after all," I agree, but I think we also had a rare Four of Hearts!

God Bless Badfinger and their families.